Transmission & Distribution Business Unit

Manitoba Hydro Executive

President & CEO - Accountable to the Chairman and Board of Directors at Manitoba Hydro, the President and Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the overall leadership, planning, direction, operation and management of all business units in association with the implementation of the strategic goals and objectives at Manitoba Hydro.

VP Power Supply - Reporting to the President and Chief Executive Officer, the Vice President, Power Supply, is responsible for the overall management, leadership and direction of the business unit to ensure Manitoba Hydro continues to be the best power supplier in North America.

VP T&D - Reporting to the President and Chief Executive Officer, the Vice President, Transmission and Distribution is responsible for the overall management, leadership and direction of the business unit to ensure Manitoba Hydro continues to improve the reliability and cost effectiveness of the Transmission and Distribution services.

Transmission & Distribution Business Unit

Transmission System Operations Division

Division Manager Transmission System Operations

Reporting to the Vice President, Transmission and Distribution, the Division Manager, Transmission Planning, will contribute to the development and implementation of the Corporate Strategic Plan and to the development and implementation of Transmission & Distribution’s Strategic Plan, including providing leadership and direction with respect to improving one or more of the business unit’s key processes.

System Control Department

Department Manager 10002464

The System Control Department Manager is directly responsible to the Division manager for the general administration, supervision and coordination and general performance of the System Control Centre crews that operate, on a real-time basis, the integrated systems of Manitoba generation and bulk AC and HVDC transmission supply systems as well as the bulk supply interconnections to other utilities in Canada and the U.S.A.

Central District Control Centre (CDCC)

CDCC Operations Coordinator 10025790

Under the general guidance of the System Control Department Manager, the CDCC Operations Coordinator is responsible for supervising and coordinating the Central District Control Centre shift operations. The Operations Coordinator is responsible to ensure the operation of the Central District Control Centre is performed safely and reliably. Support functions include coordination of staffing and administration of the CDCC shift schedule. The Operations Coordinator is responsible to identify and follow up on operating problems as they affect system operation and act as a liaison with field operations groups to resolve operating problems in the Central District area of responsibility.

Distribution System Operator Trainee 10052031 & 10052030

Under the direction of the System Control Centre (SCC) System Operating Shift Superintendent will, as part of a three (3) year training program perform duties with the objective of becoming a fully qualified System Operator. The training program will include theoretical and practical training in accordance with Corporation policy including certification as a North America Electric Reliability Council (NERC) System Operator.

CDCC Supervisor (General)

The Central District Control Centre (CDCC) Shift Supervisor reports to the CDCC Operations Coordinator who has direct line authority over the CDCC System Operators and functional authority over District Operators and Apparatus Maintenance Staff for those functions necessary to operate the system. The CDCC Shift Supervisor will be responsible for supervising and coordinating the real-time operation of Manitoba Hydro Electrical System in the CDCC area of responsibility in a safe, efficient and reliable manner.

CDCC Distribution System Operator (General)

The Central District Control Centre (CDCC) System Operator reports to the CDCC Shift Supervisor. The CDCC System Operators are responsible for monitoring and operating the Manitoba Hydro Electrical System in the CDCC area of responsibility in a safe, efficient and reliable manner. They have functional authority over District Operators and Apparatus Maintenance Staff for those functions necessary to operate the system.

Program Development

Program Development Coordinator 10007592

Under the general guidance of the System Control Department Manager, the Program Development Coordinator is responsible for the development, evaluation, revision and implementation of training and certification programs required to operate the Manitoba Hydro Bulk Electric System safely, efficiently and reliably. This includes the System Operator Training program and ongoing shift staff training and certification, development of realistic simulation training utilizing the Power System Simulator and coordination of the development of EMS and advanced tools and applications to improve system reliability and efficiency.

Training Administrator 10001460

Under the general guidance of the System Control Department Manager, the Training Administrator is responsible for the development, evaluation, revision and implementation of training and certification programs required to operate the Manitoba Hydro Bulk Electric System safely, efficiently and reliably. This includes the System Operator Training program and ongoing shift staff training and certification, development of realistic simulation training utilizing the Power System Simulator and coordination of the development of EMS and advanced tools and applications to improve system reliability and efficiency.

System Training Reliability Officer 10059680

Under the general guidance of the Program Development Coordinator, the System Training Reliability Officer will develop and deliver training to meet operational and reliability requirements of Manitoba Hydro. The System Training Reliability Officer is responsible to ensure the program to certify and maintain NERC certification of System Operators is in place and responsible for delivery and administration of operator training that conforms to the NERC (North American Electric Reliability Council) CEH (Continuing Education Hours) program according to NERC standards. The System Training Reliability Officer will participate as a team member to assist with training sessions and simulations for System Restoration, Powerflow, System Operator Switching Stages testing and other department training.

System Operator 10001196

System Operators I - II have "functional" authority over District Operators, Area Maintenance Staff, Construction Foremen and Generating and HVDC Station Operators for the functions necessary to operate the system. System Operators I - II are responsible for the safe, reliable and efficient operation of all transmission and sub-transmission lines and equipment 24 kV and above that form the Manitoba Hydro Bulk Electric System.

Emergency Operations

Staff Officer 10007593

Under the general guidance of the System Control Department Manager, the Emergency Operations Staff Officer is responsible for the development, evaluation, revision and implementation of emergency preparedness and response plans for the bulk electric system. This includes the Manitoba Hydro System Restoration plan, emergency operating procedures, SCC evacuation procedures, Backup Control Centre and System Control Emergency Operation Centre. Responsible for ensuring Manitoba Hydro plans are coordinated and comply with Manitoba Hydro and NERC policies and standards and are consistent with best utility practices.

System Restoration Reliability Officer 10053843

Under the general guidance of the Emergency Operation Specialist, the System Restoration Reliability Officer is responsible for the validation and implementation of System Restoration and other emergency preparedness and response plans for the bulk electric system. The System Restoration Officer coordinates emergency plans with operating groups in other departments and divisions to ensure effectiveness to implementation and compliance with Manitoba Hydro and NERC standards as well as best utility practices for emergency preparedness and response.

System Operator 10000969

The Control Operators in the Winnipeg Control Centre work under the direct supervision of the Winnipeg Control Centre Supervisor and the functional supervision of the Generation and Network System Shift Supervisors on shift in the Winnipeg System Control Centre. Control Operators have "functional" authority over District Operators, Area Maintenance Staff, Construction Foremen and Generating Station Technical Operators for the functions necessary to operate the system.

Operations Coordinator

Control Centre Supervisor 10001108

The Control Centre Supervisor is directly responsible to the System Control Department Manager for supporting the operation of the Bulk AC Power Transmission System. Work closely with the SCC Shift Superintendents for those functions necessary to support the operation of the Bulk Power AC Transmission System. May be required to perform special studies and analysis on specific matters in order to effect improvement within the System Control Centre. Close co-operation with the System Control Department Manager and SCC Shift Superintendents in the System Control Centre is required.

System Operator 10001021, 10002637, 10003285

The System Operators I - II in the System Control Centre work regular rotating shifts and report directly to the Generation and Network System Shift Supervisors on shift. System Operators I - II have "functional" authority over District Operators, Area Maintenance Staff, Construction Foremen and Generating and HVDC Station Operators for the functions necessary to operate the system. System Operators I - II are responsible for the safe, reliable and efficient operation of all generation, transmission and sub-transmission equipment 24 kV and above that form the Manitoba Hydro Bulk Electric System.

