Kindergarten Lesson Plans

Kindergarten Lesson Plans

WEEK of September 19 - 23

|Calendar |CC.1.SL.1a: Comprehension and |.4c: Counting and cardinality: |Days of the week, date, counting, |Letters: F, E | |

| |collaboration: follow rules for |count to tell the number of objects. |visual representation of numbers, place|Sight Words: I, a/A | |

| |discussions |Understand that each successive number|value, weather patterns, graphing, | | |

| |CC..4: Understand the relationship|name refers to a quantity that is one |letters, letter sounds | | |

| |between numbers and quantities; |larger. | | | |

| |connect counting to cardinality |K.G.1-6: 2D Shapes and concepts | | | |

| |SC-EP-2.3.2: Students describe | | | | |

| |patterns in weather in order to make | | | | |

| |simple predictions. | | | | |

|Shared Reading |RF.1: Print concepts: Demonstrate |SL.1a: Comprehension and |Book: ABC Jamboree | | |

| |understanding of the organization and |collaboration: follow agreed-upon | | | |

| |basic features of print. |rules for discussions. | | | |

| |SL.1a: Comprehension and |RI.K.7: With prompting and support, | | | |

| |collaboration: follow agreed-upon |describe the relationship between | | | |

| |rules for discussions. |illustrations and the text in which | | | |

| | |they appear. | | | |

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| | |Kona Ice |PLC Day | |Celebration |

|Writing |W.K.2: Use a combination of drawing, |W.K.2: Use a combination of drawing, |W.K.2: Use a combination of drawing, |W.K.2: Use a combination of drawing, |W.K.2: Use a combination of drawing, |

| |dictating, and writing to compose |dictating, and writing to compose |dictating, and writing to compose |dictating, and writing to compose |dictating, and writing to compose |

|Standards |informative/ explanatory texts in |informative/ explanatory texts in |informative/ explanatory texts in |informative/ explanatory texts in |informative/ explanatory texts in |

| |which they name what they are writing|which they name what they are writing|which they name what they are writing|which they name what they are writing|which they name what they are writing|

| |about and supply some information |about and supply some information |about and supply some information |about and supply some information |about and supply some information |

| |about the topic. |about the topic. |about the topic. |about the topic. |about the topic. |

| |L.K.1: Demonstrate command of the |L.K.1: Demonstrate command of the |L.K.1: Demonstrate command of the |L.K.1: Demonstrate command of the |L.K.1: Demonstrate command of the |

| |conventions of standard English |conventions of standard English |conventions of standard English |conventions of standard English |conventions of standard English |

| |grammar and usage when writing or |grammar and usage when writing or |grammar and usage when writing or |grammar and usage when writing or |grammar and usage when writing or |

| |speaking |speaking |speaking |speaking |speaking |

| |SL.K.1: participate in collaborative |SL.K.1: participate in collaborative |SL.K.1: participate in collaborative |SL.K.1: participate in collaborative |SL.K.1: participate in collaborative |

| |conversations with diverse partners |conversations with diverse partners |conversations with diverse partners |conversations with diverse partners |conversations with diverse partners |

| |about kindergarten topics and text |about kindergarten topics and text |about kindergarten topics and text |about kindergarten topics and text |about kindergarten topics and text |

| |with peers and teachers in small and |with peers and teachers in small and |with peers and teachers in small and |with peers and teachers in small and |with peers and teachers in small and |

| |large groups. |large groups. |large groups. |large groups. |large groups. |

| |SL.K.6: Speak audibly and express |SL.K.6: Speak audibly and express |SL.K.6: Speak audibly and express |SL.K.6: Speak audibly and express |SL.K.6: Speak audibly and express |

| |thoughts, feelings, and ideas |thoughts, feelings, and ideas |thoughts, feelings, and ideas |thoughts, feelings, and ideas |thoughts, feelings, and ideas |

| |clearly. |clearly. |clearly. |clearly. |clearly. |

|Learning Target |I can name a living thing. |I can name a non-living thing. |I can determine what a living thing |I can determine the difference |I can name one living and non-living |

| | | |needs to survive. |between a living and non-living |thing. |

| | | | |thing. |I can identify the needs of a living |

| | | | | |thing. |

|Strategy/ Activity |Students will learn about what a |Students will learn about what a |We will discuss what makes a thing |We will discuss what makes a thing |Students will identify one living and|

| |living thing is. Students will be |non-living thing is. Students will be|living and what they need to live. |non-living and living. |non-living thing. Students will be |

