African American History Month

Essay Contest & Assembly


African American History Month is celebrated annually in the United States in the month of February. In celebrating the contributions African Americans have made to American history, and in working to deepen our understanding of our nation’s history, LPHS will hold an essay contest and assembly. Read more about these two opportunities below.


Essay Contest


Top Freshmen Essay – 2 Tickets to Homecoming

Top Sophomore Essay – 2 Tickets to Homecoming

Top Junior Essay* – 2 Tickets to Homecoming

Top Senior Essay* – 2 Tickets to Prom

*The top Junior and Senior essays will also be read at the assembly.


Using the IB Learner Profile, identify three traits that are embodied by a Black American of your choosing. The person you select can be someone whom you know personally or any person you believe has demonstrated outstanding achievements. In your essay, be sure to include an explanation of how and why the person you have chosen represents the identified traits. Lastly, explain why you believe your subject should be honored during African American History Month.

Due Date: Friday, February 14th, 2013

All essays must …

• be typed in Times New Roman, 12-point font with one-inch margins and double-spacing

• include a heading with student name, class/period, and teacher name

• include a title

• be 300 to 500 words


The assembly will be held in the auditorium on Friday, February 28th, 2013 during 3rd period and will feature a variety of performances as well as readings of the top Junior and Senior essays.

Black History Month Essay - RUBRIC

|Guidelines |Points Possible|Your Score & Comments |

|Content |10 | |

|Related to IB Learner Profile | | |

|Includes a person of African American descent and supporting evidence about this | | |

|person | | |

|Includes a thesis that argues how a person of African American descent most | | |

|exemplifies the IB Learner Profile | | |

|Organization |10 | |

|Introduction begins with a hook or attention grabber and interprets Black History | | |

|month | | |

|Body includes at least ONE - TWO paragraph(s) explaining the ways in which the chosen | | |

|African American individual relates to the IB learner profile | | |

|Ends with a strong summative conclusion | | |

|Grammar & Spelling |5 | |

|Proof read and error free | | |

|Uses appropriate and formal language | | |

|Presentation |5 | |

|At least 300-500 words | | |

|Typed, 12-point font, 1” margins, double-spaced | | |

|Essays should include a title, Student Name, Class/Period, and Teacher(s) Names | | |

|On-time | | |

|TOTAL |30 | |

IB Learner Profile


Black History Month Essay Pre-write

In order to honor the contributions of African Americans and the world, you are going to write an essay and enter into a CPS contest. Using the IB Learner Profile, identify one or two traits that are embodied by a person of African American Heritage. The person you select can be someone you know or a person that has demonstrated outstanding achievements. Your essay must include an introduction (with a thesis), body, and conclusion. It should be at least 4 paragraphs in length (300-500 words). Use the pre-writing template below to help you write your essay.

|Introduction (5-8 sentences in length) |

|Start with an attention getter or something interesting/catchy about Black History Month. (1-2 sentences) |

|Provide background information about Black History month and why it is so significant. (2-3 sentences) |

|Discuss/ Summarize the IB learner profile. (1 sentence) |

|End your intro with a Thesis. |

|_________________________ (chosen African American) exemplifies _________________( 1st IB learner profile trait) and _______________________ (2ndt IB learner profile |

|trait ) of the IB learner profile because ____________________ (first reason why) and __________________________ (second reason why). |

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|Body Paragraph #1 – (5-8 sentences in length) |

|Introductory sentence (how does your chosen person of African American decent address the FIRST IB learner profile trait you mentioned in your thesis. |

|Identify 2-3 reasons or supporting details why this chosen Hispanic person relates to this IB learner profile trait. |

|First, second and/or third reason why? |

|Provide 2-3 real-life stories and/or examples of why this chosen African American person demonstrates characteristics of an IB learner. |

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|Body Paragraph #2 – (5-8 sentences in length) |

|Introductory sentence (how does your chosen person of African American descent address the SECOND IB learner profile trait you mentioned in your thesis. |

|Identify 2-3 reasons or supporting details why this chosen African American person relates to this IB learner profile trait. |

|First, second and/or third reason why? |

|Provide 2-3 real-life stories and/or examples of why this chosen African American person demonstrates characteristics of an IB learner. |

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|Conclusion (5-8 sentences in length) |

|Synthesis and conclusion of the thesis rephrasing main topic and subtopics. |

|First sentence: Restate your Thesis statement in different words. |

|Why is your chosen African American person important? |

|How does your chosen African American person relate to the TWO IB learner profile traits you mentioned in your essay? |

|1st IB learner profile trait and why your chosen African American person shares this trait. |

|2nd IB learner profile trait and why your chosen African American person shares this trait. |

|How do you relate to the traits listed in the IB learner profile? Why are these traits important for people to have? |

|Why is celebrating Black History month so significant in US history? |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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