Enneagram Types Under Stress 1.com

[Pages:18]Enneagram Types Under Stress

Type 1 Under Stress

When 1s are stressed, they first dip into their unhealthy traits as a 1 (critical, judgmental, perfectionistic). However, after that level, if they are still stressed or the stress increases they will move towards type 4 and pick up the average to unhealthy traits of 4. Average to unhealthy traits of 4 include: moodiness, irritability, melancholy, envy, withdrawing, and escaping into daydreams.

Type 1s can use their stress number in healthy ways by making use of the healthier traits of 4. This can mean being creative and making use of art, authentic with your feelings (no suppressing them because they seem "bad"), being introspective so you can figure out what exactly you are feeling.

Quick tips for 1s in stress: Get in touch with your feelings through listening to music or creating art. Take a walk in nature. Journal to get all your thoughts and feelings out of your head.

Enneagram Types Under Stress

Type 2 Under Stress

When 2s are stressed, they first dip into their unhealthy traits as a 2 (prideful, manipulative, martyrish). However, after that level, if they are still stressed or the stress increases they will move towards type 8 and pick up the average to unhealthy traits of 8. Average to unhealthy traits of 8 include: being aggressive, demanding, argumentative, controlling, and blunt. Type 2s can use their stress number in healthy ways by making use of the healthier traits of 8.

This can mean being more direct with their needs (no being the martyr), being decisive on what they need, protective of what is important and needed for them.

Quick tips for 2s in stress: Be direct and ask for some self-care time just for you. Do something alone just for yourself. Do some kick boxing (or other physical activity) to get some of the pent up aggression out.

Enneagram Types Under Stress

Type 3 Under Stress

When 3s are stressed, they first dip into their unhealthy traits as a 3 (vain, inauthentic, validation needy). However, after that level, if they are still stressed or the stress increases they will move towards type 9 and pick up the average to unhealthy traits of 9. Average to unhealthy traits of 9 include: being complacent, apathetic, self-doubting, disengaged, and retreating. Type 3s can use their stress number in healthy ways by making use of the healthier traits of 9.

This can mean being open-minded about the situation, being non-judgmental about their situation (give yourself credit even if you aren't succeeding or nobody is patting you on the back), going with the flow instead of striving so hard.

Quick tips for 3s in stress: Connect with people without goals in mind. Make lists of what you appreciate about others and let them know. Work in the garden where things will grow but at their own pace.

Enneagram Types Under Stress

Type 4 Under Stress

When 4s are stressed, they first dip into their unhealthy traits as a 4 (moody, temperamental, withdrawn). However, after that level, if they are still stressed or the stress increases they will move towards type 2 and pick up the average to unhealthy traits of 2. Average to unhealthy traits of 2 include: people pleasing, trying to "buy" others' love, testing the strength of your relationships, flattering others (in hopes of them returning the favor).

Type 4s can use their stress number in healthy ways by making use of the healthier traits of 2. This can mean being friendly and spend time with those you love, giving with normal boundaries (don't go broke trying to love others), love others with your own natural talents (loving them with things that aren't unique to you can quickly tip you into the negative trait of two).

Quick tips for 4s in stress: Give to others what you are naturally talented in (if you love baking bread then bake bread like crazy and give it to loved ones). Share your love of creativity with your kids or friends. Volunteer for those in need without expecting anything in return.


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