In order to explore the genre of “biography” in written work, the Biography Book Report will be assigned during Black History Month in Grade 6 Literacy class.

You have been assigned an individual who has made a mark in society. You will research your individual and then take your information and submit a report.

This project was issued on Monday, February 2, 2009

This project will be DUE on Monday, March 9, 2009.

Your project will have 3 parts: a written report, a visual poster, and an oral report. Use the requirements that follow to complete your report and visual. Check off each requirement after you have completed it.

Part One: Written Report

Book Report Cover

Create an interesting book cover for your Biography Book Report. This may be hand drawn or computer generated, provided it is your original work.

• Include your name, group, the title of the book, and the author in an imaginative way.

• Include a creative illustration that shows something important about the book.

• The source for all computer generated clip art must be appropriately cited.

Book Report Contents: Your report should follow the format below:

First paragraph (introduction) should include:

• The title, author, and a brief description of why the subject of the book is important.

Middle paragraphs should include:

• Identify at least one, but no more than three, character trait this person possessed and explain how it contributed to his/her success.

• Explain how this person began in his/her field.

• Were there any obstacles he/she had to overcome? Name any weaknesses, failures, or disappointments the subject had.

• Who were (if any) the important people in this person’s life. Did the subject have a hero or role model who set an example?

• Facts (details) about how this person contributed to his/her field or specialty.

• What is the achievement(s) for which he/she is best known?

• The part of this person’s life you admire the most, and why.

• Something that surprised you the most about this person.

Concluding paragraph(s) should include:

• A summation of the body of the report, including whether or not you think this book gives an honest account of your subject.

Part Two and Three: Poster and Oral Report

Poster: Use a standard-sized poster board which includes:

• Title of the biography and name of the author

• A timeline showing important achievements

• A direct quote from the book which you feel accurately portrays the subject of your biography

• 2-3 pictures related to your subject. These may be hand drawn, photocopied, or from the Internet. You must cite your source

• All work must be neat and visually appealing

Oral Report: Prepare a 3-5 minute oral report on your subject.

Note cards are required.

• Use your poster as an aide to guide you during the oral report.

• Be prepared to answer questions from the audience

• Review the rubric for the oral presentation carefully as you practice your delivery of the oral presentation.



Grade 6

Black History Month Biography Book Report

Graphic Organizer

Subject Name:___________________________

Important Characteristics

|1. |

|2. |

|3. |

|4. |

|5. |

Important Contributions

|1. |

|2. |

|3. |

|4. |

|5. |

Things you admire about this person

|1. |

|2. |

|3. |

|4. |

|5. |

Reason this person is famous

|1. |

|2. |

|3. |

|4. |

|5. |

Events that made this person important

|1. |

|2. |

|3. |

|4. |

|5. |

List any obstacles, weaknesses, failures or disappointments suffered by the subject and how they overcame them.

|1. |

|2. |

|3. |

|4. |

|5. |

Important people in the subject’s life

|1. |

|2. |

|3. |

|4. |

|5. |

Grade 6

Black History Month Biography Book Report

Grading Rubric

Written Book Report: Topic Development Rubric

|6 |Rich topic/idea development |

|Outstanding |Careful organization throughout essay |

| |Effective/rich use of language (includes all elements, topics and areas spelled out in |

| |instructions). |

|5 |Full topic/idea development |

|Proficient |Logical organization throughout essay |

| |Strong details |

| |Appropriate use of language |

|4 Intermediate |Moderate topic/ idea development and organization |

| |Adequate, relevant details |

| |Some variety in language |

|3 |Rudimentary (basic) topic/idea development and/or development |

|Novice |Basic supporting details |

| |Some variety in language |

|2 Needs |Limited or weak topic/idea development, organization, and/or details |

|Improvement |Limited awareness of audience and or task |

|1 |Little topic/idea development, organization, and/or details |

|Unsatisfactory |Little or no awareness of audience and/or task |

| | |

Biography Book Report Standard English Convention Rubric

|4 Outstanding |Control of sentence structure, grammar and usage, and mechanics (length and complexity of|

| |essay provide opportunity for student to show control of standard English conventions). |

|3 Intermediate |Errors do not interfere with communications and/or |

| |Few errors relative to the length of essay or complexity of sentence structure, grammar |

| |an usage, and mechanics |

|2 Novice |Errors interfere somewhat with communications and/or |

| |Too many errors relative to the length of the essay or complexity of sentence structure, |

| |grammar and usage and mechanics |

|1Unsatifactory |Errors seriously interfere with communication and |

| |Little control of sentence structure, grammar and usage, and mechanics |

Biography Book Report-Poster Rubric

|Category |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| |Outstanding |Proficient |Satisfactory |Unsatisfactory |

|Required |The poster includes |All required elements|Most of the required elements are |Several required |

|Elements |all required elements |are included on the |included on the poster |elements were missing |

| |as well as additional |poster | | |

| |information | | | |

|Title, Author’s name, |All written work is |Most written work is |Some written work is neat, bold, and |Written work is too |

|Timeline, Quotation, |neat, bold (stands |neat, bold, and large|large enough to be read from 3 feet |small or messy to be |

|and any Picture |out), and large enough|enough to be read |away |read from 3 feet away |

|Captions |to be read from at |from at least 3 feet | | |

| |least 3 feet away |away | | |

|Graphic |All graphics are |All graphics are |All graphics relate to the topic. Not |Graphics do not relate |

|Relevance |related to the topic |related to the topic |all borrowed graphics have a source |to the topic OR several|

| |and make it easier to |and most make it |citation. |borrowed graphics do |

| |understand. All |easier to understand.| |not have a source |

| |borrowed graphics have|Some borrowed | |citation |

| |a source citation |graphics have a | | |

| | |source citation | | |

|Attractive-ness |The poster is |The poster is |The poster could be neater and better |The poster is |

| |exceptionally |attractive in terms |organized |Unacceptably messy. |

| |attractive in terms of|of design, layout and| | |

| |design, layout and |neatness | | |

| |neatness | | | |

|Grammar |There are no |There are few |There are several |The grammatical/ |

| |grammatical |gram-matical/ |grammatical/mechanical mistakes on the |Mechanical mistakes |

| |/mechanical mistakes |Mecha-nical mistakes |poster. |make the poster |

| |on the poster |on the poster | |difficult to understand|

Biography Book Report Oral Presentation Rubric

|Category |3 Exceptional |2 Satisfactory |1 Needs Improvement |

|Audibility |All parts of the audience can |Speaker cannot clearly be heard |Audience can’t hear any part of |

| |easily hear the presentation |by all of the audience |the report |

|Speaker |Speaker enthusiasm highly |Speaker moderately enthused |No display of enthusiasm by |

|Enthusiasm |visible | |speaker |

|Speaker |Speaker displays no distracting |Speaker displays some |Audience totally distracted |

|Mannerism |mannerisms |distracting mannerisms | |

|Eye Contact |Speaker displays eye contact |Speaker displays some eye |Speaker displays no eye contact |

| |with all sections of the |contact with the audience |with the audience |

| |audience | | |


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