System Operator 10003474

The System Operators in the Winnipeg System Control Centre report directly to the Generation and Network System Shift Supervisors on shift. The System Operators in the Winnipeg Control Centre work under the direct supervision of the Winnipeg Control Centre Supervisor and the functional supervision of the Generation and Network System Shift Supervisors on shift in the Winnipeg System Control Centre. System Operators have "functional" authority over District Operators, Area Maintenance Staff, Construction Foremen and Generating Station Technical Operators for the functions necessary to operate the system.

System Operation Officers

Senior Power System Officer

The Senior Power System Officers report directly to the System Control Department Manager. They have direct line authority over the Generation and Network System Shift Supervisors and have functional authority to direct the Control Center System Operators as well as other Corporation field staff for the functions listed below. The Senior Power System Officers are responsible for managing the coordinated real-time operation of the transmission, sub-transmission and generation resources of the Manitoba Hydro system in a safe and reliable manner. These resources consist of the interconnected bulk power system, the transmission facilities rated at 24 kV and above, the HVDC transmission system and the interconnections to other utilities in Canada and the U.S.A. During non-regular office hours the System Operating Shift Supervisor’s act as a final authority in making decisions relative to the operation of the bulk power supply system in Manitoba and its interconnections to other utilities. 

System Operator

The System Operators I - II in the System Control Centre work regular rotating shifts and report directly to the Generation and Network System Shift Supervisors on shift. System Operators I - II have "functional" authority over District Operators, Area Maintenance Staff, Construction Foremen and Generating and HVDC Station Operators for the functions necessary to operate the system. System Operators I - II are responsible for the safe, reliable and efficient operation of all generation, transmission and sub-transmission equipment 24 kV and above that form the Manitoba Hydro Bulk Electric System.

Generation/Network System Shift Supervisor

Generation /Network System Shift Supervisors are directly responsible to the Senior Power System Officer on shift. They have direct line authority over the Generation and Network System Operators. They have functional authority over District Operators, Area Maintenance Staff, Construction Foremen and Station Operators for those functions necessary to operate the system. The Generation/Network System Shift Supervisors are responsible for supervising and coordinating the real-time operation of Manitoba Hydro Bulk Electrical System and Interconnections in a safe, efficient and reliable manner.

System Operator Trainee

Under the direction of the System Control Centre (SCC) System Operating Shift Superintendent will, as part of a three (3) year training program perform duties with the objective of becoming a fully qualified System Operator. The training program will include theoretical and practical training in accordance with Corporation policy including certification as a North America Electric Reliability Council (NERC) System Operator.

Transmission Services Department

Department Manager 1000864

Reporting to the Division Manager, the Department Manager will be responsible for the leadership and management of a highly specialized department which provides transmission support to all aspects of the operation of the interconnected ac and HVdc systems. The focus of the department is to enhance and protect transfer capabilities and transmission access to the market, and to posture and support the real time system operations.

Transmission Issues Policy Engineer 10059463

Under general direction from the Department Manager, the Transmission Issues Policy Engineer is the primary liaison between Manitoba Hydro and MISO, MAPP, FERC, NEB, CEA managing both the relationship and strategic activities associated with open-access transmission operating items. When required by law or otherwise deemed in Manitoba Hydro’s business interests, will develop strategies and initiate responses to regulatory orders issued by NEB and FERC.

Student (Admin) 10058953

Under the general direction of the Transmission Issues Policy Engineer, the Admin Student is responsible for assisting with the implementation of the Standards of Conduct program. Additionally, the student will assist with administrative tasks throughout the department.

Application Support & Change Management

Application Support & Change Management Supervisor 10007428

Under the direction of the Transmission Services Department Manager, and in close cooperation with multi-department team involved in the EMS/SCADA, assume the lead role from the user’s perspective and perform and implement the plans necessary to ensure that Manitoba Hydro’s power system monitoring and control needs are achieved. Will supervise the efforts of the section staff such that Manitoba Hydro possesses effective and efficient power system control and monitoring processes, software support and decision-support tools and underlying systems that meet Manitoba Hydro’s operating requirements and those of MISO, MAPP, NERC and the transmission tariff.

Technical Officer 10003472

Under the general direction of the Applications Support and Change Management Supervisor and in consultation with staff from System Control, System Performance and System Support Departments, coordinate the activities associated with EMS/SCADA and related aspects of the Control Centre’s operation due to plant additions and changes internal to the Control Centre. Provide specialized technical expertise to System Control and the Transmission Services Department.

Technical Assistant 10020853

Under the general direction of the Applications Support and Change Management Supervisor and in close consultation with the staff in System Control Department, System Performance Department and the System Support Department implement the activities associated with the ongoing maintenance and development of the EMS/SCADA system and other related and associated support programs and decision support programs.

Student (Technical Support) 10049655

Under the general direction of the Applications Support and Change Management Supervisor, the Student (technical support) is a statistical analyst of weather and non-weather related materials including the St. Leon forecast, and is involved in the implementation of the Storm Tracker Program.

Network Resources Management

Network Resources Management Supervisor 10001834

Under the general direction of the Department Manager, the Network Resources Management Supervisor leads a highly skilled team that is responsible for the co-ordination and management of outages, the performance of daily security analysis and posturing of the system to withstand fist contingency, the accuracy of power flow models, and timely provision of operating instructions to support outages.

Network Reliability Officer 10004003 & 10029504 & 10000852

Under the general direction of the Network Resources Management Supervisor provide technical and operational expertise for the Manitoba Hydro Transmission and Sub-transmission system to accommodate work, reinforcement and expansion. The Network Reliability Officer is responsible for developing the plans to manage the system resources such that commissioning, testing, and facility outages occur in a safe, reliable, and economic manner. The Reliability Officers are responsible to coordinate resource outages, and develop system posturing plans to ensure reliable and economic operations are maintained.

Staff Officer 10047801

Under the general direction of the Network Resources Management Supervisor, develops and gathers performance measurements for the transmission system.

Tariff Administration & Rates

Tariff Admin & Rates Engineer 10025696

Under the general direction of the Department Manager, provide administration, co-ordination, technical and implementation support for the Manitoba Hydro OATT (Open Access Transmission Tariff) and OAIT (Open Access Interconnection Tariff).

Staff Officer 10027580

Under the general direction of the Tariff Administration and Rates Engineer provide administration, co-ordination, technical and implementation support for the Manitoba Hydro OATT (Open Access Transmission Tariff) and OAIT (Open Access Interconnection Tariff).

Short term Generation Scheduling

Short Term Generation Engineer 10051832

Under general direction of the Department Manager will provide the engineering to support the MOST (Market Optimized Short Term) model, conduct engineering studies on MOST and in support of MOST, and provide operational support to the System Control Department related to short term generation optimization scheduling. Will supervise the operations planning staff engaged in generation outage scheduling and in developing system posturing plans and operating instructions.

Generation Reliability Officer 10001987

Under the general direction of the Short Term Generation Engineer, the Generation Reliability Officer is responsible for developing, monitoring, and achieving the Department’s integrated operational plans measuring its compliance. The GRO coordinates and schedules planned outages for generation & HVdc equipment on the Manitoba Hydro system, using economic optimization & contingency analysis.

