The Energy Centre

The Energy Centre

Soul Integration and Re-Creation


Email: karmahealingangels@

PO Box 607 Ellington, CT 06029 USA

Skype phone eve.anderson3

Eve Anderson (Sophia’s spirit) Copyright 2010



Address: __________________________________________________

|Full Legal Name: | |

|Full Birth Name: | |

|Birth Date: |Month |

|Universal Lives | |

|Earthly Lives | |

|Bodies |Before S.I.R. | |After S.I.R. |

|Emotionally Healed % | |( | |

|Physically Healed % | |( | |

|Mentally Healed % | |( | |

|Spiritually Healed % | |( | |

|Notes: | |

| |

|Beings Or Energy That Need Assistance To The Light | | | |

| |Before S.I.R. | |After S.I.R. |

|Entities (Body) | |( | |

|Entities (Home) | |( | |

|Discarnate (Body) | |( | |

|Discarnate (Home) | |( | |

|Extra Souls | |( | |

|Contract/Agreement /Program: | |

| |

|Walk-ins / Transfer Students (souls that inhabit the | | | |

|body that either hinder or assist) | |( | |

|Contract/Agreement /Program: | |

| |

|Energy Sent Out That Either Hinders Or Assists | | | |

|Spells (Love) | |( | |

|Spells, Hexes, Vexes, Curses | |( | |

|Contract/Agreement /Program: | |

| |

|Control Forces or Devices | | | |

|(used for mind control, tracking and energy draining – intentionally or| | | |

|non-intentionally) |Before S.I.R. | |After S.I.R. |

|Microchips (activated & inactive) | |( | |

|Implants | |( | |

|Psychic / Etheric Cords (severed by High Self, Archangel Michael and | | | |

|Band of Mercy) | |( | |

|Silicon Net | |( | |

|Other Devices: ______________________ | |( | |

|AURA CLEARING |Before S.I.R. | |After S.I.R. |

|Negative Elementals | |( | |

|Astral Entities /implants | |( | |

|Parasites | |( | |

|Core of Fear | |( | |

|Imprint Removal | |( | |

|Physical Illness | |( | |

|Etheric Mucus or Damage | |( |All healed here |

|Gray Fields | |( | |

|Irritations, Spots, Leaks in the Aura | |( | |

|Negative Thoughts and Emotions | |( | |

|All Negative Ego Programming | |( | |

|Soul /Spirit Fragments | |( | |

|Environment |Before S.I.R. | |After S.I.R. |

|Geo-Pathic Energy | |( | |

|Portal Holes | |( | |

|ELF Interference | |( | |

|Heartbeat of the Earth (7.8 is normal) | |

|Personal Feng Shui Type | |

|Home Feng Shui Type | |

Mates (all those present in your living environment)

|Birth Name |Date Of Birth |Race / Being Type |Clearing Notes |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Pet’s Name |Date Of Birth (If Known) |Type of Pet |Clearing Notes |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


|Spiritual Realm |Before S.I.R. | |After S.I.R. |

|Level of Heaven Spirit Resides | |( | |

|Dimensions (your creative forces and can go via astral travel to learn,| | | |

|grow, heal and guide the soul) | | | |

|Soul Purpose / Mission (Level of Service to the Universe in Accordance to Infinite Love, Wisdom, and Power in Which You Bring to |

|Earth/Humanity) |

|Soul Consciousness Level At Birth: | |

|Soul Consciousness Level Before Session: | |

|Soul Consciousness Level After Session: | |

|Filled With Light (# of Times) – If Applicable | |

|Filled with Holy Spirit – If Applicable: | |

|Notes: |Instant manifestation was done shingles 4-5 days will clear |

| |

| |Before S.I.R. | |After S.I.R. |

|Angels Status – If Applicable: | |( | |

|Percent of Angel on Earth | |( | |

|IQ, EQ, SQ : | |( | |

|Spiritual Associations | | | |

|(Universal Guidance for Mental, Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Bodies) |Before S.I.R. | | |

