University of Missouri–St. Louis

Honors 1100: Freshman CompositionInstructor: Jennafer AlexanderFall 2015Unit 3: Argument Synthesis ProjectYour task for the final essay assignment is to review the literature we have read (or will read) for this unit. Topics in this unit include nationality, identity, and international relations. We will be reading and analyzing various representations of America from around the world. You will then research, read, summarize, analyze, and then synthesize various texts related to this topic. After you have chosen a more specific topic, you will find outside sources that explore this topic. You will then synthesize this published literature by explaining “similarities, differences, and other relationships discovered in the works you reviewed” (91). In this way, you are actually creating new knowledge in the field. While the ideas from the various texts already exist, the “big picture” that you piece together from examining the three sources side by side is a new “contribution” that does not already exist.A key goal for this essay will be synthesizing information from your various sources—finding meaningful connections between their ideas and exploring the significance of those connections. Your essay’s thesis will focus your main idea about that key information and will include at least 5 sources (at least 1 of which must be from our class discussions, at least 3 of which must be outside sources); these sources all need to be cited in the essay.The project will consist of three parts: a topic proposal, an annotated bibliography, and a final ic ProposalA proposal gives an author an opportunity to formulate a research plan and to explain why their topic is worth pursuing. It also shows your readers that you have made a strong start on researching relevant academic sources, which will help establish your credibility with the readers.In this document, you will present an idea you want to explore in your final essay, as well as the main research questions that you will use to guide your research. You will also include a list of potential sources. This document should contain:An overview of the topic: Discuss what your topic is and reflect on its importance: What's at stake in researching this topic? What do you hope to accomplish? Why is this topic important? How will exploring this topic impact others?Research questions/goals: Present some important research questions and goals that will guide your research and help you ultimately create a compelling analysis.Working bibliography: Include a list of potential sources (at least 3); use MLA format.Annotated BibliographyAnnotated bibliographies give authors a strategy for finding, collecting, and documenting the sources they find throughout their research process. Annotated bibliographies also require students to display critical reading skills, since most annotated bibliographies include some evaluation of the sources’ credibility and/or suitability for the proposed project.The annotated bibliography should include at least 4 sources, as well as the primary sources that you are analyzing. Each entry for the annotated bibliography should include the following:A citation of the source in MLA format.A summary of the source (at least a paragraph that explains the main ideas of the text).A critique, evaluation, and an assessment of the relevance of your source to your research topic. Consider the following questions: How valuable will the source be in your final project? How does it relate to other sources you’ve read? What types of evidence does the author use? What are the limitations to this text?Argument Synthesis EssayFor this paper, you will combine the information that you find from various sources, including you own ideas, to build an argument about America’s relationship with another country. You do not need to agree with the information in all of the sources, but you do need to summarize and analyze that information. In this argument synthesis essay, you should pay attention to the various rhetorical strategies used by each author. Then, in a 5-7 page paper, you will outline your own beliefs on the topic and provide sufficient textual evidence to support those beliefs. Note: For more information on writing argument synthesis papers, see pages 347-350 in Academic Writing.Assignment Calendar:Wednesday, November 11: Proposal dueWednesday, November 18: Annotated bibliography dueWednesday, December 2: Draft 1 of the argument synthesis essay dueFinals week: Portfolio 3 due (along with the final draft of the argument synthesis essay)Rubric(Subject to change as announced and posted.)Annotated bibliography:Bibliography is thorough, organized in alphabetical order, and formatted properlyThe citations follow the proper MLA formatThe annotations demonstrate a thoughtful approach to the research process and a careful consideration of how to select and evaluate sources Essay Structure/Organization:Follows prompt, use approved topic Clear, focused purpose Well-written thesis, represents essay in entiretyBrief summary of the original sources to help the reader(s) understand the exampleIntroduction is attention-gettingSets context, motive and criteria for analysisIntroduces the sources by providing relevant background information (author, title)Clear organization that highlights the author’s strategies for developmentEach paragraph clearly fits with purpose of essayParagraphs are structured clearly (MEAL Plan)Utilizes effective transitions between main ideas and paragraphs (flows well)Resolution/conclusion Essay Development/Detail:Analysis is clear and fully explainedAnalysis demonstrates depth of thought, going beyond surface meaning for each exampleEach main point (paragraph) analyzes specific detail from text and connects to thesis Quotes are smoothly worked into paragraph, not dropped inQuotes and support from text are fully explained in connection to thesisEssay demonstrates a certain level of maturity, professionalism and appropriatenessMakes significant revisions from draft to draft, not just sentence-level changesPolish:GrammarActive verbs, present tense Clarity Sentence structure and varietyPunctuation—commas, colons, dashes and semi-colonsMechanicsWorks-Cited page in MLA format ................

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