System Performance Department

Department Manager 10004295

Reporting to the Transmission and Distribution Division Manager, the System Performance Department Manager will be responsible for the leadership and management of a highly specialized system engineering department which provides engineering support to all aspects of the operation of the interconnected ac and HVDC systems. The work of the department encompasses the determination of system limits and system operating guidelines; system control and protection settings; the support of system engineering functions on the EMS/SCADA system; and the evaluation of short term system use under the Manitoba Hydro Open Access Transmission Tariff. Staff in the department work closely with many operating and engineering departments within the company and with neighboring utilities, MAPP, MISO and NERC.

Integrated Network Performance

Integrated Network Performance Engineer 10003559

Under the consultative direction of the Department Manager, will supervise and provide leadership to a highly qualified power system engineering unit, the main responsibility of which is to develop guidelines for the reliable operation of the Manitoba AC Network and the interconnected (Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Ontario and USA) AC Network under normal and abnormal system conditions.

Technical Officer 10002091

Under the general direction of the Integrated Network Performance Engineer, the Technical Officer will prepare, conduct and report on analytical studies used to evaluate behavior of existing and planned Manitoba Hydro and interconnected systems during normal and abnormal operating conditions. Will represent System Performance and Manitoba Hydro on technical matters for various inter-departmental and inter-utility functions (e.g., joint studies, model development). Will collect, compile and organize various types of data to ensure study models are kept current with system improvements and equipment ratings in Manitoba and interconnected networks.

HVDC and Control Systems Engineer 10002859

Under the consultative direction of the System Performance Engineer, will be responsible for electrical system engineering associated with operation of the northern generation- collector system and the HVDC system, and to derive and issue control system settings for the whole Manitoba Hydro system.

Principal Network Studies Engineer (MB&SK) 10002271

Under the general direction of the Integrated Network Performance Engineer plan, conduct and direct computer and related studies of the interconnected system response to disturbances. Evaluate the behaviour of the Manitoba Hydro system and interconnected systems, with emphasis on the Saskatchewan interconnections and internal Manitoba network; issue guidelines for operation of the interconnected power system during both normal and abnormal operating conditions.

Technical Officer 10002803

Under the general direction of the Integrated Network Performance Engineer, will prepare, conduct and report on analytical studies used to evaluate behaviour of existing and planned Manitoba Hydro and interconnected systems during normal and abnormal operating conditions.

Online Operations Support 10003223

Under the general direction of the Integrated Network Performance Engineer, the Online Operations Support Engineer is responsible for the development, implementation, and use of real-time applications for reliability and security related operations.

Professional Engineer 10004537

Under the general direction of the Integrated Network Performance Engineer, will conduct and report on computer studies to analyze actual power system response. This analysis will evaluate the electrical behaviour of the bulk power system and define limits of operation under normal and abnormal operating conditions.

Technical Officer 10004756

Under the general direction of the AC Networks Studies Engineer, prepare, conduct and report on loadflow and transient stability studies used to evaluate the electrical behaviour of existing and planned interconnected power systems during normal and abnormal operating conditions.  Administer and ensure that the present and future design of the monitoring systems of the major electrical system during disturbances is adequate for the purposes of analysis and simulation.

Principal Network Studies Engineer (ON&US) 10004932

Under the general direction of the Integrated Network Performance Engineer: plan, conduct and direct computer and related studies of the interconnected system response to disturbances. Evaluate, the behaviour of the Manitoba Hydro system and interconnected systems, with emphasis on the USA and Ontario interconnections; issue guidelines for operation of the interconnected power system during both normal and abnormal operating conditions.

Transmission Capability Engineer 10022627

Under the general direction of the Integrated Network Performance Engineer, will conduct and report on computer studies to analyze actual power system response. This analysis will evaluate the electrical behaviour of the bulk power system and define limits of operation under normal and abnormal operating conditions.

Protection & Control Performance

System Protection & Control Performance Engineer 10002717

Under the consultative direction of the System Performance Department Manager, the System Protection & Control Performance Engineer will lead a highly technical team in ensuring the corporation meets industry-wide security and reliability operating standards specifically associated with power system protection, HVDC system support, system restoration, and ac system control.

Technical Officer 10001442

Under the general direction of the Protection Analytical Engineer, will undertake specialized studies required to prepare coordinated settings for protective relays to protect equipment installed on the electrical system from generation to distribution supply points. Support the Section in all areas of protective relaying.

HVDC System Support Engineer 10001682

Under the consultative direction of the Department Manager, conduct studies and investigations, as necessary, to ensure the reliable operation of the Nelson River HVDC Transmission scheme as an integral part of the Manitoba Hydro system.

Control Systems Engineer 10001727

Under the consultative direction of the Department Manager, the incumbent will be responsible for the control settings of all Manitoba Hydro generating stations to ensure the system stability, reliability and its compliance with the North American Energy Reliability Council (NERC) standards. The incumbent will also be responsible for developing operating guidelines to ensure the stable and reliable operation of the northern collector system.

Technical Officer 10002457

Under the general direction of the HVDC System Engineer, will act as a utility specialist to initiate and conduct various digital studies and system testing to evaluate the harmonics and AC/DC filter performances of the Northern AC Collector System, HVDC converter terminal stations and the southern AC system. Will prepare reports and guidelines and provide liaison with other divisions and outside agencies for safe, secure and economic operation of the HVDC link and the adjoining AC systems.

Protection Analytical Engineer 10003411

Under the consultative direction of the System Protection Performance Engineer, provide engineering leadership within the corporation and with neighboring utilities in the area of power system protective relaying and ensure that system protection application and settings comply with MAPP and NERC requirements.

Engineer-in-Training 10004046

Under the direction of the Protection and Control Performance Engineer, provide engineering in the area of power system protective relaying, HVDC system operation and AC generator controls and operation.

Professional Engineer 10038512

Under the direction of the Controls Systems Support Engineer and with close cooperation with the System Control Department, will undertake studies, verify accuracy, identify reliable Black-start resources, develop operating guidelines, and identify operating problems that could exist during restoration conditions, relating to the Manitoba Hydro System Restoration Plan and Black-start unit testing program. As part of NERC compliance will, in conjunction with the System Control Department, review and update the Restoration Plan (at least yearly) and provide for simulating, actual testing and verification of the resources and procedures.

Technical Assistant 10058229

Under the general direction of the HVdc System Engineer, will conduct complex / advanced technical studies to maintain the safe, economical & reliable operation of the Northern AC Collector System, HVDC converter terminal stations and the Southern AC system. Will review, analyze, develop and initiate, technical memos, reports, operating guidelines, commissioning procedures and commissioning results. Will frequently provide liaison with other departments, divisions, business units, utilities and consultants for the safe, secure and economic operation of the HVDC link and the adjoining AC systems. The position requires a broad and comprehensive knowledge of HVdc & AC controls, protection schemes, apparatus, commissioning practices, safety practices and interaction between the HVdc & AC system with neighbouring utilities. An aptitude for written and oral communication is required with the ability to negotiate a buy in, of all parties, pertaining to new operating initiatives and power system reliability issues.

