Haringey6sport | BTEC Sport (Level 1, 2, 3)

5273436-430530Edexcel BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Sport (Development, Coaching and Fitness)Unit 11: Sports NutritionUnit 14: Exercise, Health and Lifestyle Assignment 1: Nutrition, Digestion and Lifestyle Factors Learning OutcomesUnit 11: 1/Unit 14: 1&2Criteria:Unit 11-P1, P2 /Unit 14-P1,P2,M1,M2,D1(Please tick where evidence has been submitted)Evidence you need to submitTick in box if submittedTask 1: Nutritional Requirements and the Digestion SystemReport (Unit 11: P1)Poster and Essay (unit 11: P2)Task 2: Lifestyle FactorsLeaflet (unit 14: P1)Questionnaire (unit 14: P2, M2)Essay (unit 14:D1)Date Issued:Monday 10th September 2012Submission Date:Tuesday 9th October 2012Date Submitted:Learner Name:Learner Signature:I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my ownAssessor Name:Jennifer Maysmor-GeeInternal Verifier:Date:129764175036Vocational Context – Understanding nutrition and a healthy lifestyle is now more than ever a key requirement in the athlete’s/amateur’s quest for achieving their full potential. A range of health factors such as diet and physical activity are seen to have a positive effect on health and sports performance.An athlete’s diet will assist in the delivery of an effective performance but equally as important, will play a significant part in the recovery process. This not only helps improve performance but also reduces the risk of injury.With the increased risk of health related diseases on the rise in the UK it is important now more than ever to be aware of the consequences and how they can be addressed Scenario – Haringey Health club works with aspiring young athletes and the general public. Their aim is to maximise the potential of all their clients and help them reach their goals. The club manager wants you to present a range of materials (leaflets, poster presentations and written reports) on the importance of nutrition and lifestyle factors and how they can affect performance and general wellbeing. The clubs motto is “you reap what you sow”To: student@haringey6.ac.uk From: managerhhc@ Subject: Nutrition and lifestyle information Dear studentI am contacting you in reference to the information that is needed for our clients which consist of aspiring athletes and the general public. The information should be provided in a range of sources such as leaflet, poster presentation and a written reply. The information should be provided in 2 main sections. The 1st section being in a written report and should begin by describing nutritional requirements in general terms as this could be a new subject for them and they may have little knowledge in this area. Secondly you need to describe the structure and function of the digestive system as an A3 poster and a short essay. This will complete the first sectionIn section 2 you should design a leaflet describing and explaining the effects of lifestyle factors on health. In addition you should also include a lifestyle questionnaire describing and explaining the lifestyle of the client who you are working with. It would also be appreciated if you could do a write up on how you would evaluate the lifestyle of the clients. Yours sincerelyDarren Wilson – Club Manager“You reap what you sow”Yours sincerelyDave Wilson – Education ManagerActivitiesTask 1: Nutritional Requirements and the Digestion SystemIn your written report you must describe nutrition, including nutritional requirements using recommended guidelines from public health sources such as the NHS, DOH etc. (unit 11:P1)In addition you should describe the structure and function of the digestive system in terms of digestion, absorption and excretion. This should be presented in the form of an A3 poster with a 1000 word essay (unit 11:P2)(The digestive system should be hand labelled)Task 2: Lifestyle FactorsThe health club has asked you to design a leaflet describing and explaining the lifestyle factors that have an effect on health (unit 14: P1, M1)The health club has also asked you to design and use a lifestyle questionnaire to describe and explain the strengths and areas of improvement in the lifestyle of a selected individual (unit 14: P2, M2)You will also need to write a 500 word essay evaluating the lifestyle of a selected individual and prioritise areas for change (unit 14: D1)Grading CriteriaAssessment and Grading Criteria DescriptionWhen you see describe you should try and paint a picture in words to the reader. It is useful to always think that the reader of your script knows nothing and therefore you have to teach the reader the knowledge that you have through your assignment.When you are asked to explain you should give details and reason of why. For example, if you are describing sporting injuries to explain the injury you would provide an example from the world of sport of an athlete who has had the injury and explain the causes of this injury to the player, you may also explain the treatment to the player. Unit 11 - Sports Nutrition Uniy14 - Exercise, Health and Lifestyle (P1) describe nutrition, including nutritional requirements using recommended guidelines from public health sources associated with nutrition(P1) describe lifestyle factors that have an effect on health(P2) describe the structure and function of the digestive system in terms of digestion,absorption and excretion(P2) design and use a lifestyle questionnaire to describe the strengths and areas for improvement in the lifestyle of a selected individual(M1) explain the effects of identified lifestyle factors on health (M2) explain the strengths and areas for improvement in the lifestyle of a selected individual(D1) evaluate the lifestyle of a selected individual and prioritise areas for changeKey WordsUnit 11: Sports Nutrition (P1, P2)Nutrition: macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats): micronutrients (vitamins, minerals); fibre; nutritional requirements (essential and non-essential); common terminology (Recommended Daily Allowance), Optimum Level, Safe Intake, Estimated Average Requirements, standard abbreviations – RDA, SI, EAR)Digestion: structure of digestion system Buccal cavity, oesophagus, stomach, duodenum, pancreas, liver, ball bladder, small intestine, kidney, digestive juices and enzymes); function of digestive system (digestion, absorption, excretion)Unit 14: Exercise, Health and Lifestyle (P1, P2, M1, M2, D1)Lifestyle factors: physical activity recommendations and guidelines; benefits of physical activity; alcohol recommendations and guidelines; risks associated with excessive drinking, eg stroke, cirrhosis, hypertension, depression, smoking- health risks, eg coronary heart disease, cancer, lung infections; stress – health risks, eg hypertension, angina, stroke, heart attack, ulcers; diet eg benefits of a health diet, effects of poor nutrition, recommendations and guidelines. Lifestyle questionnaire: levels of physical activity; alcohol consumption; smoking; stress levels; dietConsultation: one-to-one consultation; communication, eg questioning, listening skills, non-verbal communication, client confidentialityAssignment 1: Nutrition, Digestion and Lifestyle FactorsUnit 11: Sports Nutrition Unit 14: Exercise, Health and LifestyleStudentFinal Hand in DateFeedback1st draft(met/refer)Final draft(met/refer)Task 1 :Unit 11 - Nutritional Requirements and the Digestion System(P1) describe nutrition, includingnutritional requirements usingrecommended guidelinesfrom public health sourcesassociated with nutrition(P2) describe the structure andfunction of the digestivesystem in terms of digestion,absorption and excretionTask 1 :Unit 14 - Lifestyle Factors(P1) describe lifestyle factors thathave an effect on health(M1) explain the effects ofidentified lifestyle factors on health (P2) design and use a lifestylequestionnaire to describethe strengths and areas forimprovement in the lifestyleof a selected individual(M2) explain the strengths andareas for improvement inthe lifestyle of a selectedindividual(D1) evaluate the lifestyle ofa selected individual andprioritise areas for changeAssessor SignatureStudent SignatureDateDateDo not throw away your Marked first draft. you must submit this with your upgraded work ................

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