Extra Credit Assignment – English III

Extra Credit Assignment - H English III Due 6/4 (4th) 6/5 (1st)

Create a visual representation of your favorite scene from a literary work we have read this year. Depending on the final product, I will decide whether it qualifies for (a) a quiz grade only or (b) the option of a quiz grade or a test grade. If you qualify for the choice between a quiz or a test, the choice is yours. I will not make the decision for you.

Any product using notebook paper will not be accepted.

In order to receive the extra credit, your product must follow these guidelines:

1. It must be neat and orderly.

2. It must be artistic and colorful.

3. It must be creative and original.

4. It must closely follow the text.

5. It must include lines from the text.

6. You must present your project to the class. During your presentation, you will do the following:

a. Tell the title of the work of literature you chose and the scene you chose.

b. Tell why you chose the work of literature and the scene you chose.

c. Read the passage you chose.

d. Briefly explain the construction of your product (materials, process, etc.)

e. Provide a “fun” or “interesting” fact about the construction of your project or the process of creating it that you think would be entertaining to share.

f. Make sure everyone can see the project.

Extra Credit Assignment - H English III Due 6/4 (4th) 6/5 (1st)

Create a visual representation of your favorite scene from a literary work we have read this year. Depending on the final product, I will decide whether it qualifies for (a) a quiz grade only or (b) the option of a quiz grade or a test grade. If you qualify for the choice between a quiz or a test, the choice is yours. I will not make the decision for you.

Any product using notebook paper will not be accepted.

In order to receive the extra credit, your product must follow these guidelines:

1. It must be neat and orderly.

2. It must be artistic and colorful.

3. It must be creative and original.

4. It must closely follow the text.

5. It must include lines from the text.

6. You must present your project to the class. During your presentation, you will do the following:

a. Tell the title of the work of literature you chose and the scene you chose.

b. Tell why you chose the work of literature and the scene you chose.

c. Read the passage you chose.

d. Briefly explain the construction of your product (materials, process, etc.)

e. Provide a “fun” or “interesting” fact about the construction of your project or the process of creating it that you think would be entertaining to share.

f. Make sure everyone can see the project.


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