System Control Support

System Control Support Engineer 10004926

Under the general direction of the System Performance Department Manager and in consultation with the System Control Department and the System Support Department, plan, direct, oversee and coordinate the activities associated with providing engineering support for the power system performance related aspects of the EMS/SCADA system.

Technical Officer 10000878

Under the general direction of the System Control Support Engineer, will provide technical support for the power system performance related aspects of the EMS/SCADA system. These aspects include generation applications, network applications, the operator training simulator and advisory programs.

Technical Officer 10003470

Under the general direction of the System Control Support Engineer, responsible for the maintenance and accuracy of Manitoba Hydro’s Energy Management System (EMS) power network model and provide technical specialized expertise in support of the power system related network applications of the EMS.

Professional Engineer 10004342

Under the general direction of the System Control Support Engineer, will provide technical support for the power system performance related aspects of the EMS/SCADA system. These aspects include generation applications, network applications, the operator training simulator and advisory programs.

Engineering Aid 10047978

Under the general direction of the System Control Support Engineer, will be required to create and modify displays for the operation of the EMS System.

Reliability Compliance and Performance

Reliability Compliance & Performance Engineer 10061357

Under the consultative direction of the Department Manager, will lead a team to oversee corporate compliance to reliability standards, oversee corporate input into the standards development process, participate in drafting regulatory filings and Canadian industry positions, and lead the development of key performance indicators for compliance.

Professional Engineer 10062705

Under the general direction of the Reliability Compliance and Performance Engineer, the Transmission Performance Engineer will support the Corporate NERC Reliability Compliance Program and participate in the analysis of bulk power system reliability performance. This involves gaining a broad overview of bulk power system operations and the related technical issues.

Wind Integration Project

Wind Integration Project Engineer 10004655

Under the consultative direction of the Department Manager, will lead and/or undertake special wind related studies to determine the effect on the operation of the Manitoba Hydro system.

Professional Engineer 10063096

Under the direction of the Wind Integration Project Engineer, provide engineering for the Dispatcher Training Simulator (DTS) Wind Integration study. The DTS is a system simulator tool used for training system control operators. The purpose of DTS wind study is to investigate operating impacts of integrating various levels of wind generation on the Manitoba system. This position will be a unique opportunity to learn about the operation of the Manitoba Hydro system and the new and evolving challenges of wind integration.

System Support Department

Department Manager 10000897

Reporting to the Division Manager, the Department Manager will be responsible for the management of the System Support Department. Major responsibilities include the maintenance of the EMS/SCADA and associated hardware and software systems, the maintenance of the Dovercourt facility, the maintenance of system protection programs, the management of technical training programs, and the operational management of technical service groups located at Waverley Service Centre. Management and control of capital and operating budgets is a prime responsibility.

EMS Project Officer 10059462

Reporting to the Department Manager, the EMS Projects Officer will be an integral member of the System Support Department responsible for leadership of the EMS (Energy Management System) infrastructure upgrade projects. Will develop and mentor department staff in adopting and incorporating project management fundamentals leading to the development of body of knowledge within the department.

Protection Maintenance

Protection Maintenance Supervisor 10001929

Under the general direction of the Department Manager, is responsible for the planning, co-ordination and supervision of a technical group responsible for testing, calibrating and maintenance of metering systems, fault recording systems, and field test recording systems and devices which come under the responsibility of the section.

Maintenance Planner 10007415

Under the general direction of the Protection Maintenance Supervisor, is responsible for the planning, scheduling, and coordination of all work performed by the Protection Maintenance group.

Protection Trainee (General)

Under the general supervision of the Protection Maintenance Supervisor, will train in the installation, commissioning and maintenance and calibration of all types of protective relaying, metering and recording systems leading towards Journeyman status.

Engineering Technician (General)

Under the general direction of the Protection Supervisor, will service equipment involving maintenance, calibration and commissioning of all types of protective systems, metering, instrumentation and recording used for the protection control and operation of the power system. Will function independently as a Technician ensuring job completion, adherence to safety rules and standards. Will direct and give guidance to Journeymen, Trainees and Helpers on all phases of their duties.

Protection Maintenance Group A

Protection Technician Senior 10007457

Under the general direction of the Protection Maintenance Supervisor, is responsible for the day to day operation of the Maintenance Section of Protection Maintenance Area. Will be responsible for the training and guidance of staff engaged in the maintenance of all types of protective relaying, metering, instrumentation and recording systems used for the protection, control and operation of the power system.

Protection Technician (General)

Under the general direction of the Protection Supervisor, will service equipment involving maintenance, calibration and commissioning of all types of protective systems, metering, instrumentation and recording used for the protection control and operation of the power system. Will function independently as a Technician ensuring job completion, adherence to safety rules and standards. Will direct and give guidance to Journeymen, Trainees and Helpers on all phases of their duties.

Protection Journeyman (General)

Under the general direction of the Protection Supervisor, will service equipment involving maintenance, calibration and commissioning of all types of protective systems, metering, instrumentation and recording used for the protection control and operation of the power system. Will function independently as a Technician ensuring job completion, adherence to safety rules and standards. Will direct and give guidance to Journeymen, Trainees and Helpers on all phases of their duties.

Protection Trainee (General)

Under the general direction of the Protection Supervisor, will service equipment involving maintenance, calibration and commissioning of all types of protective systems, metering, instrumentation and recording used for the protection control and operation of the power system. Will function together with the Technicians and Journeymen to ensure job completion, adherence to safety rules and standards.

Protection Maintenance Group B

Protection Technician Senior 10002979

Under the general direction of the Protection Maintenance Supervisor, is responsible for the day to day operation of the Maintenance Section of Protection Maintenance Area. Will be responsible for the training and guidance of staff engaged in the maintenance of all types of protective relaying, metering, instrumentation and recording systems used for the protection, control and operation of the power system.

Protection Technician (General)

Under the general direction of the Protection Maintenance Supervisor or delegate, will service equipment involving maintenance, calibration and commissioning of all types of protective systems, metering, instrumentation and recording used for the protection control and operation of the power system. Will function independently as a Technician ensuring job completion, adherence to safety rules and standards. Will direct and give guidance to Journeymen, Trainees and Helpers on all phases of their duties.

Protection Journeyman (General)

Under the general direction of the Protection Supervisor or delegate, will service equipment involving maintenance, calibration and commissioning of all types of protective systems, metering, instrumentation and recording used for the protection control and operation of the power system. Will function independently as a Technician ensuring job completion, adherence to safety rules and standards. Will direct and give guidance to Journeymen, Trainees and Helpers on all phases of their duties.

Protection Trainee (General)

Under the general direction of the Protection Supervisor or delegate, will service equipment involving maintenance, calibration and commissioning of all types of protective systems, metering, instrumentation and recording used for the protection control and operation of the power system. Will function together with the Technicians and Journeymen to ensure job completion, adherence to safety rules and standards.

Protection Maintenance Projects

Protection Technician Senior 10059419

Under the general direction of the Protection Maintenance Supervisor, is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Projects Section of Protection Maintenance Area. Will be responsible for the training and guidance of staff engaged in the commissioning of all types of protective relaying, metering, instrumentation and recording used for the protection, control and operation of the power system.

