Test for Spanish Speakers

English Test for Spanish Speakers

A Translate these phrases.

|1 |No lo suficiente. |...................................................................|

| | |..... |

|2 |Últimamente no. |...................................................................|

| | |..... |

|3 |La pelí fue un poco lenta. |...................................................................|

| | |..... |

|4 |Chóvar es el lugar más bonito de Valencia |...................................................................|

| | |..... |

|5 |Estoy harto de la política. |...................................................................|

| | |..... |

|6 |Necesito dormir 9 horas. |...................................................................|

| | |..... |

|7 |El Ritz es el hotel más caro de Madrid. |...................................................................|

| | |..... |

|8 |Es el hotel más caro de Madrid. |...................................................................|

| | |..... |

|9 |Proveedor. |...................................................................|

| | |..... |

|10 |Lo mismo que antes. |...................................................................|

| | |..... |

B Correct these mistakes.

|1 |That house is the more expensive than this one. ..................................................................... |

|2 |How old does it have? ........................................................................ |

|3 |Do you got a DVD player? ........................................................................ |

|4 |How many TVs have you have? ........................................................................ |

|5 |Have she got a cat? ........................................................................ |

|6 |Do he have a dog? ........................................................................ |

|7 |The film was very well. ........................................................................ |

|8 |It's the more pretty place in England. ........................................................................ |

C Answer these questions.

|1 |Do you have any brothers or sisters? (Sí o no) |.......................................................................|

| | |. |

|2 |Has she got a new car? (Sí) |.......................................................................|

| | |.. |

|3 |Has he got a new job? (No) |.......................................................................|

| | |.. |

|4 |Do you have a microwave? (Sí o no) |.......................................................................|

| | |.. |

|5 |How long have you had your present  car? |.......................................................................|

| | |.. |

|6 |Have you got any pets? (Sí o no) |.......................................................................|

| | |.. |

|7 |How many radios do you have? |.......................................................................|

| | |. |

|8 |Who has the biggest feet in your family? |.......................................................................|

| | |. |

|9 |What was the last film you saw? |.......................................................................|

| | |. |

|10 |Which cinema did you see it in? |.......................................................................|

| | |. |


|A |

| |

| |

| |

|1. No lo suficiente. |

|2. Últimamente no. |

|3. La pelí fue un poco lenta. |

|4. Chóvar es el lugar más bonito de Valencia. |

|5. Estoy harto de la política. |

|6. Necesito dormir 9 horas. |

|7. El Ritz es el hotel más caro de Madrid.. |

|8. Es el hotel más caro de Madrid. |

|9. Proveedor. |

|10. Lo mismo que antes. |

|Not enough. |

|Not recently. |

|The film was a bit slow. |

|Chóvar is the prettiest place in Valencia. |

|I'm fed up with politics. |

|I need to sleep (for) 9 hours. |

|The Ritz is the most expnsive hotel in Madrid. |

|It's the most expensive hotel in Madrid. |

|Supplier. |

|The same as before. |

| |

|B. |

|1. That house is the more expensive than this one. |

|That house is the more expensive than this one. |

|2. How old does it have? |

|How old is it? |

|3. Do you got a DVD player? |

|Do you have/Have you got a DVD player ? |

|4. How many TVs have you have? |

|How many TVs/have you got/do you have? |

|5. Have she got a cat? |

|Has she got a cat ? |

|6. Do he have a dog? |

|Does he have a dog? |

|7. The film was very well. |

|The film was very good . |

|8. It's the more pretty place in England. |

|It's the prettiest place in England . |

|C. |

|1. Do you have any brothers or sisters? (Sí o no) |

|Yes, I do/No, I don't. |

| |

|2. Has she got a new car? (Sí) |

|Yes, she has. |

| |

|3. Has he got a new job? (No) |

|No, he hasn't. |

| |

|4. Do you have a microwave? (Sí o no) |

|Yes, I do/No, I don't. |

| |

|5. How long have you had your present  car? |

|For ______months/years . or Since 19__. |

| |

|6. Have you got any pets? (Sí o no) |

|Yes, I have./No, I haven't. |

| |

|7. How many radios do you have? |

| I have _____. |

| |

|8. Who has the biggest feet in your family? |

| "My brother." |

| |

|9. What was the last film you saw? |

|"Castaway." |

| |

|10. Which cinema did you see it in? |

|"The Odeon." |

| |


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