Old Secrets and Lies: History of Khazars/Zionism

Old Secrets and Lies: History of Khazars/Zionism


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History of Khazars/Zionism

Here is a 5 part post of different articles by different authors all in one long file.

As always you can download the file to read off line by right clicking and saving it

at the link. I know this is long, but if you want to know who is behind the NWO,


who are the puppetmasters who pull the strings of our government, and who runs


the show on a global scale, this is a must read! Print it out and share it, forward it,


email it. Get the word out.

Download link: zionism report.doc


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___________________________ CITIZEN'S PERSPECTIVE September, 1995 KHAZARS; AND THE INVALIDITY OF THE TERM 'ANTI-SEMITISM' By Rex Weeks NOTE: For those of you reading the information on the METRO organization, you will need to understand the following history to grasp the big picture. You may have noticed the term "Khazar" or "Khazarian Zionists" popping up more frequently in articles. Many of you know who and what this term refers to (especially CONTACT readers), but for those who don't, you are about to get a short lesson in history which is most pertinent to events that have led up to the "One World Order".



The following information is from several Jewish historians, scholars, and encyclopedic sources. Because of the direct connection with "Khazars" and Jewish people today, I feel it is important to use

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Old Secrets and Lies: History of Khazars/Zionism



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History of Khazars/Zionism

Jewish sources for this information. To understand past and present world political events, we need to understand this history. The kingdom of the Khazars may have vanished from the maps of today, but their affect and influence are still acutely felt. In the fist millennia A.D. a warlike, pagan tribe of people were driven westward from Central Asia (see Ancient Russia, by George Vernadsky). They settled in an area of what is now Southern Russia between the Black and Caspian Seas. This was an area just beyond the boundaries of both the Roman and Byzantine Empires. These people were called _Khazars_ (or Chazars) and were a tribe of Mongol, Turkish and Nordic bloodlines. Throughout the centuries, this warring tribe became the most powerful in Asia. As early as 3 A.D. they were indentifiable in constant warfare in Persia and Armenia. They fought alongside Attila the Hun around 5 A.D. They were at the peak of power between the seventh and tenth centuries A.D. The Khazars were strategically situated at the mouth of the Volga River, surrounded by the Caucasus mountains to the south, the Black Sea to the west, and the Khazar Sea (now Caspian Sea) to the east. They occupied a strategic key position in the vital gateway between the Seas where the great eastern powers of the period confronted each other (The Thirteenth Tribe, by Arthur Koestler, Jewish historian). Khazars were not only expert warriors, but aggressive merchants. At the peak of their power, they exacted a "tribute" (tax, extortion) of 10 percent from all traders who had to pass through their dominion. This made them a wealthy, but despised nation. By the eighth century, their kingdom extended as far north as Kiev, Russia. At its peak, it encompassed one million square miles. for three of four centuries it was an untouchable empire. How many of you have ever heard of the

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Old Secrets and Lies: History of Khazars/Zionism


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Khazarian Empire? In the eighth century (740 A.D.) something of _historic profoundness_ occurred in this kingdom. the Khazarian king (Kagan/Khan, Khakan or Chagan), having no religion for the kingdom beyond pagan phallic/idolatry worship, was getting pressure from the surrounding Christian Byzantine and Moslem empires to convert. According to the _Universal Jewish Encyclopedia_, the Khazar chieftain Bulan, "called representatives of Judaism, Christianity, and Mohammedism to expound their doctrines before him". Not wanting to associate himself with either side, so as not to incur the wrath (hence, a potential alliance of war) against them, King Bulan _chose as the nations religion, Talmudism_, now known as JUDAISM (and formally known as Pharisaism). It was now a state religion. ("Facts are Facts", by Benjamin Freedman, Jewish author and historian in a letter to Dr. David Goldstein). From the king's conversion to "Judaism" (we'll use the current vernacular), it was spread to the subjects of the land, especially by one of Bulan's successors, Obadiah. By the tenth century the ruler of Christian Russia, Vladimir III had conquered the Khazarian empire. but this is not the end of the story. In fact, it is only the beginning. Before going on, reflect on what happened here. Purely as a political decision, the Khazar kingdom became Jews en masse (although remember, the term "Jew" did not exist at that time; Khazaria was called, "Land of the Judahites"). As Jewish historian Benjamin Freedman put it, "The converted Khazars were the first population of so called or self-styled (terms from the _Jewish Encyclopedia_) "Jews" in eastern Europe. So-called or self-styled "Jews" in eastern Europe after the conversion of the conversion of the Khazars _are the