Protection Maintenance Group Gillam AC

Protection Technician Senior 10004622

Under the general direction of the Protection Maintenance Supervisor, is responsible for the day to day operation of the Maintenance Section of Protection Maintenance Area located in Gillam. Will be responsible for the training and guidance of staff engaged in the maintenance of all types of protective relaying, metering, instrumentation and recording systems used for the protection, control and operation of the power system.

Protection Technician (General)

Under the general direction of the Protection Technician Senior, will service equipment involving maintenance, calibration and commissioning of all types of protective systems, metering, instrumentation and recording used for the protection control and operation of the power system. Will function independently as a Technician ensuring job completion, adherence to safety rules and standards. Will direct and give guidance to Journeymen, Trainees and Helpers on all phases of their duties.

SCADA Support

Telecontrol Supervisor 10003243

Under the general direction of the System Support Department Manager, is responsible for the day- to-day supervision and effective operation of the SCADA Support Maintenance Group which is involved with maintenance, installation, testing and commissioning for a variety of complex Telecontrol and data systems. Responsible for maintenance, replacement and upgrade as required, of all equipment associated with the infrastructure of the corporate facility located at 453 Dovercourt Drive.

Telecontrol Technician (General)

Under the general supervision of the Telecontrol Supervisor, the individual shall service a wide range of communication and control equipment and systems in the area. Must function independently ensuring job completion, adherence to safety rules, procedures, practices and standards. Will give direction and guidance to other staff, technicians, journeymen and trainees as required.

Maintenance Planner 10003810

Under the general direction of the Telecontrol Supervisor, is responsible for the planning, scheduling, and coordination of all work performed by the SCADA Support group.

Engineering Tech (General)

Under the general supervision of the Telecontrol Supervisor, the individual shall service a wide range of communication and control equipment and systems in the area. Must function independently ensuring job completion, adherence to safety rules, procedures, practices and standards. Will give direction and guidance to other staff, technicians, journeymen and trainees as required.

Telecontrol Journeyman (General)

Under the general supervision of the Telecontrol Supervisor, the individual shall service a wide range of communication and control equipment and systems in the area. Must function independently ensuring job completion, adherence to safety rules, procedures, practices and standards. Will give direction and guidance to other staff, technicians, journeymen and trainees as required.

Telecontrol Trainee (General)

Under the general supervision of the Telecontrol Supervisor or an appointee, the individual shall service a wide range of communication and control equipment and systems in the area. Will function in conjunction with the other staff, technicians, and journeymen ensuring job completion, adherence to safety rules, procedures, practices and standards. Will receive direction and guidance to other staff, technicians, and journeymen as required.

EMS Support

EMS Support Supervisor 10003331

Under the general direction of the Department Manager, will be responsible to provide a highly available system environment for the Energy Management System (EMS) at the System Control Centre. This position must provide technical guidance, leadership and coordination for the maintenance and support of the EMS System including coordination of all related improvements, replacements and additions. This position must work closely with the System Control Department, System Performance Department and other support staff including external groups to ensure that the end-user's requirements are met. This individual must possess a broad knowledge of EMS systems, act as the key contact with the industry user groups and direct, as required, a highly specialized staff including consultants.

EMS Systems Engineer 10001144 & 10056105

Under the general direction of the EMS Support Supervisor, will be responsible for a diverse range of maintenance engineering work on the Energy Management System (EMS) and its interfaces to other systems. This position requires a broad comprehensive knowledge of computer based control and alarm systems plus experience in maintenance procedures, acceptance testing and operational problem resolution.

Staff Officer 10002626

Under the general direction of the EMS Support Supervisor, and in a staff specialist capacity, in consultation with the other supervisors, will coordinate the daily operations and maintenance activities on the AGC/SCADA system to ensure effective resource utilization. This position requires a broad and comprehensive knowledge of the AGC/SCADA system.

Technical Assistant 10001409

Under the direction of the EMS Support Supervisor, will perform diversified and complex technical phases of engineering work concerning acceptance testing, new product evaluations, performance evaluation, maintenance documentation review and development, operations investigation and problem resolution and technician training and education. The position requires a broad and comprehensive knowledge of the AGC/SCADA energy management system and related telecontrol equipment plus an aptitude for specific maintenance oriented duties.

Information Technology Officer 10003588

Under the general direction of the EMS System Support Coordinator, will be the leader in providing technical solutions, system architecture design, modifications and integration support for all Energy Management System (EMS), Networks and related systems including external communications, e-mail and electronic data security. This position requires regular liaison with technical staff from EMS vendors, supplies and consultants. The EMS system is a dual site, multi-node, real-time computer system.

Process Control System Software Specialist (General)

Under the direction of the EMS Support Supervisor; responsible for participating and technically directing in the planning, design, development, maintenance and administration of Energy Management System (EMS) software.

Engineering Technician (General)

Under the general direction of the EMS Systems Support Coordinator or delegate, will maintain and troubleshoot all EMS Systems and related interfaces on a day-to-day basis. Will also be required to install and commission new EMS equipment. Provide technical support to others in EMS group, System Control Department staff and System Performance Department staff. This position may direct junior staff.

EMS Support - Grant Avenue

Information Technology Officer (General)

Under the general direction of the EMS System Support Coordinator, will be the leader in providing technical solutions, system architecture design, modifications and integration support for all Energy Management System (EMS), Networks and related systems including external communications, e-mail and electronic data security. This position requires regular liaison with technical staff from EMS vendors, supplies and consultants. The EMS system is a dual site, multi-node, real-time computer system.

Engineering Support

Section Head 10003545

Under the general direction of the Department Manager, the Section Head will direct Professional Engineers and technical staff in providing maintenance engineering support for SCADA controls systems. Provide specialized engineering and technical support for the maintenance of control center software applications.

Process Control Systems

Process Control System Software Specialist (General)

Under the direction of the Engineering Support Section Head, will support, maintain, develop and administer computer based systems used by managerial, supervisory and other Energy Management System (EMS) related personnel on the corporate subnets associated with the System Control Centre. This position assumes full development responsibility for assigned systems, and provides qualified support and maintenance for all remaining computer based systems.

Professional Engineer 10005157

Under the direction of the Engineering Support Section Head, implement projects for System Control Centre. This position will also participate and be responsible for developing 24x7 support staff for the processes and systems delivered as a result of the projects.

Technical Assistant 10003191

Under the general direction of the Engineering Support Section Head, will perform various and complex duties associated with control systems in the area of maintenance standards, training and development, historical maintenance data and system problem investigations.

Control Maintenance Engineer 10004866

Under the general direction of the Section Head, will be responsible for a diverse range of engineering work on a variety of control, alarm, facilities and energy management systems (EMS) maintained by the System Support Department. This position requires a broad comprehensive knowledge of computer based control and alarm systems plus experience in maintenance procedures, acceptance testing and operational problem resolution.

Instrument Services

Instrument Services Supervisor 10002028

Under the general direction of the Department Manager, is responsible for the guidance, planning, co-ordination and supervision of the Instrument Services technical group responsible for the Electrical Standards Laboratory and acceptance testing, evaluating, modifying, maintenance, repair, calibration and verification, of a wide variety of highly technical to general use portable Test and Measuring equipment, for the purpose of operating, maintaining, and monitoring a power system.