| |able to identify one thing that is |able to identify one thing that is | | |able to explain what makes a thing |

| |living. |non-living. |Students will use a combination of |Students will use a combination of |living- what they need to survive. |

| | | |pictures, dictating, and writing to |pictures, dictating, and writing to | |

| |Students will use a combination of |Students will use a combination of |name what living things need to |identify the differences between |Students will use a combination of |

| |pictures, dictating, and writing to |pictures, dictating, and writing to |survive. |living and non-living things. |pictures, dictating, and writing to |

| |name a living thing. |name a non-living thing. | | |explain what makes a thing living and|

| | | | | |what they need to survive. |

|Modifications/ | |

|Accommodations | |

|Critical Vocabulary |Write, trace, capital, lowercase |Write, trace, capital, lowercase |Write, trace, capital, lowercase |Write, trace, capital, lowercase |Write, trace, capital, lowercase |

|Assessments |Teacher observation, turn and talk, |Teacher observation, turn and talk, |Teacher observation, turn and talk, |Teacher observation, turn and talk, |Teacher observation, turn and talk, |

| |class discussion, and writing journal|class discussion, and writing journal|class discussion, and writing journal|class discussion, and writing journal|class discussion, and writing journal|

|Homework |Practice writing their name. Practice|Practice writing their name. Practice|Practice writing their name. Practice|Practice writing their name. Practice|Practice writing their name. Practice|

| |writing the letters we have learned. |writing the letters we have learned. |writing the letters we have learned. |writing the letters we have learned. |writing the letters we have learned. |

|Math |.5: Count and cardinality: count |.5: Count and cardinality: count |.5: Count and cardinality: count |.5: Count and cardinality: count |.5: Count and cardinality: count |

| |to tell the number of objects. |to tell the number of objects. |to tell the number of objects. |to tell the number of objects. |to tell the number of objects. |

|Standards |.3: Counting and cardinality: |.3: Counting and cardinality: |.3: Counting and cardinality: |.3: Counting and cardinality: |.3: Counting and cardinality: |

| |know numbers names and the count |know numbers names and the count |know numbers names and the count |know numbers names and the count |know numbers names and the count |

| |sequence. |sequence. |sequence. |sequence. |sequence. |

| |.4: Count and cardinality: count |.4: Count and cardinality: count |.4: Count and cardinality: count |.4: Count and cardinality: count |.4: Count and cardinality: count |

| |to tell the number of objects- |to tell the number of objects- |to tell the number of objects- |to tell the number of objects- |to tell the number of objects- |

| |understand the relationship between |understand the relationship between |understand the relationship between |understand the relationship between |understand the relationship between |

| |numbers and quantities; connect |numbers and quantities; connect |numbers and quantities; connect |numbers and quantities; connect |numbers and quantities; connect |

| |counting to cardinality. |counting to cardinality. |counting to cardinality. |counting to cardinality. |counting to cardinality. |

|Learning Target |I can count objects. |I can count objects. |I can count objects. |I can count objects. |I can count objects. |

| |I can write numbers 1 to 5. |I can write the number 5. |I can write the number 5. |I can write the number 0. |I can models ways to make numbers 0 |

| | | |I can order numbers to 5. | |to 5. |

|Strategy/ Activity |T: Students will complete Lesson 1.5.|T: Students will complete Lesson 1.6.|T: Students will complete Lesson 1.8.|T: Students will complete Lesson 1.9.|Practice Starfall- numbers 0, 1, 2, |

| |Students will practice counting and |Students will practice counting and |Students will practice counting and |Students will practice counting and |3, 4. |

| |writing numbers to 5. |writing numbers to 5. |writing numbers to 5. Students will |writing numbers to 0. Students will | |

| | | |put these numbers in order. |practice writing the number 0. |Free Choice Day! |

| |T: Students will practice |T: Students will practice | | |Students may choose different |

| |identification of numbers. Students |identification of numbers. Students |T: Students will practice |T: Students will practice |manipulatives to model numbers 1, 2, |

| |will practice subatizing. Students |will practice subatizing. Students |identification of numbers. Students |identification of numbers. Students |3, 4. Students may choose to draw |

| |will practice counting objects (one |will practice counting objects (one |will practice subatizing. Students |will practice subatizing. Students |different objects to show numbers 1, |

| |to one correspondence, counting |to one correspondence, counting |will practice counting objects (one |will practice counting objects (one |2, 3, 4. |

