Pre-BCT - University of Michigan

[Pages:90]TRADOC Standardized Physical Training Guide


5 November 2003

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The following information is provided for individuals preparing for the physical demands of initial military training (IMT). The staff of the U.S. Army Physical Fitness School (USAPFS) prepared this Standardized Physical Training Guide. The USAPFS is the Army proponent for physical fitness, responsible for developing the Army's physical training programs, researching the Army's physical fitness needs, and providing training support to soldiers and units. This guide was prepared by a special team of individuals with representative expertise in physiology, physical fitness, and physical therapy. This program underwent an extensive review process by external and internal experts in the field of exercise science. This document is the sole property of United States Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) and is intended for use by U.S. Army Recruiters to assist soldiers in the Delayed Entry Program (DEP).

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Section I Army Pre-BCT Standardized Physical Training Program Overview 9

Section II Standardized Physical Training Session


Section III Running (Cardio-Respiratory Endurance Training - CR)


Section IV Calisthenics (Muscular Strength and Endurance Training - MSE) 19

Section V Flexibility Training


Section VI Body Composition and Nutrition


Appendix A: Conditioning Drill 1 (CD 1)


Appendix B: The Military Movement Drill (MMD)


Appendix C: The Stretch Drill (SD)


Appendix D: Conditioning Drill 2 (CD 2)


Appendix E: Training Schedules


Appendix F: The 1-1-1 Physical Fitness Assessment


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The American College of Sports Medicine defines physical fitness as a set of attributes that people have, or achieve, that relates to the ability to perform physical activity. This guide was written in recognition that both the quality and quantity of physical activity recommended to the individuals using this guide is consistent with current physical activity recommendations for the general public. The fitness components of cardio-respiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition are all inherent within this generalized exercise prescription. This program specifies the intensity, duration, and frequency of training and it is the interaction of these three variables that results in improved health and physical fitness. The Surgeon General's Report, Physical Activity and Health, states:

"...significant health benefits can be obtained by including a moderate amount of physical activity (e.g. brisk walking, running, resistance training, recreational sports) on most, if not all, days of the week. Additional health benefits can be gained through greater amounts of physical activity. People who can maintain a regular regimen of activity that is of longer duration, or of more vigorous intensity, are likely to derive greater benefit." In order for this program to be safe and effective, it must be followed as written. Exercise must be conducted regularly at the proper intensity to bring about the desired changes in the body. However, changes in the body occur gradually; so be patient and adhere to the program. If you miss a session for some reason, just pick up where you left off with the next day's session. However, if you miss a whole week of sessions, you will have to start the week over. In addition, following the nutritional guidance in this document and ensuring adequate rest and recovery will optimize health, physical fitness improvement, and control injuries.

DO NOT begin this physical exercise program before passing a routine physical examination at the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS).

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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