| | | |After S.I.R. |

|High Self Council and Members | | | |

|(Mentors and Guides of Akashic Records) | |( | |

|Beings of Light in Aura | | | |

|(Emotional protectors and guides that surround you, i.e Angels) | |( | |

|Personal Masters | | | |

|(Spiritual Protectors and Guides That Help Keep One Focused on Truth) | |( | |

|Personal Healers | (Sophia) |

|(Masters of Holistic Health that can help one heal on multi-levels using | |

|the physical body) | |


Additional Recommendations

|Psychic Protection: | Yes | No |Prays affirmations |

|Meditation: | Yes | No | |

|Colors: | |

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|Nutrition: | |

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Body Composition

| |Before S.I.R. | |After S.I.R. |

|DNA Strands Activated | |( | |

|Genes in the Genome (Average 30,000) | |( | |

|Total Cells in the Body (Average 60 trillion) | |

|Total Water in the Body (Average 70%) | |

| |% Functioning Amount |Status |Spiritual Healing |Diet |Programs |

|Amino Acids | | | | | |

|Proteins (in cells) | | | | | |

|Lipids | | | | | |

|(Unhealthy Fats) | | | | | |

|Good Cholesterol | | | | | |

|Bad Cholesterol | | | | | |

|Blood Pressure | | | | | |

|(Normal 120/80) | | | | | |

| |

|Cell Salts – Help Store Water |

|Fluoride of Lime | | | | | |

|(Calc. Fluor.) | | | | | |

|Chloride of Potash | | | | | |

|(Kali. Mur.) | | | | | |

|Sulphate of Potash | | | | | |

|(Kali Sulph.) | | | | | |

|Potassium Phosphate | | | | | |

|(Kali. Phos.) | | | | | |

|Phosphate of Iron | | | | | |

|(Ferr. Phos.) | | | | | |

|Phosphate of Magnesia (Mag. Phos.) | | | | | |

|Phosphate of Soda | | | | | |

|(Nat. Phos.) | | | | | |

|Chloride of Salt | | | | | |

|(Nat. Mur.) | | | | | |

|Sulphate of Soda | | | | | |

|(Nat. Sulph.) | | | | | |

|Silica Acid | | | | | |

|(Silicea) | | | | | |

|Phosphate of Lime | | | | | |

|(Calc. Phos.) | | | | | |

|Sulphate of Lime | | | | | |

|(Calc. Sulph) | | | | | |



| |Before S.I.R. | |After S.I.R. |

|Aura Size | |( | |

|Blood Energy Rotation (Most Healthy Clockwise) | |

| |% Functioning Amount |Status |Spiritual Healing |Diet |Programs |

|Internal Chi | | | | | |

|Yang Energy | | | | | |

|Yin Energy | | | | | |

|CHAKRAS |Before S.I.R. | |After S.I.R. |

|Total HZ of Chakras | |( | |

| |% Functioning Amount |Status |Astrological Influence |Emotional Influence |Physical Influence |

