Hello and welcome to Ms

Fall 2015-Spring 2016

E-Mail: LHerskovitz@schools.

Phone: (718) 268-3137 x3380

Materials that are needed for this class:

1. A three ring binder with one section for English and one section for Homework or a spiral notebook with pockets.

2. Lined loose-leaf paper.

3. A folder to hold all loose papers, tests and handouts.

4. The book we are using at the time.

5. You must also carry 2 Blue or Black ink pens and one sharpened pencil.


Attendance is mandatory. Any absence must be accompanied by a doctor’s note in order to make up any missed tests or class work. Remember to bring these notes in the day you return to school. Without an absence note, there will be no make-up tests for the days you are absent. There will be at least a week notice for a test, do not be absent.


Arrive on time and be prepared. You must be in your seat when the late bell rings. Lateness will affect your grade negatively. When you are late, you may potentially miss a quiz or a pop-quiz (see tests/quizzes below).

Classroom Participation:

Participation is part of your grade. If you do not participate, you will not receive the points for participation.

**Topics in English are always up for discussion.

**No question is ever too small to ask, so please do not hesitate to ask.

**In order to receive classroom participation, you must attend class.


Tests will be given in either multiple choice form, short answer form or essay form, sometimes all three. The tests are based on class notes, and the required reading. As long as you are in class, take active notes and participate, and of course, study, you will do well in class. If you come to class late and miss the test given on that day, it is your responsibility to contact me during my free periods to reschedule the test for that same day. If you do not do this, your test grade will stay at 0. If you are late to class and miss a quiz or a pop quiz there is no make-up. Quizzes happen in the first 5 minutes of class time.

Classroom Procedures:

There will always be an AIM, Do Now and Homework assignment on the board when you arrive in the room.

Homework will be posted on the Forest Hills website. You can access your homework by going to:


2. Click on Classes and Homework

3. Look for your class code and period or my name

4. You will then be able to access the homework

**Because the homework is posted on the class website, there is no reason to not have your homework done and handed in on time. If you are absent, you must go to the website to print out and do your own homework**

Homework will be graded as follows:

Check Plus: The student answered the questions completely with well-reasoned answers and a complete analysis

Check Minus: The student did not complete all questions; it was done with a lack of thoughtful effort and one or more incomplete answers.

Zero: The student did not complete the work.

No late homework assignments will be accepted.

Bathroom Pass: The bathroom sign-out/in sheet is located on the board. If you need to use the bathroom you will sign your name and record the time you left, then take the pass and sign back and record the time you returned. If you abuse the privilege of the bathroom pass, it will be revoked for the remainder of the marking period.

Cell Phones:

No cell phones are allowed in class. If there is an emergency and you need to contact a parent or guardian, you will be allowed to go to the Guidance Office or the Dean’s Office to ask for assistance. If someone needs to get in touch with you, they must contact the school. The only time you will be able to use your cell phone in the classroom is if you are given permission to look up information on a particular subject matter.

**Cell phones are strictly prohibited on test days.

**If you are asked more than once to put the cell phone away it will be taken away from you and it will be given to the Dean’s office.

Senior Research Paper: This is a required paper. All Senior English students MUST complete this paper with a satisfactory grade of 65 or better in order to graduate. All work will be done in class over a period of time beginning in January of this year. There is no excuse for not doing this paper. All papers will be completed by the end of the 5th marking period to allow for any rewrites

Your grade will be made up of the Following:

Assessments (tests, quizzes, projects, presentations) 100%

Homework 100%

Participation 100%

Fire Drills: During fire drills, it is MANDATORY to stay with the class and with the teacher. Once outside, attendance will be taken. If you do not stay together with the class, points will be deducted from your participation credits.

One Final Note: I hope you enjoy this class and are able to take something away from it that you didn’t have when you came in.

Please have your parent or guardian sign the bottom of this sheet, and return to class the following day.

Thank you. Please do not detach.

I have read the above contract and am aware of what is expected. September 2015-June 2016


(print)______________________________________ (signature)_________________________________

Student -(print)______________________________________(signature)___________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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