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descendants of the Khazars converted to "Talmudism", or as it is now known "Judaism", by the 7th century mass conversion of the Khazar population_", end quote. Are you beginning to grasp the historical significance of the conversion to Talmudism/Judaism by the Khazars? These historians have determined that the "Jews" of southern Russia and eastern Europe are the Khazarian descendants of self-chosen converts, _having nothing to do with Biblical Hebrews yet laying claim to their heritage. Ponder on this a moment. For further reference, let's take a quote from the _Jewish Encyclopedia_, Vol. IV, pages 1-5 on "Chazars" (pronounced like cos(tume)Czar. From the _Jewish Encyclopedia_: quoting: "Chazars: A people of Turkish origin whose life and history are interwoven with _THE VERY BEGINNINGS OF THE HISTORY OF THE JEWS IN RUSSIA_... driven on by nomadic tribes of the steppes and by their own desire for plunder and revenge...The kingdom of the Chazars was firmly established in _most of south Russia long before the foundation of the Russian monarchy by the Varangians_ (Russians)...The Kingdom of the chazars was constantly at war...At the end of the eighth century...the chagan (king) of the Chazars _TOGETHER WITH A LARGE NUMBER OF HIS HEATHEN PEOPLE, EMBRACED THE JEWISH RELIGION_...The Jewish population in the entire domain of the chazars, in the period between the seventh and tenth centuries, _must have been considerable_...about the ninth century, _IT APPEARS AS IF ALL THE CHAZARS WERE JEWS AND THAT THEY HAD BEEN CONVERTED TO JUDASM ONLY A SHORT TIME BEFORE_...the people were instructed in the Bible, Mishnah and the _TALMUD_...In their writings the _Chazars used Hebrew letters_ (applied to the phonetics of Asiatic

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dialects)... The Russian varangians established themselves at Kiev.. .until the final conquest of the chazars by the Russians...Many members of the chazarian royal family emigrated to Spain...Some went to Hungary, _BUT THE GREAT MASS OF THE PEOPLE REMAINED IN THEIR NATIVE COUNTRY." (end quote). Jewish historian, Professor H. Graetz, points out in his famous "_History of the Jews_" that when other so called or self-styled "Jews" in other countries heard about the Jewish Khazar kingdom, they mistakenly believed the Khazars were one of the "lost ten tribes". As you can see from the history above, this is the furthest thing from the truth, hence the name of Arthur Koestler's book, "The _Thirteenth_ Tribe" (indicating they were not one of the original 12 tribes of Israel). The Khazars took the Hebrew characters they say in the Babylonian Talmud and applied them to the phonetics of the German, Russian, Turkish and other dialects around them. This hybrid language was known as _Yiddish_. Even with the disbandment of the Khazars, their language of Yiddish survived and still today forms a common bond between the people. After their conquering, the Khazars of southern Russia stayed in the area for the most part, spreading to the areas now known as eastern Europe - Poland, Germany, Hungary - and made up the eastern European "Jewry". From generation to generation they also passed down a militant tradition known as _ZIONISM_ - the belief that they were a chosen people and divinely ordained to have a homeland of their own, at any cost. As the eminent Rabbi Louis Finkelstein said, "Pharisaism became Talmudism, Talmudism became Rabinism", which became Judaism, which became Zionism. Rabbi Adolph Moses States, "Among the

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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