| |sequence, one larger). |sequence, one larger). |to one correspondence, counting |to one correspondence, counting |Students can use various clip cards |

| | | |sequence, one larger). |sequence, one larger). |to match numbers and quantities. |

| |I: Students will practice number and |I: Students will practice number and | | |Students may work on ABC Mouse/ |

| |quantity identification with various |quantity identification with various |I: Students will practice number and |I: Students will practice number and |Starfall/ Compass Learning |

| |clip cards. Students will practice |clip cards. Students will practice |quantity identification with various |quantity identification with various | |

| |representing numbers with cubes. |representing numbers with cubes. |clip cards. Students will practice |clip cards. Students will practice | |

| | | |representing numbers with cubes. |representing numbers with cubes. | |

| |I: Students will model and draw |I: Students will model and draw | | | |

| |pictures to go with the number in |pictures to go with the number in |I: Students will practice writing the|I: Students will model and draw | |

| |their math journal. Students will |their math journal. Students will |numbers 1-5 and putting those numbers|pictures to go with the number in | |

| |practice writing the number too. (5) |practice writing the number too. |in order. |their math journal. Students will | |

| | |(1-5) | |practice writing the number too. (0) | |

|Modifications/ Accommodations | |

|Critical Vocabulary |Count, model, write, draw, subatize |Count, model, write, draw, subatize |Count, model, write, draw, subatize |Count, model, write, draw, subatize |Count, model, write, draw, subatize |

|Assessments |Conferring, observation, student |Conferring, observation, student |Conferring, observation, student |Conferring, observation, student |Conferring, observation, student |

| |work, class discussion |work, class discussion |work, class discussion |work, class discussion |work, class discussion |

|Homework | | | | | |

|Science |K-ESS3-1: Use a model to represent |K-ESS3-1: Use a model to represent |K-ESS3-1: Use a model to represent |K-ESS3-1: Use a model to represent |K-ESS3-1: Use a model to represent |

| |the relationship between the needs of|the relationship between the needs of|the relationship between the needs of|the relationship between the needs of|the relationship between the needs of|

|Standards |different plants or animals and the |different plants or animals and the |different plants or animals and the |different plants or animals and the |different plants or animals and the |

| |places they live. |places they live. |places they live. |places they live. |places they live. |

| |K-LS1-1: Use observations to describe|K-LS1-1: Use observations to describe|K-LS1-1: Use observations to describe|K-LS1-1: Use observations to describe|K-LS1-1: Use observations to describe|

| |patters of what plants and animals |patters of what plants and animals |patters of what plants and animals |patters of what plants and animals |patters of what plants and animals |

| |need to survive. |need to survive. |need to survive. |need to survive. |need to survive. |

|Learning Target |I can name a living thing. |I can name a non-living thing. |I can determine what a living thing |I can determine the difference |I can name one living and non-living |

| | | |needs to survive. |between a living and non-living |thing. |

| | | | |thing. |I can identify the needs of a living |

| | | | | |thing. |

|Strategy/ Activity |Students will learn about what a |Students will learn about what a |We will discuss what makes a thing |We will discuss what makes a thing |Students will identify one living and|

| |living thing is. Students will be |non-living thing is. Students will be|living and what they need to live. |non-living and living. |non-living thing. Students will be |

| |able to identify one thing that is |able to identify one thing that is | | |able to explain what makes a thing |

| |living. |non-living. | | |living- what they need to survive. |

|Critical Vocabulary |Living, non-living, explain, identify|Living, non-living, explain, identify|Living, non-living, explain, identify|Living, non-living, explain, identify|Living, non-living, explain, identify|

|Assessments |Teacher observation, class |Teacher observation, class |Teacher observation, class |Teacher observation, class |Teacher observation, class |

| |discussion, student work |discussion, student work |discussion, student work |discussion, student work |discussion, student work |

|Homework | | | | | |

|English Language Arts |RF.1: Print concepts: Demonstrate |RF.1: Print concepts: Demonstrate |RF.1: Print concepts: Demonstrate |RF.1: Print concepts: Demonstrate |RF.1: Print concepts: Demonstrate |

| |understanding of the organization and|understanding of the organization and|understanding of the organization and|understanding of the organization and|understanding of the organization and|

|Standards |basic features of print |basic features of print |basic features of print |basic features of print |basic features of print |

| |RF.K.2: Demonstrate understanding of |RF.K.2: Demonstrate understanding of |RF.K.2: Demonstrate understanding of |RF.K.2: Demonstrate understanding of |RF.K.2: Demonstrate understanding of |