|CHAKRAS | | | | | |

|Crown | | |Mercury |Mind |Pineal |

|Third Eye | | |Jupiter |Strength |Pituitary |

|Throat | | |Uranus |Psyche |Thyroid |

|Heart | | |Venus |Heart |Thymus |

|Solar Plexus | | |Mars |Anger |Adrenal |

|Sacral | | |Neptune |Mysticism |Lyden |

|Root | | |Saturn |Woes |Gonads |

|Chakra Filters | |cleaned | | | |

|(cleaned and cleared) | | | | | |


|MERIDIANS |# |Blocked ? |Status |Spiritual Healing |Diet |Programs |

|(Listed From Most Blocked to Least Blocked) | | | | | | |

|Bladder | | Yes No | | | | |

| Blood Circulation / Sex | | Yes No | | | | |

|Large Intestines | | Yes No | | | | |

|Lungs | | Yes No | | | | |

|Pericardium | | Yes No | | | | |

|Heart | | Yes No | | | | |

|Liver | | Yes No | | | | |

|Small Intestines | | Yes No | | | | |

|Kidneys | | Yes No | | | | |

|Spleen | | Yes No | | | | |

|Governing Vessel | | Yes No | | | | |

|Gallbladder | | Yes No | | | | |

|Stomach | | Yes No | | | | |

|Conception Vessel | | Yes No | | | | |

|Circulatory Vessel | | Yes No | | | | |

|Heart Protector | | Yes No | | | | |


|Brain Waves At Time of Report | |

|Alpha 7 – 13 Beta 14 – 40 | |

|Theta 1+ Delta 1+ | |

| |% Functioning Amount |Status |Spiritual Healing |Diet |Programs |

|Central Sulcus | | | | | |

|Frontal Lobe | | | | | |

|Hypothalamus | | | | | |

|Thalamus | | | | | |

|Frontal Sinus | | | | | |

|Sphenoid Sinus | | | | | |

|Falx Cerepri | | | | | |

|Lateral Ventricle | | | | | |

|Superior Sagital Sinus | | | | | |

|Pons | | | | | |

|Cerebellum | | | | | |

|Tympatic Cavity | | | | | |

| | |% Amount |Status |Spiritual Healing |Diet |Programs |

|Psychosis |Yes / No | | | | | |

|Anxiety | Yes | No | | | | | |

|Neurosis | Yes | No | | | | | |

|Depression | Yes | No | | | | | |

|ADD / ADHD | Yes | No | | | | | |



|BRAIN |Before S.I.R. | |After S.I.R. |

|Total Brain Usage | |( | |

|Brain Mass Missing - (growth by God) | |


MAJOR FUNCTIONS / ORGANS % needs healing

|Endocrine System - Stabilizes Metabolic Energy and Activity and Controls Long Term Changes in Organ Systems, Also Structural and Functional Changes in Body During |

|Development |

| |% Functioning Amount |Status |Spiritual Healing |Diet |Programs |

|Pancreas | | | | | |

|Adrenal Gland | | | | | |

|(Fight or Flight) | | | | | |

|Pituitary Gland | | | | | |

|(Hormones) | | | | | |

|Pineal Gland | | | | | |

|(Responds to Light and Produces Melatonin | | | | | |

|and Serotonin) | | | | | |

|Thyroid Gland | | | | | |

|(Metabolism) | | | | | |

|Gonads | | | | | |

|(Female and Male Reproductive Systems) | | | | | |

| |

|Digestive System - Processes and Digests Food |

|Small Intestine | | | | | |

|Large Intestine | | | | | |

|Liver | | | | | |

|Gallbladder | | | | | |

|Pancreas | | | | | |

|Digestive Enzymes | | | | | |

|Harmful Bacteria | | | | | |

|Beneficial Bacteria | | | | | |

|Bile | | | | | |

|Rectum | | | | | |

| |

|Respiratory System – Delivers Air and Produces Sound |

|Lungs | | | | | |

|Trachea | | | | | |

|Larynx | | | | | |

|Alveoli | | | | | |

| |

|Nervous System - Processes Sensory Information and Balances Activities of Organs |

| |% Functioning Amount |Status |Spiritual Healing |Diet |Programs |

|Brain | | | | | |

|Spinal Cord | | | | | |

|Peripheral Nerves | | | | | |

|Sense Organs | | | | | |

| |

|Cardiovascular System – Distributes Blood Cells, Oxygen, Water, Nutrients, Wastes and Other Dissolved Materials |

|Heart | | | | | |

|White Blood Cells | | | | | |

|T-Cells | | | | | |

| |

|Muscular System – Provides Movement, Protection and Supports the Tissues, Also Regulates Heat and Body Temperature |