Instrument Services Technician (General)

Under the general direction of the Instrumentation Services Supervisor, will be responsible for the acceptance testing, modifying, maintenance, repair, calibration and verification, of a wide variety of highly technical to general use portable test equipment, high and low frequency measuring test equipment, personal computers, station meters, recorders, all referenced and documented to traceable secondary standards, for the purpose of operating, maintaining, and monitoring, a power system.

Maintenance Planner 10001482

Under the general direction of the Instrument Services Supervisor, is responsible for the planning, scheduling, and coordination of all work performed by the Instrument Services group.

Engineering Technician (General)

Under the general direction of the Instrument Services Supervisor, will coordinate various shop, calibration lab, and field responsibilities with respect to technical support, documentation, service, maintenance, evaluations, commissioning, modifications, and troubleshooting of various highly technological Electronic Test and Measurement Equipment.

Protection Trainee (General)

Under the general direction of the Instrument Services Supervisor, will service equipment involving maintenance, calibration and commissioning of all types of protective systems, metering, instrumentation and recording used for the protection control and operation of the power system. Will function together with the Technicians and Journeymen to ensure job completion, adherence to safety rules and standards.

Protection Maintenance Engineering

Protection Maintenance Engineering Section Head 10002929

Under the general direction of the Department Manager, the Section Head will direct Professional Engineers and technical staff in providing maintenance engineering support for protection, recorder, metering and instrument and controls systems. Provide specialized engineering and technical support for the maintenance of all corporate protection systems.

Protection Maintenance Engineer 10038523

Under the direction of the Section Head, will perform diversified and complex phases of engineering work and supervise a group performing work concerning acceptance testing, performance evaluation, maintenance procedures and power disturbance investigations as they relate to protection, metering and control systems in generating, HVDC converter, distribution and terminal stations.

Technical Officer 10001777

Reporting to the Protection Maintenance Engineer, provide technical guidance and leadership for all protective relay maintenance activities across the Corporation. These maintenance activities include development of standards, tools, procedures, special tests, direct field support and record keeping used by all field technicians throughout the Corporation.

Technical Officer 10002483

Reporting to the Section Head, the incumbent will be the recognized expert to provide technical guidance and leadership for all fault investigation, diagnosis, and solution development for protection systems throughout the Corporation in generating, HVDC converter and terminal stations. This position provides a central focal point in development and supervision of commissioning procedures for Generation and HVDC converter station protection systems.

Technical Assistant (General)

Reporting to the Section Head, will provide technical guidance to field staff on protection systems throughout the corporation in generating, HVDC converter and terminal stations.

Transmission Planning & Design Division

Division Manager Transmission Planning

Reporting to the Vice President, Transmission and Distribution, the Division Manager, Transmission Planning, will contribute to the development and implementation of the Corporate Strategic Plan and to the development and implementation of Transmission & Distribution’s Strategic Plan, including providing leadership and direction with respect to improving one or more of the business unit’s key processes.

System Planning Department

Department Manager 10002352

Reporting to the Division Manager, the System Planning Manager is responsible for ensuring that Manitoba Hydro’s transmission network, as well as interconnection facilities with neighbouring organizations, and the bulk delivery system from remote generating plants, are planned, designed, constructed and can be operated in accordance with good engineering principles, the optimum utilization of financial, material and human resources, maximizing reliability and maximizing revenue. The Manager will also provide technical assistance and advise in the operation, the monitoring, and control of the power system.

System Analysis/Controls & AC/DC Planning

Reliability & EMC Studies Engineer 10004565

Under the direction of the System Reliability and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Planning Engineer, undertake a range of reliability and EMC studies relating to the development and operation of HVDC and HVAC transmission facilities.

AC/DC System Planning

AC/DC System Planning Engineer 10002354

Under the general direction of the System Analysis, Controls & AC/DC Planning Engineer conduct and direct a range of engineering studies related to the planning of AC/DC systems.

AC/DC Control Studies Engineer 10003675

Under the general direction of the AC/DC Control Planning Engineer, conduct studies and make recommendations relating to the HVDC transmission system and possible future FACTS devices, and to determine their impact on and implementation in the Manitoba Hydro system. Studies include system simulations, system development, and assistance in the investigation of problems on the HVDC system and associated AC support facilities.

Staff Officer 10003909

Under the general direction and guidance of the AC/DC Control Planning Engineer, provide, as a specialist, technical expertise, initiate and carry out or oversee studies, direct or perform analysis and evaluation of statistical data related to various HVDC, lightning exposure, and electromagnetic compatibility projects.

Technical Officer 10004206

Under the general direction of the AC/DC System Planning Engineer, prepare, conduct and analyze studies related to transmission planning of the existing and future HVDC systems and associated ac support facilities. Prepare memos and reports recommending equipment and/or a course of action to be taken related to the engineering studies.

System Controls

System Controls Engineer 10003653

Under the general direction of the System Analysis, Controls & AC/DC Planning Engineer, conduct studies and make recommendations for the requirements for power system control for the Manitoba Hydro system.

AC/DC Special Studies & Electromagnetics

Engineer-in-Training 10003544

Under the general direction of the System Analysis, Controls, & AC/DC Planning Engineer, perform studies related to the work of the section, including reliability, electromagnetic coordination, AC/DC planning, and AC system controls.

AC/DC Special Studies & Electromagnetics Engineer 10004863

Under the general direction of the AC/DC System Planning Engineer,

conduct and direct a wide range of engineering studies in the System Analysis, Controls, and AC/DC Planning Section.

Interconnections & Grid Supply Transmission Planning

Engineer 10003622

Under the consultative direction of the Department Manager, will supervise and provide engineering leadership to a highly qualified power system engineering section, the main responsibility of which is the development of plans for new interconnections (with other provinces/territories and the USA) and grid supply transmission for new generation development.

Exploratory Studies Engineer 10062644

Under the direction of the Interconnections & Grid Supply Planning Engineer (Section Head), the incumbent will initiate, conduct, and analyse transmission system planning studies involving generation station outlet transmission and existing and future interconnections for their impact on the development of the Manitoba Hydro interconnected power system.

Interconnections & Planning

Engineer 10002488

Under the direction of the Interconnections & Grid Supply Transmission Planning Engineer, will be responsible for transmission system planning studies involving generating station outlet transmission and existing and future interconnections, and their impact on development of the Manitoba Hydro interconnected power system.

Professional Engineer 10004155

Under the direction of the Interconnections Planning Engineer, will be responsible for transmission system planning and assessment studies involving generating station outlet transmission and existing and future interconnections, and their impact on development of the Manitoba Hydro interconnected power system.

Model Building & Study Support

Technical Officer 10004429

Under the general direction of the Senior System Studies Engineer, Interconnections & Grid Supply Transmission, will initiate, conduct, and analyse transmission system planning studies involving existing and future interconnections for their impact on and development in the Manitoba Hydro interconnected power system.

Technical Officer 10054702

Under the general direction of the Senior Technical Officer, Interconnections & Grid Supply Transmission, the incumbent will initiate, conduct, and analyse transmission system planning studies involving generation station outlet transmission and existing and future interconnections for their impact on the development of the Manitoba Hydro interconnected power system.

Technical Officer 10004870

Under the general direction of the Interconnection Planning Engineer, the incumbent will initiate, conduct, and analyse transmission system planning studies involving generation station outlet transmission and existing and future interconnections for their impact on the development of the Manitoba Hydro interconnected power system.

