Holiday PowerPoint Assignment

Day you were born Assignment

You will be creating a PowerPoint that presents the information that you have learned from the Internet research you completed about the day you were born.

General Requirements:

Title Slide

A. The Day I was Born.

B. Created by: Your Name.

Introduction Slide (this slide must include a picture or two)

A. What is the slide show is about?

Personal Statistics (you may need more than one slide for this information)

A. Name/grade/meaning of name.

B. Birthday (Month dd, yyyy--ex: February 28, 1989)

C. Age in years & days.

D. Moon phase on date of birth—drawing.

E. Viking name.

F. Name and Image of the hospital you were born in.

G. What is your horoscope sign?

H. What did your horoscope say the day you were born?

Shared Birthdays (you must have animation on this slide – not all information can appear at the same time)

A. Literary figure

1. Name/year born.

2. Occupation/Accomplishment.

B. Historical or popular figure

1. Name/year born.

2. Occupation/ Accomplishments.

Events Occurring on Your Birthday (there must be a transition from this slide to the next slide)

A. Include the Year & place.

B. Description & images of the event or events.

Entertainment (this slide must include a link to an external site)

A. Television--Top Shows

1. Name of shows.

2. Plot/setting/characters

3. Years on TV--How long?

4. Late Night TV host.

5. Include images & video from at least 1 popular TV show.

6. A picture of the T.V. Guide cover from the week you were born.

Movies (this slide must include a short video clip)

A. Name of popular movie

B. Plot/setting/characters

C. Who were the “famous” actors at that time?

Music (this slide must include an audio file)

A. Name of popular songs.

B. Name of popular Bands.

C. Include some info / background about the bands.

D. Include audio, of at least 1 of the bands / songs.

E. Describe the portable music player used they day you were born.

1. Include a image and description.

Cost of things & More (this slide must include a chart or smart art)

A. What was the cost of houses, cars, gas, stamp, gallon of Milk, etc.. at that time, and compared to today.

B. Name 3 Popular Toy

1. Include the name of each.

2. Include a description of each.

3. Include an image of each.

C. What was the national debt then, compared to now.

D. What was the weather like the day you were born?

E. What was the price of an airline ticket?

Technology (this slide must include a transition from this side to the next)

A. What new technology was coming out at that time?

1. Include a picture of that tech.

2. Why was it new at that time?

3. Explain how it has changed from then to now.

4. What was the popular cell phone then? Include an image.

Social (this slide must include at least 3 images)

A. What was the style of cloths the day you were born. Include an image.

B. Describe what type of career your parents were in that day.

C. What were some of the most popular vacation locations on that day?

Politics (this slide must have a different background than the rest of your slides)

A. Who was the President then?

B. Who was Vice-President then?

C. Include an image and background on them both.

D. What big events were happening then in the world?

E. What was the US populations then, and compared to now?

Summary/Evaluation (this slide must have notes in the notes section of the slide that are not visible to the audience, but can be seen by the presenter)

A. Did you enjoy working on this project? Why? Why not?

B. Most interesting things learned by doing this project.

C. Additional comments.

Ending Slide, (this slide must include some animation)

THE END, I hope you enjoyed……

Specific Requirements:

Make sure that you are looking for the specific requirement that is required for each slide in the instructions above. You may add additional fun information, but you must have the required pieces at the minimum.

Evaluation: 100 Points

A Exceptionally creative development of the presentation.

B Well crafted development of the presentation.

C Inclusion of at least one example of each of the development elements covered.

D Poorly conceived presentation, many elements missing.

F Unacceptable development.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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