What Happened…

What Happened….

In the World and In My Family

DUE – Wednesday, September 12th


You will use events that took place before and after you were born and connect these events to world events. Ultimately you will create a visual guide, a timeline, to piece these events together. This will help you to understand the concepts of sequence and the cause and effect relationship.


1. Recognize various events that are connected by looking at events that occurred before and after birth.

2. Understand the world wide events that took place simultaneously as personal events.

3. Explain cause and effect relationships.

Procedures (choose events that have transformed your life):

1. Find three events that occurred in your family before you were born and choose three events that you have experienced in your life. List these events from 1-7, your birth will serve as the midpoint number 4 on the list. EACH EVENT MUST HAVE OCCURRED IN DIFFERENT YEARS.

2. Examine these events further by finding out who, what, when, where, and find a picture or symbol (drawn or clip-art). BE SPECIFIC WITH DATES (MONTH/DAY) AND PLACES (CITY/COUNTRY/STATE).

3. Use the personal events’ dates as a starting point. Find what happened in the world during the same year. This will give you a better insight to the lives before you and events that you might not have been aware of during your life.

4. Examine the world events. Make sure you know who, what, when, where, and find a picture or symbol (drawn or clip-art). BE SPECIFIC WITH DATES (MONTH/DAY) AND PLACES (CITY/COUNTRY/STATE).

5. Piece these events together on poster board. One side is solely “In the World,” while the other is “In My Family.” The timeline will run through the middle of the events.

6. Include an extra piece of information to elaborate each event. This extra information should provide further details to the event. Provide a visual, pictures or symbols, for each event.


You will be graded with the following checklist. Use it to make sure you met all of the guidelines when you have completed the project. As in all projects, this project will count as part of the project/test 40% grade for the 1st quarter.

|World Event 1 (include who, what, when, where, and extra) |5 points |Before Birth Event 1 (include who, what, when, where, and |5 points |

| | |extra) | |

|World Event 2 (include who, what, when, where, and extra) |5 points |Before Birth Event 2 (include who, what, when, where, and |5 points |

| | |extra) | |

|World Event 3 (include who, what, when, where, and extra) |5 points |Before Birth Event 3 (include who, what, when, where, and |5 points |

| | |extra) | |

|World Event 4 (include who, what, when, where, and extra) |5 points |Date of Birth (include your name, birth date, where you were |5 points |

| | |born, and extra) | |

|World Event 5 (include who, what, when, where, and extra) |5 points |During Your Life Event 1 (include who, what, when, where, and|5 points |

| | |extra) | |

|World Event 6 (include who, what, when, where, and extra) |5 points |During Your Life Event 2 (include who, what, when, where, and|5 points |

| | |extra) | |

|World Event 7 (include who, what, when, where, and extra) |5 points |During Your Life Event 3 (include who, what, when, where, and|5 points |

| | |extra) | |

|Images – pictures or symbols that reflect the events - one per event |10 points |

|Overall appearance – spelling, neatness, chronological order |5 points |

|Pre-planning (before birth events – homework/ world events – class work in library) |5 points |

|Works Cited – two sources, documented correctly (MLA)– one print media and one internet source |10 points |

|Total Grade |100 points |

|World Event (1) |Before Birth Event (1) |

|Who | |Who | |

|What | |What | |

|When | |When | |

|Where | |Where | |

|Image | |Image | |

|Extra | |Extra | |

|World Event (2) |Before Birth Event (2) |

|Who | |Who | |

|What | |What | |

|When | |When | |

|Where | |Where | |

|Image | |Image | |

|Extra | |Extra | |

|World Event (3) |Before Birth Event (3) |

|Who | |Who | |

|What | |What | |

|When | |When | |

|Where | |Where | |

|Image | |Image | |

|Extra | |Extra | |

|World Event (4) |Date of Birth (4) |

|Who | |Who | |

|What | |What | |

|When | |When | |

|Where | |Where | |

|Image | |Image | |

|Extra | |Extra | |

|World Event (5) |After Birth Event (5) |

|Who | |Who | |

|What | |What | |

|When | |When | |

|Where | |Where | |

|Image | |Image | |

|Extra | |Extra | |

|World Event (6) |After Birth Event (6) |

|Who | |Who | |

|What | |What | |

|When | |When | |

|Where | |Where | |

|Image | |Image | |

|Extra | |Extra | |

|World Event (7) |After Birth Event (7) |

|Who | |Who | |

|What | |What | |

|When | |When | |

|Where | |Where | |

|Image | |Image | |

|Extra | |Extra | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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