Mark the correct answer on your scantron sheet for each of the following questions. | |

|What amount of each FBLA member’s dues pays for a subscription to Tomorrow’s|a. $1.25 |b. $3.00 |c. $2.25 |d. $1.75 |

|Business Leader? | | | | |

|The 2001-2002 national theme is |a. Tune in to Business. |b. Tune Up Your Business Skills. |c. Tune to a Winner—FBLA. |d. FBLA—Tuning Up for Business. |

|The conference held annually to select a state’s representatives for |a. Institute for Leaders. |b. National Fall Leadership |c. Regional Spring Conference. |d. State Leadership Conference. |

|national competition is the | |Conference. | | |

|FBLA is one of ten CTSOs recognized by the U. S. Department of Education. |a. Career and Technical Services |b. Career and Technical Student |c. Computer Technology Student |d. Community and Technology |

|For what does CTSO stand? |Organization |Organization |Organization |Services Organization |

|What is the amount of the non-recurring fee for chartering a new FBLA |a. $23 |b. $20 |c. $25 |d. $30 |

|chapter or reactivating an already chartered chapter? | | | | |

|The National Center mortgage was burned in |a. 1991. |b. 1997. |c. 2001. |d. 2002. |

|What are the membership divisions of FBLA-PBL, Inc.? |a. FBLA, FBLA-Middle Level, PBL, |b. FBLA, FBLA-Middle Level, PBL, |c. Active, Honorary, Honorary |d. FBLA, FBLA-Middle Level, PBL, |

| |Alumni |Professional |Life, Professional |Honorary |

|The state of South Dakota is located in the |a. Eastern Region. |b. Western Region. |c. Mountain Plains Region. |d. North Central Region. |

|The FBLA National Center is located in which region? |a. Atlantic Coast Region |b. Mid-Atlantic Region |c. Eastern Region |d. Southern Region |

|Chapter activities are classified into what five functional areas? |a. Leadership, promotion, |b. School service, community |c. Professional development, |d. Professional development, |

| |community service, business |service, leadership, promotion, |civic, service, social, financial |business skills, service, |

| |skills, financial |social | |financial, social |

|Who nominates candidates for National Vice-President during the regional |a. state chapter |b. local chapter |c. chapter adviser |d. state president |

|meetings at the National Leadership Conference? | | | | |

|The name “Future Business Leaders of America” was chosen in |a. 1940. |b. 1942. |c. 1945. |d. 1950. |

|An experimental chapter was chartered on February 3, 1942, in what city and |a. St. Albans, West Virginia |b. Johnson City, Tennessee |c. Reston, Virginia |d. Nashville, Tennessee |

|state? | | | | |

|Which organization is not a national affiliation of FBLA-PBL? |a. ACTE |b. NASSP |c. NBEA |d. NEA |

|On what day is American Enterprise Day observed? |a. November 15 |b. February 15 |c. April 15 |d. June 5 |

|FBLA-PBL is divided into how many administrative regions? |a. 3 |b. 4 |c. 5 |d. 9 |

|Which group is responsible for the general oversight and policy of FBLA-PBL?|a. National Business Advisory |b. National Center Staff |c .National Board of Directors |d. National Executive Council |

| |Council | | | |

|Who is responsible for submitting FBLA’s annual budget to the Board of |a. Chairman of the Board of |b. FBLA-PBL President/CEO |c. FBLA National Treasurer |d. FBLA National President |

|Directors? |Directors | | | |

|When was FBLA-PBL granted independent status as a nonprofit educational |a. 1946 |b. 1958 |c. 1969 |d. 1979 |

|student association? | | | | |

|What state became the first FBLA state chapter? |a. Tennessee |b. West Virginia |c. Virginia |d. Iowa |

|Who is the 2001-2002 FBLA National President? |a. Ashlee Clair |b. Natalie Bennett |c. Jeff Jordan |d. Erich Heneke |

|What FBLA publication offers potential national officers complete details |a. National Officer Handbook |b. Chapter Management Handbook |c. The Competitive Edge |d. National Officer Candidate |

|about qualifications for office, procedures for campaigning, and the officer| | | |Guide |

|application? | | | | |

|What is the minimum number of active chapters required in order for a state |a. 5 |b. 8 |c. 10 |d. 12 |