| |spoken words, syllables, and sounds |spoken words, syllables, and sounds |spoken words, syllables, and sounds |spoken words, syllables, and sounds |spoken words, syllables, and sounds |

| |(phonemes). |(phonemes). |(phonemes). |(phonemes). |(phonemes). |

| |L.K.1a: Print many upper- and |L.K.1a: Print many upper- and |L.K.1a: Print many upper- and |L.K.1a: Print many upper- and |L.K.1a: Print many upper- and |

| |lowercase letters. |lowercase letters. |lowercase letters. |lowercase letters. |lowercase letters. |

| | |RF.K.3c: Read common high-frequency | |RF.K.3c: Read common high-frequency | |

| | |words by sight. | |words by sight. | |

|Learning Target |I can write the letter F correctly. |I can write the sight word I |I can write the letter E correctly. |I can write the sight word a/A |I can write the letters we have |

| |I can read text using strategies. |correctly. |I can read text using strategies. |correctly. |learned correctly. |

| |I can identify the letters we have |I can write I in a sentence. |I can identify the letters we have |I can write a/A in a sentence. |I can write words that begin with the|

| |learned in text. |I can read I in a sentence. |learned in text. |I can read a/A in a sentence. |letters that I have learned. |

|Strategy/ Activity |Read a book with the letter F: Iguana|T: Students will practice writing the|Read a book with the letter E: When |T: Students will practice writing the|Fun Friday |

| |on Ice |sight word can with teacher support. |Tilly Turtle Came to Tea |sight word a/A with teacher support. |Students may choose what activity |

| | | | | |they would like to do. |

| |Brainstorm words that begin with the |T: Guided Reading: Students will read|Brainstorm words that begin with the |T: Guided Reading: Students will read| |

| |letter F. |a book with teacher support. Students|letter E. |a book with teacher support. Students|Students can: |

| | |can learn and practice foundational | |can learn and practice foundational |-Ladybug finger prints in the letter |

| |T: Students will practice writing the|reading skills (tracking print, |T: Students will practice writing the|reading skills (tracking print, |L |

| |letter I with teacher support. |directionality, one to one |letter T with teacher support. |directionality, one to one |-Tommy Tiger/ Isabella Inchworm |

| | |correspondence). Identifying the | |correspondence). Identifying the |Puppet |

| |T: Guided Reading: Students will read|difference between letters, words, |T: Guided Reading: Students will read|difference between letters, words, |-Write the Room |

| |a book with teacher support. Students|and sentences. Identifying learned |a book with teacher support. Students|and sentences. Identifying learned |-Use magnetic letters to spell their |

| |can learn and practice foundational |letters in text. Jack and Jill |can learn and practice foundational |letters in text. Jack and Jill |name |

| |reading skills (tracking print, | |reading skills (tracking print, | |-Put their name in order with the ice|

| |directionality, one to one |I: Students will sort pictures based |directionality, one to one |I: Students will practice identifying|cream cone |

| |correspondence). Identifying the |on the beginning letter (f/t). |correspondence). Identifying the |the capital O and lowercase o using a|-Create letters with playdough |

| |difference between letters, words, | |difference between letters, words, |hole punch. |-Practice writing letters |

| |and sentences. Identifying learned |I: Listen to Reading/ Computers |and sentences. Identifying learned | |-Starfall |

| |letters in text. Jack and Jill | |letters in text. Jack and Jill |I: Listen to Reading/ Computers |-Listen to Reading |

| | | | | |-Computers |

| |I: Students will sort pictures based | |I: Students will practice identifying| | |

| |on the beginning letter (g/i). | |the capital C and lowercase c using a| | |

| | | |hole punch. | | |

| |I: Listen to Reading/ Computers | | | | |

| | | |I: Listen to Reading/ Computers | | |

|Modifications/ | |

|Accommodations | |

|Critical Vocabulary |letter, sound, sight words |letter, sound, sight words |letter, sound, sight words |letter, sound, sight words |letter, sound, sight words |

|Assessments |Teacher observation |Teacher observation |Teacher observation |Teacher observation |Teacher observation |

|Homework | | | | | |

|Mustang Math (LC, TS, NW) |.5: Count and cardinality: count |.5: Count and cardinality: count |.5: Count and cardinality: count |.5: Count and cardinality: count |.5: Count and cardinality: count |

| |to tell the number of objects. |to tell the number of objects. |to tell the number of objects. |to tell the number of objects. |to tell the number of objects. |