|Skeletal Muscles | | | | | |

|Tendons | | | | | |

|Joints | | | | | |

| |

|Lymphatic System – Defends Against Infection and Disease |

|Spleen | | | | | |

|Thymus | | | | | |

|(T-Cells and Immunity) | | | | | |

|Lymphatic Vessels | | | | | |

|Lymph Nodes | | | | | |

| |

|Integumentary System - Protects Against The Environment and Provides Sensory Stimulation, as Well as Regulates Body Temperature |

| |% Functioning Amount |Status |Spiritual Healing |Diet |Programs |

|Skin | | | | | |

|Hair | | | | | |

|Sweat Glands | | | | | |

|Nails | | | | | |

| |

|Female System |

|Vagina | | | | | |

|Clitoris | | | | | |

|Labia | | | | | |

|Ovaries | | | | | |

|Uterus | | | | | |

|Sex Cells | | | | | |

|Breast | | | | | |

|Mammary Glands | | | | | |

| |

|Male System |

|Testes | | | | | |

|Epididymis | | | | | |

|Ductus | | | | | |

|Seminal Vesicles | | | | | |

|Scrotum | | | | | |

|Prostate | | | | | |

|Penis | | | | | |

| |

|Urinary System |

| |% Functioning Amount |Status |Spiritual Healing |Diet |Programs |

|Kidneys | | | | | |

|Ureters | | | | | |

|Bladder | | | | | |

|Urethra | | | | | |


Additional Comments / Notes

|All of the blank areas were fine |

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|All % areas needed that much healing and it was done and healed |

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|Organs can take 2-6 days to heal 100% |

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|Attitudes, Personality and Feelings |CORE BEING |MIND |HEART |SPIRIT |HIGH SELF |

|Frustration | | | | | |

|Cowardice | | | | | |

|Independency | | | | | |

|Giving | | | | | |

|Honesty | | | | | |

|Trustworthy | | | | | |

|Loyal | | | | | |

|Pride | | | | | |

|Spiritual Pride | | | | | |

|False Pride | | | | | |

|Self Righteousness | | | | | |

|Courageous | | | | | |

|Dependable | | | | | |

|Eager | | | | | |

|Envy | | | | | |

|Happy | | | | | |

|Unconditional Love | | | | | |

|Fear | | | | | |

|Resentment | | | | | |

|Anger | | | | | |

|Appreciation | | | | | |

|Gratitude | | | | | |

|Praise | | | | | |

|Hate | | | | | |


Emotional Healing by Archangel Ariel

|Release |Imprint |Needs To Be Done |Status |

| | | | | |

|Guilt |Innocence |Yes |No | |

| | | | | |

|Distrust |Trust |Yes |No | |

| | | | | |

|Shame |Good Pride |Yes |No | |

| | | | | |

|Threat |Support |Yes |No | |

| | | | | |

|Should |Freedom |Yes |No | |

| | | | | |

|Heartache / Betrayal |Love |Yes |No | |

| | | | | |

|Resentment |Forgiveness |Yes |No | |

| | | | | |

|Anger |Joy |Yes |No | |

| | | | | |

|Fear |Safety |Yes |No | |


|Emotion |% Amount |% Healed |Notes |

| | | | |

|Anger | | | |

| | | | |

|Resentment | | | |

| | | | |

|Grief / Sorrow | | | |

| | | | |

|Sadness | | | |

| | | | |

|Emotional Pain | | | |

| | | | |

|Fear | | | |

| | | | |

|Ego | | | |

| | | | |

|False Pride | | | |

| | | | |

|Self - Righteousness | | | |


Deep Cellular Emotional Healing



Major Tests on the Spiritual Path

| | |

|Major Test on Spiritual Path |Check If Yes |

| | |

|False Pride | |

| | |

|Fear | |

| | |

|Anger | |

| | |

|Desire | |

| | |

|Sexuality | |

| | |

|Attachment | |

| | |

|Fame | |

| | |

|Money | |

| | |

|Power | |

| | |

|Duality | |

| | |

|Greed | |

| | |

|Vanity | |

| | |

|Egotism | |

| | |

|Judgment | |

| | |

|Selfishness | |

|Notes: removed |

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“Do not believe anything because it is said by an authority, or if it is said to come from Angels or from gods, or from an inspired source. Believe it only if you have explored it in your own heart and mind and body and found it to be true.”

