Outlining the Thematic Essay: - White Plains Public Schools

Outlining the Thematic Essay:

A Collaborative Project by

Barbara Ammirato

Elizabeth Napp

Theme: Science and Technology

Science and technology have played a critical role in altering the course of human history.


• Identify two scientific or technological advances that had a major impact on global history.

• Explain the relationship between the scientific or technological advance and a specific historic event or period in history.

• Analyze how these advances changed the course of history

| | | |

|Scientific or Technological Advance: |The Relationship between the Advance and |How the Advance Changed the Course of |

| |History: |History: |

| | | |

| |During the Neolithic Revolution, some |The development of agriculture led to the |

| |people learned to domesticate plants. This|rise of civilization. By farming, people |

|The Development of Agriculture |allowed people to farm. |settled in one location. Successful |

| |Farming led to a settled lifestyle. |agriculture led to food surpluses. This |

| | |allowed specialization to occur. People |

| | |could perform different jobs. Writing, |

| | |cities, and governments were |

| | |characteristics of civilizations. |

| |The printing press was invented by Johann | Gutenberg’s printing press led to books |

| |Gutenberg during the Renaissance. |being printed faster and cheaper. This led|

| |It allowed books to be manufactured faster |to the spread of knowledge. By lowering |

|The Printing Press |and cheaper. |the price of books and increasing the |

| | |supply of books, more people could afford |

| | |books. People had access to a wide variety|

| | |of opinions and ideas. |


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