Information for Ms - Reyes' Math Class

Geometry Course Syllabus

Teacher: E. Reyes E-Mail: ereyes1@

Room: #332 Tutoring hours: M-F lunch, Afterschool by apt.

Voice Mail: 841-1985


Students use geometric thinking to understand mathematical concepts; study properties and relationships of figures having to do with size shape and location; and they connect geometric ideas, relationships and properties to solve problems.


• 60% - Major Grades (Tests & Projects)

• 40% - Minor Grades (In-class & Homework Assignments/ Participation/Quizzes)


There will be homework almost every night in Geometry. This is an opportunity for students to practice what they have learned in class, and it is very important to their success in the course. Participation in class and group activities is also a part of the daily grade.

Makeup Work:

If a student is absent the day an assignment is given, the missed assignment will be due 4 school days after the absence at the beginning of class. It is strongly encouraged for students to pick up missing assignments as soon as possible.


|If you are absent on( |Mon |Tue |Wed |Th |Fri |

|Then your Assignment is due the |Fri |Mon |Tue |Wed |Th |

|following( | | | | | |

Late Work:

Late work will be accepted for up to 5 school days at a loss of 10% each day late. After the 5th day, late homework will receive at most a 50.

Textbook: McGraw Hill Geometry. Website: connectED.mcgraw-

Accessible through:

Required Materials:

• Several Pencils with erasers

• Notebook

* Please note: we have a limited number of graphing calculators available for use in class. A student can get through Geometry with an inexpensive calculator containing a square-root, sin, cos and tan button.


• Tests will be announced at least a week in advance for students to prepare. Regardless of an absence prior to an exam, if a student is present the day of an exam, then he/she is required to take the exam. No exceptions.

Absence: If a student is absent the day of an exam he/she will have 2 school days to make up the exam on his/her own time. Failure to meet the deadline will result with a grade of “M” (missing, which is equivalent to a zero).

• Quizzes may be announced or unannounced. If a student is present the day of a quiz, then he/she is required to take the quiz. No exceptions.

Absence: Same as testing policy.

*No extra time will be given for exams/quizzes unless noted in accommodations folder.


Retakes will be allowed on exams (not quizzes) for up to a grade of 75%. In order to be eligible for retakes, the student must:

- NOT have Any missing assignments (missing assignments will have to be made up before retesting in accordance to the late homework policy)

- Come in for tutorials prior to retaking an exam

It is the students’ responsibility to come in (on their own time) and retake an exam. The deadline for retaking an exam is 5 school days after students receive their original test grade.

Student Responsibilities:

Students are expected to:

• Be on time to class with the required materials for each day.

• Be in their seats working on the warm-up before the bell rings.

• Participate in class, take notes, be attentive, and keep up with the assignments.

• Attempt all homework assignments and bring questions to class.

• Bring all notes to class everyday to use as a resource.

• Treat others with respect and give their full effort to the course.

***Personal electronic devices other than calculators (such as ipods, cell phones, etc.) are not allowed to be used in class. They will be taken up and given to the student’s assistant principal.


At the beginning of each Six-Weeks, students may be assigned a project which is worth a major test grade. It is their sole responsibility to work on the projects throughout each Six-Week’s Period on their own time. Very little, if any, class time will be allotted to work on the projects.

Student (Print) _____________________________________Period_________

I have read and understand the requirements and expectations for this course and will do my best to attend every day, participate, and complete the required work for the course.

________________________________________ ___________________

Student signature Date

_________________________ ________________ ____________________

Parent Name(S) Contact Number Email Address

I have read and understand the requirements for this course and will do my best to support my student in regular attendance and completion of the required work for this course.

_________________________________________ ____________________

Parent/Guardian signature Date

Student (Print) _____________________________________Period_________

I have read and understand the requirements and expectations for this course and will do my best to attend every day, participate, and complete the required work for the course.

________________________________________ ___________________

Student signature Date

_________________________ ________________ ____________________

Parent Name(S) Contact Number Email Address

I have read and understand the requirements for this course and will do my best to support my student in regular attendance and completion of the required work for this course.

_________________________________________ ____________________

Parent/Guardian signature Date


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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