Chapter 26 Assignment - LPS

Chapter 26 & 27 Assignment

1980s – 1990s – 2000s Time Line Project


1. Students can work individually - or in groups of up to THREE students. You decide what you want to do. Every person in the group gets the identical scores for all the categories.

2. Task: Create a time line that covers the years 1980 – 1989, 1990 – 1999, 2000 – 2014. Each time line must include events, people, or related happenings from the topics specified below. The time line must be accompanied by a written list that explains each event and what topic it falls under on the time line.

Topics and number of Events:

Presidents ( 3 ) Technology ( 2 )

Sports ( 2 ) Criminal Activity ( 3 )

Foreign Affairs ( 3 ) Domestic Issues ( 2 )

Wild Cards ( 3 ) can be used in any category OR a separate category

List of Events:

Each time line must include a written list of the 18 events and which topic they fall under. Each of the 18 events should have at least a four-sentence summary that includes the date of the event and why it’s significant.


18 Topic Time Line: 18 points

Minimum 9 images: 9 points

Written summary: 50 points

Neatness / Creativity: 10 points

Total: 87 points


How you want to make your timeline is 100% completely up to you. Your timeline SHOULD have some sort of “theme” consistent with your decade (i.e. Pacman, Friends, OJ Simpson). I will provide materials for a paper timeline but it could be electronic if your group chooses (i.e. power point or youtube video)

Due Date: _____Thursday, May 8__________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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