'The Ostrich Boys' - Mr Craig's English Page

"The Ostrich Boys"

Learning Intention

Show understanding and appreciation of an author's skill in using writing devices and techniques.


"More teenagers would read if there were more writers like Keith Gray who wrote books like "The Ostrich Boys" - Discuss...

In your answer you must explain what the book is about and comment on at least three writing features including - plot structure, characters, use of language, humour, build of suspense/tension, use of short sentences, successful ending... or any other feature you can identify.

Structuring Your Response

1. Introduction

• Identify the text and task

• Very briefly explain what the text is about

• Briefly outline why you think it's successful

• Identify the 3 or 4 key features you will be concentrating on in your essay

2. Summary - Linked to TASK

• Summarise the main events of the story

• Make sure you LINK what happens to the text

- E.g. This is successful because....

4 or 5 PEEL Paragraphs


ANALYSIS - HOW does the author achieve his aim?

EVALUATION - HOW SUCCESSFUL is he by using his chosen ideas/techniques.

PEEL Paragraphs - To explain to the reader that Keith Gray has been successful you should use organised paragraphs.

P - Make a POINT - The characters in the novel are very realistic

E - Evidence / Example - Sim uses language such as... - "Quote"

E - Explain (analyse) - This is very effective as I can relate to...

L - Link - to the TASK - This appeal to teenagers because...


Your conclusion should summarise your overall reaction to the TASK.

Overall - Do you think that "The Ostrich Boys" is a successful book for teenagers?

1. State that you have looked at a range of the book's features.

2. EXPLAIN which of these features are particularly successful and WHY.

3. Give a personal reaction to the text based on evidence you have described or mentioned earlier in the essay.

Try not to mention new information - you are supposed to be summing up your argument.


"Ostrich Boys" by Keith Gray is definitely a book which appeals to teenagers. As I have explained in my essay there are a wide range of successful features. Although it has a peculiar title, as soon as you start reading the main idea of the plot is revealed and the reader can relate to the main characters. For those teenage readers who find it hard to stick to a book, Keith Gray has cleverly included many twists, tuns and cliffhangers at the end of each chapter to make you want to read on and finish the book. It is unusual for an author to make readers laugh out loud but in the case of "Ostrich Boys" the use of realistic and amusing language made the book genuinely funny and entertaining at several points throughout the novel. I agree with the reviewer that more teenagers would read if more books were like this one. Keith Gray has managed to combine a range of features in his book and he seems to have judged what teenagers enjoy in a book very well. Although some people may find that the language and ideas are not very complicated I believe that readers from the age of 12 to 20 would certainly get some pleasure from reading "Ostrich Boys".


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