Happy Summer Solstice - La Vie De La Rose

[Pages:7]Happy Summer Solstice

JUNE 21, 2017 ? 12:24aM ET

A Message from Dr. Natalia Rose Schotte

Dear Friends,

Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere occurs on Wednesday, June 21 at 12:24 AM ET when the Sun enters Cancer. For those of you in other parts of North America, it takes place Tuesday night. Please find out the exact time so you can be present to the influx of new energy from Nature at the moment summer arrives.

Aligning our consciousness with season changes is an essential aspect of the Accelerated Spiritual Growth? Curriculum.

The Nature Year governs our inner lives and our evolutionary ascent. At every Autumnal Equinox, a new Nature Year begins bringing with it new spiritual growth opportunities. Last Autumnal Equinox, September 22, 2016, we began The Year of Dreams Fulfilled.

The Year of Dreams Fulfilled:

September 22, 2016 to September 22, 2017

In The Year of Dreams Fulfilled, we have the opportunity to realize three dreams close to our hearts. These dreams may have laid dormant in our unconscious minds for a long time. They are dreams in alignment with our Souls that support fulfillment of our Soul Contracts.

This year, we have faced and continue to face specific challenges which represent portals to the fulfillment of our dreams. Authentically resolving these challenges requires healing imprints of traumatic experiences from this and past lives.

Overlaying the Nature Year (running from one Autumnal Equinox to the next) is the Gregorian calendar (running from January 1 to December 31 each year). On January 1, 2017, we began The Year of the Leap of Faith. The fulfillment of our dreams this year will certainly require a leap of faith!

Summer Solstice 2017

Summer Solstice brings the cycle of fruition of each Nature Year. It is the time to harvest that which we have sown and complete the work at hand. My Summer Solstice message includes a beautiful healing experience to support you to move into a new level of expanded consciousness, which will bring you many wonderful new opportunities.

In my Summer Solstice message, I speak about the meditation I facilitated on June 9, 2017--the anniversary of the Buddha's enlightenment and parinirvana. If you haven't yet listened to it, I encourage you to do so. Here is the link:

In my Summer Solstice message, I also refer to the heart-moving video of a newborn baby clinging to his mother. Watching this video elucidates an aspect of self we are all called to heal as we mature spiritually, particularly this summer. Here is a link to this video:

Summer Solstice Ceremony

As always, I encourage you to be present at the moment of the seasonal change. It is a sacred time in which we honor Mother Earth and her cycles and rhythms. It is a moment when we witness, once again, the energetic power of Earth and experience personally the blessings of the energetic shifts that take place at the arrival of each new season.

At the moment of the Summer Solstice, light a candle and say:

I Fully Align My Consciousness With the Energy, Impulses, Patterns and Purpose

Of the Summer Solstice And Consciously Choose To Do All that is Required at All Levels To Support Perfected Manifestation of this Cycle Of The Year of Dreams Fulfilled

Summer Solstice is a time of celebration. Regardless of what lies ahead, we have moved through the creation cycle of gestation--the nine months from Autumnal Equinox to Summer Solstice--and are now born again as more evolved expressions of ourselves.

Take time to celebrate!

This Summer Solstice, let us find the courage to choose change. The rewards will be beyond our wildest imagination!

The unknown lay before me A universe awaiting exploration

I became an adventurer New frontiers my passion

I told my fear it could either come along or stay home Either way I was unstoppable

I am called courageous

Happy Summer Solstice! All Love All Ways,


Dr. Natalia Rose Schotte Founder and President La Vie de la Rose Flower Essences

All flower photos in this message were taken in the Garden of Love at La Vie de la Rose Flower Essences

The Accelerated Spiritual Growth Solutions

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