|to be issued an FBLA state chapter charter? | | | | |

|The official FBLA colors are |a. blue and white. |b. blue and gold. |c. red, white, and blue. |d. blue and beige. |

|What is the street address of the FBLA-PBL National Center? |a. 1912 Organization Drive |b. 1912 Leadership Circle |c. 1912 Association Drive |d. 1912 Winners Circle |

|Who developed the concept of FBLA? |a. Dr. Hamden L. Forkner |b. Dr. Harold L. Folks |c. Dr. Edward D. Miller |d. Dr. Hollis Forkner |

|The term of office for national officers begins |a. immediately upon election. |b. at the beginning of the school |c. during the NFLC. |d. at the close of the National |

| | |year. | |Leadership Conference at which he |

| | | | |or she was selected. |

|The 2003 National Leadership Conference will be in |a. Nashville, Tennessee. |b. Dallas, Texas. |c. Orlando, Florida. |d. Washington, DC. |

|Of the following, who is not an ex officio, nonvoting member of the FBLA |a. Professional Division President|b. Chairman of the Board of |c. FBLA-PBL President/CEO |d. State committee person for each|

|National Executive Council? | |Directors | |national officer |

|What group involves civic-minded community leaders in chapter activities and|a. National Executive Board |b. National Action Council |c. Business Advisory Council |d. Business Leaders Coalition |

|serves as the chapter’s liaison to the business community? | | | | |

|The current FBLA-PBL President/CEO is |a. Betty McKie. |b. Lisa Frye. |c. Jean Buckley. |d. Bobbie Timmermann. |

|The 2002-2003 Professional Division President is |a. Diane Zawadzki. |b. Dennis Garrow. |c. Shayne Harrison. |d. Betty Penzner. |

|The toll-free number for the FBLA-PBL National Center is |a. 800/FBLGOLD. |b. 800/FBLAWIN. |c. 800/FBLAPBL. |d. 800/FBLAWOW. |

|The FBLA-Middle Level Division was established in |a. 1989. |b. 1994. |c. 1991. |d. 1999. |

|Tomorrow’s Business Leader is published |a. monthly. |b. quarterly. |c. semiannually. |d. semimonthly. |

|The FBLA-PBL fiscal year is |a. August 1 – July 31. |b. October 1 – September 30. |c. July 1 – June 30. |d. January 1 – December 31. |

|The Wednesday of FBLA-PBL Week is |a. Free Enterprise Day. |b. Helping Hands Day. |c. Adviser Appreciation Day. |d. Make a Difference Day. |

|FBLA-PBL Week coincides with what other national observance? |a. Career and Technical Education |b. American Management Week |c. National Education for Business|d. American Education Week |

| |Week | |Week | |

|What is the address of the FBLA-PBL website? |a. fbla-pbl.edu |b. |c. |d. fbla- |

|What are the amounts for a Lifetime membership in the Professional Division |a. $375 with a state rebate of |b. $400 with a state rebate of $50|c. $375 with a state rebate of $23|d. $350 with a state rebate of $50|

|and the state rebate for that membership? |$37.50 | | | |

|In the March of Dimes Mission LIFT program, LIFT stands for |a. Leadership, Integrity, |b. Leading Into the Future, Team. |c. Leading Into the Future, |d. Leadership Incentives for |

| |Fairness, Trust. | |Together. |Teams. |

|FBLA-Middle Level membership is open to students in grades |a. 7-12. |b. 9-12. |c. 8-9. |d. 5-9. |

|From where can your chapter order FBLA competitive event study guides? |a. FBLA-PBL Resource Center |b. FBLA-PBL MarketPlace |c. Resource and Curriculum Catalog|d. Incentives for Leaders Resource|

| | | | |Center |

|What is the certificate leadership program held in conjunction with the |a. Institute for Leaders |b. Incentives for Leaders |c. Leadership Institute |d. Management Series |

|National Leadership Conference that equips members and advisers with | | | | |

|essential career and business management skills? | | | | |

|If there are no applications for a particular national office by the May 15 |a. June 1. |b. June 10. |c. June 15. |d. June 15, or 10 days prior to |

|deadline, then the deadline for that office will be extended to | | | |the National Leadership |

| | | | |Conference, whichever comes first.|

|The business education professionals on the FBLA-PBL Board of Directors are |a. 1-year terms. |b. 2-year terms. |c. 3-year terms. |d. 3-year terms with an additional|