- Guatama Buddha



Soul Re-Creation


|Karmic Program |Clearing |

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|Present Concerns / Issues |Karmic Program |Clearing |

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Additional Comments / Notes

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Additional Healing

DNA needing repair ____

Genes needing replacing ____

Birth age _____

Biological age _____

Feet aura is in the ground _____

Kundalini energy open or closed I opened it after the session

Emotional Brain:

Thalamus % _____

Hypothalamus % _____

Hippocampus% _____

Amygdala % _____

Putamen% ______

Verbal areas of the brain:

Motor cortex% ____

Broca’s area% ____

Wernicke’s area % ____

Angular Gynes% ____

Primary visual cortex% ____

Think like a man % ____

Think like a women % ____

Left hemisphere of the brain% ____

Right Hemisphere of the brain % ____

% of Dopamine in the brain % ____

How do you deal with stress?

Phlegmatic – slow/relaxed % _____

Melancholic – quiet/gloomy % ____

Choleric – impulsive/ excitable% ____

Sanguine-lovely/ carefree% ____

What Dsosha are you?

Vatta % ___

Pitta % ___

Kapha % ___

What elements am I?

Wood % ___

Fire % ___

Water %___

Metal % ___

Earth % ____

Dragon % of yin energy _____

Tiger % of Yang energy _____

What human species are you?

Caucasian ____

Black/African ____

Oceanic ____

Mongolian ____

Mix ____

Asian ____

What type of being are you?

100% human matrix ___

100% Human Indigo ___

100% good alien ____

100% evil alien ____

100% mix/hybrid ____

What were you in past universal life times? ( lifetimes # )

Animal ____

Human ____

Good alien ___

Bad alien ___

Evil being ____

Did you know Jesus in a past life? ____

Are you a blood heir of Christ? ____ ____

Am I sinning in God’s eyes?

Mind ____

Heart ____

Higher self-member’s ____

My Spirit ____

My numerology number is ___

My Ennegram is ____


Filled with Holy Spirit ___

Filled with Light ____

The death and aging gene turned off ____

Gateways needing to be opened 1-16 _________________

Markers needing applied 17-21 ______________

Unconditional agape love:

% for God Yahweh _____

% for Jesus _____

% for Mary Magdalene ______

% for yourself ____

What body type are you?

Endomorph% ___

Mesomorph % ____

Ectomorph% ____

How do you learn? YOU are balanced in all of them!!

Linguistic ____

Spatial ____

Musical ____

Logic- math ____

Body – Kinesthetic ____

Interpersonal ___

Intrapersonal ____

What religious type are you?

Traditional ____

Materialist ____

Alternative ____

Hindu ___

Buddhist ___

Judaism ___

Tao ___

Shinto ___

Sikhism ___

Islam ___

What worship type are you?

Yogi ___

Ascetic ___

Dervish ___

Devotee ___

Prayful ___

Lover ___

Philosopher/sage ____

Realist/ thinker ____

Spirit/whole/truth ____

Extrovert% ____

Introvert% ____

Business types corporate personality:

Maker ____

Survivor ___

Team player ____

Player of games _____

What are you at work?