|Standards |.3: Counting and cardinality: |.3: Counting and cardinality: |.3: Counting and cardinality: |.3: Counting and cardinality: |.3: Counting and cardinality: |

| |know numbers names and the count |know numbers names and the count |know numbers names and the count |know numbers names and the count |know numbers names and the count |

| |sequence. |sequence. |sequence. |sequence. |sequence. |

| |.4: Count and cardinality: count |.4: Count and cardinality: count |.4: Count and cardinality: count |.4: Count and cardinality: count |.4: Count and cardinality: count |

| |to tell the number of objects- |to tell the number of objects- |to tell the number of objects- |to tell the number of objects- |to tell the number of objects- |

| |understand the relationship between |understand the relationship between |understand the relationship between |understand the relationship between |understand the relationship between |

| |numbers and quantities; connect |numbers and quantities; connect |numbers and quantities; connect |numbers and quantities; connect |numbers and quantities; connect |

| |counting to cardinality. |counting to cardinality. |counting to cardinality. |counting to cardinality. |counting to cardinality. |

|Learning Target |I can count objects accurately. |I can count objects accurately. |I can count objects accurately. |I can count objects accurately. |I can count objects accurately. |

| |I can write my numbers correctly. |I can write my numbers correctly. |I can write my numbers correctly. |I can write my numbers correctly. |I can write my numbers correctly. |

|Strategy/ Activity |Review numbers 1-5. One to one |Review numbers 1-5. One to one |Review numbers 1-5. One to one |Review numbers 0-5. One to one |Review numbers 0-5. One to one |

| |correspondence for counting. |correspondence for counting. |correspondence for counting. |correspondence for counting. |correspondence for counting. |

| |Model and draw numbers using |Model and draw numbers using |Model and draw numbers using |Model and draw numbers using |Model and draw numbers using |

| |manipulatives |manipulatives |manipulatives |manipulatives |manipulatives |

|Critical Vocabulary |Numbers, count, write, accurately |Numbers, count, write, accurately |Numbers, count, write, accurately |Numbers, count, write, accurately |Numbers, count, write, accurately |

|Racing Readers |RF.K.2: Demonstrate understanding of |RF.K.2: Demonstrate understanding of |RF.K.2: Demonstrate understanding of |RF.K.2: Demonstrate understanding of |RF.K.2: Demonstrate understanding of |

|(LC, TS, WW) |spoken words, syllables, and sounds |spoken words, syllables, and sounds |spoken words, syllables, and sounds |spoken words, syllables, and sounds |spoken words, syllables, and sounds |

| |(phonemes). |(phonemes). |(phonemes). |(phonemes). |(phonemes). |

|Standards |L.K.1a: Print many upper- and |L.K.1a: Print many upper- and |L.K.1a: Print many upper- and |L.K.1a: Print many upper- and |L.K.1a: Print many upper- and |

| |lowercase letters. |lowercase letters. |lowercase letters. |lowercase letters. |lowercase letters. |

|Learning Target |I can identify letters we have |I can identify letters we have |I can identify letters we have |I can identify letters we have |I can identify letters we have |

| |learned. |learned. |learned. |learned. |learned. |

| |I can identify the letter sounds of |I can identify the letter sounds of |I can identify the letter sounds of |I can identify the letter sounds of |I can identify the letter sounds of |

| |letters we have learned. |letters we have learned. |letters we have learned. |letters we have learned. |letters we have learned. |

| |I can write my letters correctly. |I can write my letters correctly. |I can write my letters correctly. |I can write my letters correctly. |I can write my letters correctly. |

|Strategy/ Activity |Review letters we have learned. |Review letters we have learned. |Review letters we have learned. |Review letters we have learned. |Review letters we have learned. |

| |Letter writing, letter sounds, and |Letter writing, letter sounds, and |Letter writing, letter sounds, and |Letter writing, letter sounds, and |Letter writing, letter sounds, and |

| |letter identification (upper and |letter identification (upper and |letter identification (upper and |letter identification (upper and |letter identification (upper and |

| |lowercase letters). |lowercase letters). |lowercase letters). |lowercase letters). |lowercase letters). |

|Critical Vocabulary |Letters, sounds, uppercase, |Letters, sounds, uppercase, |Letters, sounds, uppercase, |Letters, sounds, uppercase, |Letters, sounds, uppercase, |

| |lowercase, identify |lowercase, identify |lowercase, identify |lowercase, identify |lowercase, identify |

|Modifications/ Accommodations General |


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