|elected to serve | | | |year as Board Chairman. |

|What national partnership offers an entrepreneurship program that teaches |a. BizTech |b. Affinity Online |c. Sprint |d. Alamo |

|business, information technology, and workplace concepts via the Internet? | | | | |

|Phi Beta Lambda was created in |a. 1950. |b. 1958. |c. 1960. |d. 1964. |

|How many FBLA-PBL goals are there? |a. 5 |b. 6 |c. 7 |d. 9 |

|Each state chapter is entitled to send how many voting delegates to the |a. 2 |b. 2 and 1 alternate |c. 2 and 2 alternates |d. 3 |

|National Leadership Conference? | | | | |

|A local chapter with 73 members is entitled to send how many voting |a. 2 |b. 3 |c. 4 |d. 5 |

|delegates to the National Leadership Conference? | | | | |

|How is a state committee chairman selected? |a. Recommended by the National |b. Recommended by the National |c. Recommended by the National |d. Recommended by the FBLA-PBL |

| |Center staff and approved by the |Center staff and approved by the |Executive Council and approved by |President/CEO and approved by the |

| |Board of Directors |National Executive Council |the Board of Directors |Board of Directors |

|The 2002-2003 Phi Beta Lambda National President is |a. Erich Heneke. |b. Brian Ferrell. |c. Jeff Jordan. |d. Dennis Garrow. |

|The grammatical source for all FBLA-PBL, Inc., publications is the |a. Chicago Manual of Style. |b. MLA Style Manual. |c. New York Style Guide. |d. Reference Manual for |

| | | | |Publications. |

|Before candidates for FBLA national office can be nominated, they must be |a. President/CEO. |b. National Executive Council. |c. Board of Directors. |d. Officer Screening Committee. |

|certified by the | | | | |

|What is the national program that encourages FBLA-PBL chapters to team up |a. Linking Members |b. Going for the Gold |c. Connecting Chapters |d. Teaming Chapters |

|with other chapters to leverage their potential for success? | | | | |

|The publication for Professional Division members is |a. Hotline. |b. The Professional Edge. |c. The Professional E-Line. |d. FBLA-PBL Edge. |

|Proposed amendments to the FBLA national bylaws are to be submitted in |a. April 1. |b. May 1. |c. May 15. |d. June 1. |

|writing to the President/CEO no later than | | | | |

|National officers are elected by majority vote. How many ballots are taken |a. 4 |b. 3 |c. 2 |d. 1 |

|before the candidate with the lowest number of votes is dropped from the | | | | |

|next ballot? | | | | |

|The vote required for adoption of amendments to the national bylaws is a |a. majority vote of the state |b. two-thirds vote of the state |c. majority vote of all members of|d. two-thirds vote of all members |

| |voting delegates attending the |voting delegates present and |the Board of Directors. |of the Board of Directors. |

| |National Leadership Conference. |voting at the National Leadership | | |

| | |Conference. | | |

|Business of the FBLA National Executive Council can be conducted by mail at |a. Three fourths |b. Majority |c. Two-thirds |d. One-half |

|the discretion of the FBLA President with approval by the President/CEO. | | | | |

|For adoption, action by mail requires what type of vote? | | | | |

|In a standard order of business, new business comes |a. at the discretion of the |b. immediately after reports of |c. after unfinished business and |d. after calling the meeting to |

| |presiding officer. |officers. |general orders. |order. |

|A member makes a motion, in most cases, by saying |a. “I move that . . .” |b. “I motion that . . .” |c. “This member moves that . . .” |d. “I wish to move that . . .” |

|When a member “has the floor,” this means that |a. a main motion need not be |b. anyone else in the assembly may|c. another member may also stand |d. recognition has been received |

| |seconded. |speak from his or her seat. |to make a motion. |from the chair. |

|Minutes should include all of the following except |a. the name of the maker of each |b. the reasons given by the chair |c. the wording and disposition of |d. a complimentary closing above |

| |motion. |for his or her rulings on points |each motion. |the secretary’s signature. |

| | |of order. | | |

|A main motion is one that |a. brings business before the |b. can be made while another |c. has the highest rank. |d. must be ratified by a |

| |assembly. |motion is pending. | |resolution. |

|In the Officer Installation ceremony, the tall white candle symbolizes |a. all chapter officers. |b. the national organization. |c. the community in which the |d. the entire chapter with all |