Power Quality

System Studies Engineer 10004159

Under the direction of the Interconnections & Grid Supply Planning Engineer, will be responsible for transmission system planning and assessment studies involving generating station outlet transmission and existing and future interconnections, and their impact on the development of the Manitoba Hydro interconnected power system.

Grid Supply Planning

NERC Assessment 10022632

Under the direction of the Interconnections & Grid Supply Planning Engineer, will be responsible for transmission system planning and assessment studies involving generating station outlet transmission and existing and future interconnections, and their impact on the development of the Manitoba Hydro interconnected power system.

Professional Engineer 10048675

Under the general direction of the Interconnections & Grid Supply Planning Engineer (Section Head), will be responsible for transmission system planning and assessment studies involving generating station outlet transmission and existing and future interconnections, and their impact on the development of the Manitoba Hydro interconnected power system.

NERC Reliability Studies

Technical Officer 10002550

Under the general direction of a Senior Planning Engineer, Interconnections & Grid Supply Transmission, the incumbent will conduct and analyse transmission system planning studies involving generation station outlet transmission and existing and future interconnections for their impact on the development of the Manitoba Hydro interconnected power system.

Engineer 10004541

Under the direction of the Interconnections & Grid Supply Planning Engineer (Section Head), will be responsible for transmission system planning and reliability assessment studies involving generating station outlet transmission and existing and future interconnections.

Customer Supply & Subtransmission Planning

Engineer 10004112

Under the general direction of the Manager, System Planning is responsible for planning the expansion of the electrical Subtransmission system in the Province of Manitoba, to ensure   economic, reliable and adequate customer supply. Act as the single point of contact to coordinate requests for interconnection of new customers or expansion of service for existing customers, providing information on facility requirements, costs and implementation schedules.

System Studies Engineer 10004877

Under the general direction of the Customer Supply and Subtransmission Planning Engineer, will be responsible for various studies of the Manitoba Hydro Subtransmission System and preparation of recommendations for system improvements required to maintain an adequate, reliable, and economic supply.

Engineer-in-Training 10007414

Under the direction of the Customer Supply and Subtransmission Planning Engineer, conduct studies of the Manitoba Hydro Subtransmission system and prepare recommendations for system improvements required to maintain an adequate, reliable and economic supply. Conduct studies and analyze power quality issues on the AC Transmission & Subtransmission system. Prepare memos and reports on study results and/or course of action taken relative to system studies.

Rural Subtransmission Planning

Technical Officer 10004029

Under general direction of the Customer Supply & Subtransmission Planning Engineer, the incumbent will initiate, conduct, and analyse Subtransmission system planning studies and prepare recommendations for system improvements required to maintain an adequate, reliable and economic supply to existing and future Customers. Responsible for presentation and justification of recommendations to senior planning staff and review groups.

Engineering Aid 10004536

Under the general supervision of the Subtransmission Planning Engineer or his delegate will prepare data for and run computer programs for station load forecasting and Subtransmission line load flow cases. Will be required to specialize in drafting skills and the verification of drawings.

Urban Subtransmission Planning

Technical Assistant 10003850

Under the general direction of the Urban Subtransmission Planning Engineer, the incumbent will conduct studies of the Manitoba Hydro Urban subtransmission system and prepare recommendations for system improvements required to maintain an adequate, reliable, and economic supply.

Professional Engineer 10007429

Under the general direction of the Customer Supply and Subtransmission Planning Engineer, is responsible for conducting planning studies for expansion of the electrical subtransmission system in Manitoba and recommend system improvements to ensure economic, reliable and adequate customer supply.

Transmission Network Planning

Transmission Network Planning Engineer 10007438

Under the consultative direction of the Department Manager, will supervise and provide engineering leadership to a highly qualified Power System Engineering section, the main responsibility of which is the development of plans for the economic and reliable expansion of the Manitoba Hydro transmission system to meet the forecast load of its customers.

Technical Officer 10000844

Under the general direction of a Transmission Planning Engineer, identify, initiate and conduct planning studies necessary to ensure reliable and economic expansion of the major electrical transmission network.

Professional Engineer 10007261

Under the general direction of the Transmission Network Planning Engineer, identify and initiate planning studies necessary to ensure reliable and economic expansion of the major electrical transmission network.

Transmission Planning

Technical Officer 10003834

Under the general direction of a Transmission Planning Engineer, identify, initiate and conduct planning studies necessary to ensure reliable and economic expansion of the major electrical transmission network.

Professional Engineer 10004928

Under the general direction of the Transmission Network Planning Engineer, conduct and coordinate complex planning studies involving the economic and reliable expansion of the major electrical transmission network.

Engineer-in-training 10005198

Under the direction of the Transmission Network Planning Engineer, will conduct transmission system planning studies involving the economic and reliable expansion of the major electrical transmission network.

Power Supply Business Unit

Power Sales & Operations Division

Division Manager Power Sales & Operations

Reporting to the Vice President, Power Supply, the Division Manager, Transmission Planning, will contribute to the development and implementation of the Corporate Strategic Plan and to the development and implementation of Power Supply’s Strategic Plan, including providing leadership and direction with respect to improving one or more of the business unit’s key processes.

Export Power Marketing Department

Department Manger 10002996

Under the general direction of the Division Manager, System Operating, the Export Power Marketing Department Manager is responsible for recommending the corporate strategy for marketing electrical energy external to the Manitoba Hydro service area and negotiating new export contracts. Also responsible for the development of policy regarding non-utility generation and use of corporate facilities by other electrical utilities.

Transmission Access Engineer 10051302

Under the general direction of the Transmission Access Officer, will be instrumental in the research and documentation of transmission opportunities. Will have significant involvement in the maintenance of the transmission portfolio for export markets and will deal with operational transmission issues. Will participate in monitoring and assessing industry and transmission issues. Will represent Manitoba Hydro at industry meetings.

Transmission Access Officer 10001726

Under the general direction of the Export Power Marketing Manager, will be responsible for developing a strategy and plan to manage short and long term export marketing transmission service requirements. Will provide input into the Manitoba Hydro Export Power Marketing Strategy and EPM Department Business Plan, focussing on transmission related issues. Responsibilities will include execution of the business plan, specifically those activities associated with transmission.

Export & NUG Contract Officer 10056715

Under the general direction of the Export Power Marketing Manager, will be instrumental in building customer and competitor relationships in the Ontario market and evaluating export power marketing initiatives in Ontario. Will take the lead in negotiating the Power Sale Contract to Ontario, including the development and analysis of all contract terms and conditions. Will liaise with other Ontario Sale related groups and activities inside and outside of Manitoba Hydro. Will participate in the strategic development and evaluation of wholesale power markets and will participate in export market strategic planning.

Independent Power Officer 10055506

The Independent Power Officer will take the lead in maintaining and executing the Corporation's non-utility generation policy and procedures and will assist in the development of Manitoba Hydro's export marketing strategy. The individual in this position will have significant involvement in proposal/tender development, negotiating and administering contracts and in establishing and maintaining counterparty relationships primarily related to independent power in Manitoba. In addition the Independent Power Officer will be instrumental in researching and monitoring the effects of integrating non-utility generation into Manitoba Hydro's system and monitoring and participating in related industry developments.

