Recommended Books for Nonfiction Read-Alouds:

Recommended Books for Nonfiction Read-Alouds:


|10 Things I Can Do to Help My World – Melanie Walsh |I Wonder Why books – Kingfisher |

|Our Seasons – Grace Lin and Ranida McKneally |Should There Be Zoos? – Tony Stead |

|If You Decide to Go to the Moon ; How To Dig A Hole to the |Owen and Mzee – Isabella Hatkoff (companion book to Mama? – |

|Other Side of the Earth – Faith McNulty |Jeanette Winter) |

|Astronaut Handbook – Meghan McCarthy |The Scoop on Poop – Wayne Lynche |

|The Five Senses – Adele Ciboul |It’s Disgusting and We Ate It! – Food Facts from Around the World |

|Growing Frogs – Vivian French |– James Solhein |

|My Story of Life in a Pond – Steve Parker |The Island That Moved: How Shifting Forces Shape Our Earth – |

|In One Tidepool: Crabs, Snails and Salty Tails; In One |Meredith Hooper & Lucia duLeiris |

|Cattail: Turtles, Logs and Leaping Frogs; In One Flower: |All About My Brother – Sarah Peralta |

|Butterflies, Ticks and a Few More Icks – Anthony D. Fredericks|Hurricanes Have Eyes But Can’t See – Melvin and Glida Berger |

| |This is Your Life Cycle – Heather Lynne Miller |

|Where Does Pepper Come From? - Brigitte Raab | |


|WHY? The best ever question and answer book about science, nature and the world around you – Catherine Ripley |

|How Big is It; How Strong is It? – Ben Hillman |

|Are You a Spider?- Judy Allen (The Backyard books also available: Grasshopper, Ant, Bee, Dragonfly, Snail) |

|An Egg is Quiet; A Seed is Sleepy – Dianna Aston |

|I Wanna Iguana - Karen Orloff |

Recommended Books for ZOOM IN (to nonfiction features)


|A Closer Look - Mary McCarthy |Zoom or Re-Zoom - Istvan Banyai |

|Looking Closely at the...– Frank Serafini (series. Titles |On Top of the World (climbing Mt. Everest) – Steve Jenkins |

|include: forest, seashore, desert) |SMART ABOUT ART series includes: Frieda Kahlo, Vincent Van Gogh, |

|Imagine You’re A… (series) – Lucy and Meg Clibbon (titles |Edgar Degas |

|include: Pirate, Fairy, Knight, Mermaid, Princess, Astronaut) |Creepy Crawlies – Editors of Kingfisher |

| | |

|See More Readers – Seymour Simon | |

|DK Publishing – EYE Know series | |


|Looking Down – Steve Jenkins |

|My Map Book – Sara Fanelli |

|Take Two Books – published by the Wright Group |

Recommended Books for promoting “DEEP THINKING” Questions

|Primary |Intermediate |

|Stella Books – Marie Lousie Gay |The Philosopher’s Club – Christopher Phillips |

|Ask Me – Anteje Damm | |

|I Wonder Why: A Poem for Children – Connie Amarel |The Kids Book of Questions – Gregory Stock |

|I Wonder – Lois Roch | |

|I Wonder – Tana Hoban |Philosophy for Kids: 40 Fun Questions That Help You Wonder About |

|I Wonder – Harriet Fishel |Everything!, David A. White (Intermediate) |

|Why? - Lila Prap |What? Where? Why? – Questions and Answers About Nature – Jim Bruce |

|Where Does Pepper Come From? - Brigitte Raab | |

| |If – Sara Perry |

| | |

| |Biggest Ever Book of Questions and Answers – Ian James |

| |How Come? Planet Earth – Kathy Wollard |

| | |

| | |

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|QUESTION: Primary and Intermediate - |

|Why? Everyday Questions About Science, Nature and the World Around You, |

|Catherine Ripley (Primary, Intermediate) |

|Thinking Stories 1, 2 & 3 (The Children's Philosophy Series), Philip Cam (editor) |