| | | |chapter is located. |members working together. |

|Three sites for the 2002 National Fall Leadership Conferences were |a. Charlotte, North Carolina; |b. Orlando, Florida; Philadelphia,|c. Cincinnati, Ohio; Denver, |d. Columbus, Ohio; Boulder, |

| |Cleveland, Ohio; Salt Lake City, |Pennsylvania; Phoenix, Arizona. |Colorado; Jacksonville, Florida. |Colorado; Miami, Florida. |

| |Utah. | | | |

|In appreciation for the grant from Sprint that funded membership recruitment|a. Show Us the Members. |b. Thanks for the Money. |c. 20 Members for 20 Grand. |d. 20 Grand With 20 Percent. |

|materials, the national officers and National Center staff have issued a | | | | |

|challenge to chapters for setting a goal for increasing membership over last| | | | |

|year’s membership. This thank-you challenge is called | | | | |

|Among the 2001-2002 national fundraisers are |a. Teen People Plus, J-Edgar |b. Teen USA, Expressly Yours, |c. Helmets Unlimited, JAD |d. Data Match, Student |

| |Sportswear, Custom Pewter; |Cookies Galore, Delight Lollipops.|Acrylics, Tom-Wat, Lollipops, Inc.|Organization Network, ET Plus, |

| |Hotstuff Pizza | | |T-Wat. |

|Through which of FBLA’s national partnerships can members compete to develop|a. BizTech |b. Life Path |c. Wonderful Online Training |d. FBLA Virtual Business Challenge|

|the most successful business? | | | | |

|Which of the following is not an FBLA-PBL goal? |a. Create more interest in the |b. Promote growth and development |c. Encourage and practice |d. Encourage scholarship and |

| |American enterprise system |through social activities |efficient money management |promote school loyalty |

|FBLA-PBL’s mission is to |a. prepare students for successful|b. bring business and education |c. develop competent business |d. ensure that students are |

| |careers in business through |together in a positive working |leaders through innovative |prepared for leadership |

| |support for curriculum development|relationship through innovative |programming. |experiences by establishing |

| |and innovative assessment tools. |leadership and career development | |occupational goals. |

| | |programs. | | |

|What are the first two words of each stanza of the FBLA-PBL Creed? |a. I believe |b. I promise |c. I will |d. I do |

|I will dress and act in a manner that will bring respect to me and to my |a. Creed. |b. Mission. |c. Code of Ethics. |d. Pledge. |

|school is part of the FBLA | | | | |

|What is the last word of the FBLA Pledge? |a. Everyone |b. Work |c. Leader |d. America |

|Based on the FBLA-PBL Dress Code, which of the following is not acceptable |a. Sport coat, dress slacks, |b. Skirt or dress slacks with |c. Dress shoes and socks or dress |d. Hats or denim clothing of any |

|attire? |collared shirt, and necktie |blouse or sweater |shoes and nylons |kind |

|Which competitive event is named for Hollis and Kitty Guy? |a. Parliamentary Procedure |b. Gold Seal Chapter Award of |c. American Enterprise Project |d. Local Chapter Annual Business |

| | |Merit | |Report |

|What are the categories of FBLA national events? |a. Chapter, individual, |b. Chapter, member, award, group |c. Individual, award, chapter, |d. Group, chapter, recognition, |

| |recognition, team | |team |individual |

|What group is responsible for administering the competitive events program? |a. Events Series Program Committee|b. National Recognition Committee |c. National Events Administration |d. National Awards Program |

| | | |Committee |Committee |

|To be eligible for national competition, FBLA members must have paid dues on|a. January 31. |b. February 15. |c. March 1. |d. December 1 |

|or before | | | | |

|The 2003 topic for the Emerging Business Issues event is |a. whether or not government |b. whether or not workplace |c. whether or not bankruptcy |d. whether auditing firms have an |

| |should prohibit rising commercial |security can overstep privacy |reorganizations affect advertising|obligation to investors and the |

| |insurance premiums. |issues. |competition. |market. |

|What is the name of the fictional corporation to which participants in the |a. Data Match, Inc. |b. Merck Corporation |c. Merit Corporation |d. Sprint Corporation |

