Automated Engineering Technology


Welding Technology

Advisory Committee Meeting

Agenda Spring 2018

MEETING DATE: Monday April 9, 2018

MEETING TIME: 6:00 p.m.

MEETING PLACE: Kishwaukee College, Room A-1411


1. Call to order and introductions

2. Approval of consent agenda

a. Spring 18 WT enrollment report

b. Minutes from last meeting

3. Discussion of industry trends and potential training needs -

Questions for employers:

a. What are your current or projected employment needs of your organization for welding and fabrication over the next 2-3 years?

b. Are the majority of your new entry-level positions filled by individuals with previous training or candidates you are training in-house?

c. Does the Kishwaukee College Welding technology program provide the level of training that you require of new employees? Too much or too little?

d. If there is an employer demand for welding and fabrication training, what are your recommendations for getting more students into this training pipeline?

e. To what extent are you willing to help support the efforts necessary to grow enrollments and support the program?

4. New Curriculum / Certificate program and AAS Degree status

5. Next meeting date

6. Administration discussion

7. Adjournment

Please let Brianna know if you will be attending. Her telephone number is (815) 825-9380 and her email is


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