Director ____

Counselor _____

Reviewer _____

Dominator ______

Disorders found:

1st Disorder:

Food therapy ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Vitamin, Mineral and glandular


Herbal therapy


Bodywork therapy


2 rd Disorder:


Food therapy


Vitamin, mineral and glandular


Herbal therapy


Bodywork therapy


3 rd Disorder:


Food therapy


Vitamin, mineral and glandular


Herbal therapy


Bodywork therapy


4 th Disorder:


Food therapy


Vitamin, mineral and glandular


Herbal therapy


Body work therapy


5TH Disorder


Food therapy


Vitamin, mineral and glandular


Herbal therapy


Body work therapy


Organic brain, mental and emotional disorders

ADD or ADHD _____

Depression ____

Anxiety _____

Neurosis ____

Personality disorders _____

Eating disorder _____

Bipolar Disorder ______

Autism ___ ____

Schizophrenia ______

Panic attacks ______

Compulsive Disorder __ ____

Other: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Body systems and cells

Acid level ______

PH Level ______

Oxygen ______

Fat % ______

Red blood cells ______

White blood cells ______

T-cells ______

NK cells _____

Protein _____

Water in body ______

Total cells in body __ ___

Cloned cells ______

Defective genes ______

Damaged DNA _____

Atom rotation _______

Blood energy rotation ___ ___

DNA alphabet reorganized ______

External energy reorganized ______

Internal energy reorganized ______

Spinal adjustment _______

Cranial sacral work done _______

Joint adjustments ______

Polarity Treatments

Five Chinese Elements

Air _____

Fire _____

Ether _____

Earth _____

Water ______

Ahamkara ______

Self-conscious and ego

Cit _____

Universal consciousness % of all available

Hara Center _____

Fire center near navel

Juanendriya _____

Five organs of senses

Eyes _____

Hearing _____

Touch _____

Taste _____

Smell _____

Blocked diaphragm _________

Ultra core spine ______

Centripetal field _____

Joint to joint centripetal sensory currents ______

Realms, consciousness, energy and dimension levels

God consciousness _____

Christ consciousness ____

Human consciousness _____

Animal consciousness ______

Chi ______

Bovis energy __ ____

Holy Spirit __ ____

Filled with light ___ ____

Kundalini energy open ______ closed _______

Your spirit status of learning after session ___________________________

7 levels of consciousness ________

7 layers of aura ______

Repair aura _____

Balance aura ______

Female energy left side of body _______

Male energy right side of body _______

Heavens the spirit travels to after session ___ ___________

God Yahweh knowledge % you know _________

Universal knowledge % you know ____________

Emotional intelligence EQ _____

Spiritual intelligence SQ _____

Intellect Intelligence IQ _____

Dimensions after session _______________________

Bad genes that need turning off

Heart genes

H-1.G ________

H-2.G ________


D-1.G _______

D-2.G _______

D-3.G _______

D-4.G _______

D-5.G _______


Lu-1.G _______


N-1.G _______

N-2.G _______

N-3.G _______

N-4.G _______


S-1.G ________

S-2.G ________

S-3.G ________


E-1.G ________

E-2.G ________

E-3.G ________

E-4.G ________

E-5.G ________

E-6.G ________

Toxins in the body, organs and brain

Virus’s _______

Bad bacteria __________

Metals _________

Chemtrails ________

Fungus ________

Parasites _______

Micro organism’s _________

Worms’ ________

Types of Bacteria and viral states

Borrelia burgdorferi – Lyme _______

E. Coli ______

West Nile virus ______

HIV – Aids attacks T-cells ______

Cholera ______

Ebolahemorrhagic fever ______

Hepatitis C _____

Hepatitis B _______

Actinobacteria ______

Aquficae _____

Chlamydiae _____

Bacteroidetes/Chlorobi _______

Chloraflexi _____

Chrysiogenetes ______

Cyanobacteria ______

Deferribacteres ______

Deinococcus Thermus _______

Dictyoglomi _______

Fibrobacteres/Acidobacteria ________

Firmicutes ______

Fusobacteria ______

Gemmatimonadetes _______

Lentisphaerae ________

Nitrospirae ________

Planctomycetes ______

Proteobacteria _____

Spirochaetes _______

Thermodesulfobacteria ________

Thermotogae ______

Verrucomicrobia _______

Staph _______

Oscillatoria ______

Clostridiam _______

Rhodospirillum ______

Escherichia Coli _______

Avaian Flu LPAl (H7N7, H9N2, H7N2) ________

Polio virus _____

T-4 bacteriophage virus ______

Flu virus type A, B, C ________

Variola – small pox _______

Human papillomavirus ___

Mad cow _______

Rotavirus _______

Retrovirus _______

Hemophilia virus _______

Sex Chromosomes amounts Y amounts X

RNA ______ sick needing healing _________

Ribosomes ______

Nucleus _______

Blastocyst ________


|Your Next Session Is Due On: | |

Please be sure to recite the entity prayers each day to stay cleared!