|Job Interview event can apply for a position? | | | | |

|What are the lengths of the speeches for the Public Speaking I, Public |a. Public Speaking I, Public |b. Impromptu Speaking and Public |c. Impromptu Speaking and Public |d. Public Speaking I, Public |

|Speaking II, and Impromptu Speaking events? |Speaking II, Impromptu Speaking, 5|Speaking I, 4 minutes; Public |Speaking I, 5 minutes; Public |Speaking II, 5 minutes; Impromptu |

| |minutes |Speaking II, 5 minutes |Speaking II, 4 minutes |Speaking, 4 minutes |

|What is the method for breaking tie scores in objective, machine-graded |a. Determine the order in which |b. Design a rubric format to |c. Evaluate students’ performance |d. Eliminate the final ten |

|events? |tests were submitted |determine if students met |on the final ten questions of the |questions of the exam and re-score|

| | |expectations |exam | |

|Not counting the front and back covers, the maximum number of pages allowed |a. 25. |b. 30. |c. 35. |d. 40. |

|for written reports such as the Community Service Project is | | | | |

|One of the new competitive events for 2002-03 is |a. Networking Concepts. |b. Visual Basic Programming. |c. Technology Concepts. |d. Business Ethics. |

|Which FBLA events are classified as “skill events”? |a. Computer Applications, Desktop |b. Computer Applications, |c. Website Design, Word |d. Computer Applications, Desktop |

| |Publishing, Multimedia |Multimedia Presentation, Network |Processing, Desktop Publishing |Publishing, Word Processing I and |

| |Presentation |Design | |II |

|All FBLA members are eligible to participate in Open Events at the 2002 NLC.|a. Business Ethics, Visual Basic |b. Leadership, Insurance |c. Computer Hardware & Operating |d. Business Ethics, Leadership, |

|Three of this year’s Open Events are |Programming, Chapter Website. |Operations, Chapter Management. |Systems, C++ Programming, Business|Insurance Operations. |

| | | |Analysis. | |

|The event that recognizes outstanding leaders from the business sector for |a. National Businessperson Award. |b. FBLA Business Leader. |c. Businessperson of the Year. |d. Entrepreneur of the Year. |

|their local, state, and national contributions to FBLA-PBL is the | | | | |

|School site testing applies to only |a. chapter events. |b. team events. |c. individual events. |d. skill events. |

|Which of the following statements about competitive event eligibility is not|a. A member may represent his or |b. A member taking the National |c. A member who participates in a |d. A member representing his or |

|true? |her chapter in any number of |Parliamentarian selection test may|pilot event cannot compete in that|her chapter in the oral portion of|

| |chapter events. |compete in another event. |same event when it becomes an |the Community Service Project may |

| | | |official competition. |compete in an individual event. |

|Which corporate sponsor is offering one free on-line certification test? |a. Brainbench |b. Knowledge Matters |c. Certiport |d. Microsoft |

|The recognition for advisers and state chairmen with 20 or more years of |a. Outstanding Adviser Award. |b. Distinguished Adviser Award. |c. Adviser Wall of Fame. |d. Adviser Tribute Award. |

|service to FBLA-PBL is the | | | | |

|The entry form and required documentation for the Winners’ Circle |a. the end of business April 1. |b. April 15. |c. the end of business on the |d. May 15. |

|recognition program must be submitted by | | |second Friday in May. | |

|The competitive event that honors members who have demonstrated leadership |a. Future Business Leader. |b. Who’s Who in FBLA. |c. Job Interview. |d. Business Leader of the Year. |

|qualities, FBLA participation, and evidence of skills essential for | | | | |

|successful business careers is | | | | |

|Of the following events, which is only for members in grades 9-10? |a. Business Calculations |b. Business Math |c. Impromptu Speaking |d. Business Procedures |

|For what award are FBLA members eligible if they recruit at least five new |a. Membership Madness Award |b. Local Recruitment of Members |c. Market Share Award |d. Membership Achievement Award |

|members? | | | | |

|This year’s sponsor of the Distinguished Business Leader Scholarship is |a. FBLA-PBL Professional Division.|b. Data Match. |c. Johnson & Wales University. |d. UPS. |

|The program that will recognize FBLA chapters with the most community |a. Count ‘Em Up! |b. Community Countdown! |c. Count on FBLA! |d. FBLA Volunteers! |

|service hours is | | | | |


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