Market Development

Market Development Officer 10002350

Under the general direction of the Export Power Marketing Department Manager, the Market Development Officer will be instrumental in building customer and competitor relationships and evaluating export power marketing initiatives. Will have significant involvement in negotiating contracts, in developing long term contract pricing and will have involvement in managing long term export marketing transmission service requirements. Will participate in the strategic development and evaluation of wholesale power markets in the United States and Canada and will participate in department business planning.

Long Term Sales Officer 10020535

Under the general direction of the Market Development Officer, the Long Term Sales Officer will be responsible for market intelligence research for market segments and for existing and potential customers. Will provide support for long term contract negotiations and perform financial analysis on proposed contracts. Will have significant involvement in reviewing product offering and product pricing mechanisms and in considering related transmission issues. Will participate in maintaining customer and competitor relationships representing Manitoba Hydro at trade shows and conferences. Will participate in the strategic development and evaluation of wholesale power markets in the United States and Canada.

Business Analyst 10043077

Under the general direction of the Market Development Officer, the Business Analyst will conduct market research for market segments and for existing and potential customers. Will provide support for contract negotiations and perform financial analysis on proposed contracts. Will have significant involvement in reviewing product offering and product pricing mechanisms, and in considering related transmission issues.

Market and Customer Service Analyst 10035650

Under the general direction of the Marketing Development Officer, the Market and Customer Service Analyst will be responsible for the investigation, implementation and administration of master agreements for wholesale electricity customers, as well as the negotiation of applicable new master agreements with potential customers. Will participate in the evaluation and assessment of risks, policies and procedures associated with financial activities. Will be responsible for monitoring the credit worthiness, business results and business activities of existing and potential export customers.

Technical Officer 10055803

Under the general direction of the Market Development Officer, will assist in providing information and analysis of technical costs and transmission availability necessary for the evaluation of export/import transactions and associated transmission portfolio status for the mid-term and long-term sales portfolio. Will assist in the preparation of applications for regulatory approvals for export/import business related activities.

Export Sales Officer 10059403

Under the general direction of the Market Development Officer, will be active in the negotiation of mid and long term export market contracts. Will participate in reviewing product offering and product pricing mechanisms and in considering related transmission issues. Will develop and maintain customer and competitor relationships and represent Manitoba Hydro at trade shows and conferences.

Market Access

Market Access Officer 10003055

Under the general direction of the Export Power Marketing Manager, the Market Access Officer will be responsible for developing a strategy and a business plan for maintaining and enhancing Manitoba Hydro’s access to its export market, both in Canada and the United States. Responsibilities will in clued execution of the business plan, including those activities associated with transmission service purchases and monitoring market access risks (i.e. from a legal, technical and market-driven perspective) Responsibilities will also include monitoring political activism in domestic and foreign regions regarding Manitoba Hydro’s interests and participating in the development of corporate strategies to counter such activity.

Credit Analyst 10003615

Under the general direction of the Market Access Officer, the Credit Analyst will be responsible for monitoring the creditworthiness, business results and business activities of existing export customers and evaluating the creditworthiness of potential export customers.

Contract Analyst 10059402

Under the general direction of the Market Access Officer, the Contract Analyst will be responsible for the investigation, implementation, and administration of master agreements for wholesale electricity customers, as well as the negotiation of applicable new master agreements with potential customers. Will be responsible for recommending procedures for the review of all contracts related to the sale or purchase of wholesale electricity and to monitor and assess all contracts to ensure compliance with legal, regulatory and credit requirements.

Market Infrastructure Specialist 10020354

Under the general direction of the Market Access Officer, the Market Infrastructure Specialist will be instrumental in the detailed research and documentation of market opportunities. Will have significant involvement in meeting requirements for licenses, permits and contractual requirements to maintain access to export markets. Will participate in monitoring and assessing industry and market issues. Will represent Manitoba Hydro on industry committees and at industry conferences. Will provide support for the management of Manitoba Hydro’s transmission portfolio

Market Model & Risk Model Analyst 10032142

Under the general direction of the Market Access Officer, the Market Model & Risk Model Analyst will be instrumental in the detailed application of data to run and maintain models representing the export market and Manitoba Hydro’s system as it relates to the export market. Will be responsible for the analysis of model results and the presentation of related recommendations. Will participate in monitoring and assessing industry and market issues and will be involved in activities which support market access. May represent Manitoba Hydro on industry committees and at industry conferences.

Marketing Development Officer 10051311

Under the general direction of the Market Access Officer, will be responsible for the research, development and completion of the Export Power Marketing strategy and related business plans. Will also be responsible for the evaluation of business opportunities and energy related transactions. Will provide direction with respect to both contract development and maintenance and credit evaluation & measurement.

Model Analyst 10059404

The Model Analyst will assist in the modeling of the export market and Manitoba Hydro’s system as it relates to the export markets. The individual in this position will be responsible for researching the market and ensuring model parameters are current. The Market Models Analyst will also be responsible for analysis of historic market data and modeling results for use in market reports, recommendations on financial transmission rights and evaluations of long term transmission positions and export contracts.

Power Trading Department

Power Trading Analyst (General)

Under direction of the Manager, Power Trading, within a team environment, the Power Trading Analyst is responsible for providing analytical support to all trading functions for both power and natural gas markets through market and load forecasting, model development and calibration, deal analysis and market and transmission monitoring.

Real Time Power Trading

Power Trading Supervisor 10020503

The Senior Power Trader will supervise a staff of seven, responsible for all physical trading, scheduling activities and related analysis. With other Power Trading Senior staff, the Senior Power Trader will develop Manitoba Hydro’s bid and offer strategies for participation in the U.S. and Canadian short-term wholesale power markets. The Senior Power Trader will represent the department on internal and external committees related to power market issues.

Real Time Power Trader (General)

Under the general direction of the Senior Power Trader, within a team environment, the Real Time Power Trader position is responsible for arranging real time energy transactions and related products and services with Independent System Operators (ISOs) and other utilities and maintaining and enhancing business relationships with extra-provincial customers.

Term Power Trading

System Merchant Power Trader 10000968

Under the general direction of the Senior Power Trader, within a team environment, the System Merchant Power Trader is responsible for arranging the real time sales and purchases of energy and capacity and related services with other utilities as necessary and to maintain a business relationship with extra-provincial customers.

Day Ahead Power Trader 10059401

Under the direction of the Senior Power Trader - Financial within a team environment, the Day Ahead Power Trader will work on a rotational basis through the term sales analysis and day ahead physical and financial trading functions.

System Merchant Power Trader 10004862

Under the direction of the Senior Power Trader, within a team environment is respobsible for arranging the real time sales and purchases of energy and capacity with other utilities as necessary and to maintain a business relationship with extra-provincial customers.

Day Ahead Power Trader 10003148

Under the general direction of Power Trading Supervisor within a team environment and in conjunction with the Export Power Marketing Department, the Day Ahead Power Trader is responsible to arrange for sales and purchases of energy and capacity with other utilities as necessary, to maintain a business relationship with extra provincial customers and to provide supervision to the power sales trader.

Day Ahead Power Trader 10003114

Under direction of the Senior Power Trader (financial), within a team environment, the Power Trader II is responsible for arranging day-ahead energy and financial transactions, capacity, and related services with other utilities and maintaining and enhancing strong business relationships with extra-provincial customers related to both gas and power.


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