You must say the prayers daily that I give to you to keep clear. LOVE AND BLESSINGS EVA


Prayers for Infinite Love, Wisdom, Power and Universal Peace

|As I receive the loving and healing energy, I release all anger and pain from every |I accept good graciously into my life. All of my needs are met abundantly for |

|cell in my body. With each deep breath I inhale, I feel my mind, my heart and my |me now and always. |

|entire body being filled with love.  Each breath I consciously exhale, I feel | |

|blocked negative energy being released and dissolved.  | |

|I now forgive myself and forgive all others who have hurt me.  Every time I feel | |

|negative emotions rising within me, I hold still and observe them as I allow myself | |

|to cry. I tell myself: I AM releasing all these emotions with my tears. I now feel | |

|the love that is mine, was mine and forever will be mine.” | |

| |Everything is in Divine and perfect order right now. |

| |Empty your wallet and say the day before, of and the day after to the full |

| |moon. |

| |“I welcome all of the abundance and prosperity of the universe”. |

|Entity release prayer |Organism |

| The Father and I are one. I am one with the presence, power, and consciousness of |  |

|God. God is light and I am filled with radiant white light vibrating at thousands of|From the divine Love within my being |

|cycles per second. This light dissolves all darkness, error, and limitation. It |I call forth all energies |

|fills every fiber and cell of my body. It flows out to surround me in a cocoon of |Which create bridges or open doorways |

|light vibrating at thousands of cycles per second. It forms a shield around me and |Allowing organisms, entities or energies |

|only the highest vibrations may now enter. |In any form |

| I ask my guides to lend their energy and assistance. I call on the Angels of light |To enter my energy field |

|to assist and to stand by to receive these discarnate souls. I ask for the guidance |And feed on the light of my soul |

|and protection of the Holy Spirit, and the presence of Universal consciousness, I |On any level of consciousness, past, present, and future |

|say to all these entities: “This is not your home. Your home is the realm of light. |I transmute these energies into the divine expression of creative love and |

|You do not have to be bound by or to the earth’s energies. You may move on into the |return them to their creative source |

|realm of light. There is no criticism, judgment, condemnation, or punishment. There |To be used only as a positive, productive, energy |

|is only the freedom to be and to experience more then you ever experienced before- |I safely return these organisms, entities or energies |

|the fulfillment of every desire. Turn and look around you now. You will see light. |To a place in creation which is appropriate for them |

|Move toward that light and as you do so there will be Angels of light, friends and |But will no longer interfere with life forms within the universe of earth |

|loved ones to take your hand and lead you on into the light. Go now into your right | |

|and perfect place. You are free; we love you, bless you, and release you into the |I call forth all residues within my being |

|light. Thank you guides, thank you Angels of light, thank you Holy Spirit. Thank |Related to these organisms, entities, and energies |

|you, Universal Consciousness. Amen!” So be it! |Which are present in my energy field |

| |On any level of consciousness past, present, and future, as far as the energies|

| |extend |

| |I transmute them in perfect sequential order |

| |Into the divine essence of creative love |

| |I command all tissues in my body and aspects of my being to be restored to |

| |their divine perfection |

| |I call forth my mind, body, and soul |

| |To integrate to divine perfection |

| |I place this proclamation into perpetual motion |

| |On all levels of my being in peace, joy and harmony and so it is. |

|[pic] |Entity prevention prayer |

| |  |

| |“I release the need and I release all belief, perception, judgment, desire to |

| |believe that I have ever been bothered by aliens, entities or spells, by God |

| |and those I love and that I ever will have entities, spells, or alien |

| |involvement again.” |

| |“I now completely accept and believe, and instruct my subconscious to accept |

| |and believe on every level of my being that God, and those I love, love and |

| |support me on every step of my life’s journey.” |



Guidelines For Your Safety And Care Following Your S.I.R. Healing Session

Positive Effects Immediately Experienced With Soul Integration and Recreation:

← A release and clearing of heavy negative energy attachments is replaced with feelings of peacefulness, lightness, being centered, balanced and loved.