Recommended Books for teaching MAIN IDEA (Determining Importance)

|Primary |Intermediate |

|Up Close:Tails That Talk and Fly - Diane Swanson (also Up Close:|Poo - Nicola Davies |

|Noses That Blow and Poke) |Extreme Animals - Nicola Davies |

|Animals Eat the Weirdest Things; Animals Can Be So Speedy; |Animals Nobody Loves, Seymour Simon |

|Animals Can Be So Sleepy; Diane Swanson |How Big is It? – Ben Hillman |

|Extreme Readers series (School Specialty Publishing) |How Strong is It? Ben Hillman |

|World of Plants series (Heinmann): includes Why Do Plants Have |The Daily Disaster: Real Life Stories of 30 Amazing Disasters, |

|Flowers? Where Do Plants Grow?, Louise and Richard Silsbury |Cormac O’Brian |

| |Text on Two Levels series (Stargazer Books): include Energy, |

| |Geography, Solar Power, Resources |


|Nonfiction Reading Practice (Evan-Moore Publishing): reproducible units with articles at three different reading levels; available |

|in various grade levels. |

|Read and Understand Science (Evan Moore Publishing): reproducible articles for content area reading practice; available in various|

|grade levels. |

|Comprehension Toolkit : Primary and Intermediate, Stephanie Harvey & Anne Goudvis |

Recommended Books for teaching CONNECT:

|Primary |Intermediate |

|In My Neighbourhood – Paulette Bourgeois (series) |Usborne Book of Peoples of the World – Anne Claybourne |

|What is a Community – Bobbie Kalman |Wake Up World! A Day in the Life of Children Around the World – |

|You and me Together, Moms and Dads and Kids Around the World – |Beatrice Hollyer |

|Barbara Kerley |Canada from A-Z – Bobbie Kalman |

|Me and My Family Tree – Joan Sweeny |Mysterious You (Series) – Diane Swanson and Trudee Romanek |

|My Five Senses – Aliki |Looking At Weather – David Suzuki |

|I Am A Living Thing – Bobbie Kalman |Snowflake: A Water Cycle Story – Neil Waldman |

|Me and My Amazing Body – Joan Sweeny |Weather FAQ’S – Valerie Wyatt (Series: Frequently Asked |

|Our Seasons – Grace Lin |Questions) |

|Four Seasons Make a Year – Anne Rockwell | |

|I wonder Why I Blink and Other Questions About My Body – Brigid Avison |

Recommended Books for Teaching TRANSFORM:

|Primary |Intermediate |

|10 Things I Can Do to Help My World – Melanie Walsh |One Well: The Story of Water on Earth – Rochelle Strauss |

|A Cool Drink of Water - Barbara Kerley |Tree of Life: The Incredible Biodiversity of Life on Earth, |

|Where the Forest Meets the Sea - Jeanette Baker |Rochelle Strauss |

|Where Once There Was A Wood – Denise Fleming |If the World Were a Village - David J. Smith |

|First The – Laura Vaccaro Seeger |We, Alice Schretle |

|Where Once There Was A Wood – Denise Fleming |The Storm: Students of Biloxi, Mississippi Remember Hurricane |

|The Bizarre Body – Katharine Kenah |Katrina - Barbara Barbieri McGrath |

|Weird and Wacky Plants – Katherine Kenah |Earth Then and Now: Amazing Images of Our Changing World - Fred|

|Space Mysteries – Katharine Kenah |Pearce |

|I Wonder Why There’s a Hole in the Sky and Other Questions About |Paths to Peace: People Who Changed the World - Jane Breskin |

|the Environment – KINGFISHER |Zalben |

|I Wonder Why Spiders Spin Webs – and other questions about creepy|Material World: A Global Family Portrait – Peter Menzel |

|crawlies – KINGFISHER |Can We Save Them? Endangered Species of North America - David |

|I Wonder Why the DoDo is Dead – and other questions about animals|Dobson |

|in danger – KINGFISHER |De |

|Our Home – Linda Glaser |Dear Children of the Earth – Shim Schimmel |


|A Little Peace - Barbara Kerley |

|A Cool Drink of Water – Barbara Kerley |

|The Great Kapok Tree - Lynne Cherry |

|Ice Bear: In the Steps of the Polar Bear – Nicola Davies |

|What the Sea Saw, Stephanie St. Pierre |

|Hottest, Coldest, Highest, Deepest Actual Size; Biggest, Fastest, Stronges;t Almost Gone; On Top of the World (climbing Mt. |

|Everest); I See A Kookaburra; What do You Do When Someone Wants to Eat You;? Animals in Flight; Slap, Squeak and Scatter: How |

|Animals Communicate, Steven Jenkins |


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