Urbandale Community School District

Kinder Families,As part of our Everyday Math curriculum, students are able to access online games that match up with the skills we are working on in class. Students have opportunities to play these games at school, but they can also be played at home! Please use the following instructions, and your child’s log in card that I have attached, if you would like to access these games at home!Step One: Go to connected.school/w7f0. It will take you to a page that looks like this:Step Two: Scroll down and click on either “Mrs. Meier’s Math or Mrs. Meier’s Reading.” Step Three: You will be taken to the following page. Find and click on your child’s name. From there, you will need to enter your child’s password that is included on their log in card. Step Four: After entering your child’s password, you will be taken to the following screen. Click on the green EDM book. Once you reach the EDM website, click on the blue tab that says EDM Games Online. Your child has a variety of games that match up with what we are working on in the classroom. There are one and two-player options, and challenge games if your child is ready!Please let me know if you have any questions about the log-in process!Mrs. Meier ................

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