← Mentally, you feel more grounded, aware and your abilities to solve problems increase due to a greater understanding and instant insights appear.

← Your intuitive nature increases allowing your psychic gifts to reveal more, as well as more trust and faith in your abilities to connect with GOD, your High Self, Angels and Spirit Guides.

← As the ego releases, attitude and negative emotions dissolve and you are able to uplift them with love.

← Physically you are able to heal more rapidly and your immune system boosts from a decrease in stress.

← Your divine purpose becomes clearer and therefore you develop healthy relationships and career choices.

← You are able to truly serve yourself and others by expressing more infinite love, wisdom and power from within.

There are many positive effects that you will personally experience after your S.I.R. session. Nonetheless, when an imperfect body detoxifies and experiences deep healing on all levels, such as S.I.R., feelings of discomfort may arise and will vary depending on the individual.

The following are symptoms you may experience during your healing journey:

DNA requires heat to activate so you may feel feverish or develop hot flashes for several hours or days.

Sometimes during organ growth, space needs to be made so small pains such as stretching of the muscles may develop.

Additional healing may be necessary for these physical pains. Also, emotional healing involves releasing buried feelings and emotions. However, everything is being perfectly healed by Pure Love and Energy that is manifested through S.I.R. and is the reason why I like to hear from you (if long distance) so that you can let me know of your progress. I have had 100% positive feedback from my clients.



General Psychic Protection Regiments

Say the Prayers for Infinite Love, Wisdom, Power and Universal Peace alone or in conjunction with your own personal prayers. These will release negative energies to the right and perfect place that we can accumulate in a daily basis.

I recommend reciting the prayers at least twice a day or as needed.

Here is a general list of practices for clearing and healing that I recommend to do on a regular basis:

( DRINK PLENTY OF WATER for body detoxification and cleansing.

( Burn Incense of frankincense and myrrh throughout entire living space to clear negative energies.

( Pyrite stones help me stay grounded and protected when I sleep. I put one stone at each corner of my bed underneath my mattress. It also helps me to carry a pyrite, hematite or some other type of black stone in my pocket throughout the day.

I balance my charkas twice a week with special stones in my Chakra tune up kit.

( I use the powerful mantra Yahweh in prayer and meditation.

( The first Reiki symbol is nice to visualize in color, draw and speak.

(( I check every once in awhile to make sure my aura is sealed from my head to my toes.

I avoid negative emotions and outbursts of anger or fear and pray to God, High Self, Angels,

Christ consciousness and Spirit Guides for additional help.

( I avoid bars, horror films, mind-altering drugs, alcohol or anything else that can become

Addictive and that attracts negative or dark energies.

( I visualize that white light energy envelopes me like a cocoon.


“We are ONE with the Universe, once we acknowledge and accept this,

then we can start reaching human perfection and heavenly potential.”

- Eve Anderson




The Remote Healing Institute by E. M. Anderson (Sophia’s spirit) has exclusive rights to use the name: “Soul Integration and Re-Creation” and full rights and use of the previous healing form to be used only in conjunction with Soul Integration and Re-Creation healing.

 Copyright 2010


All medical conditions and results could be followed by traditional medical tests and the client’s free choice of healing methods. The previous reference is to be used for educational information. It is not a claim for mitigation of disease, but rather an adjunctive approach, supplying individual health needs that otherwise might be lacking in today’s lifestyle.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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