ATSZ-LCB (600e)

04 January 2022


SUBJECT: Individual Student Assessment Plan (ISAP) for Logistics Basic Officer Leadership Course (LOG BOLC)

1. References:

a. Department of the Army Regulation 350-1, Army Training and Leader Development, 10 December 2017.

b. Department of the Army Regulation 600-9 The Army Body Composition Program,28 June 2013.

c. Department of the Army Pamphlet 623-3, Evaluation Reporting System, 10 November 2015.

d. TRADOC Regulation 350-10, Institutional Leader Training and Education, 12August 2012.

e. TRADOC Regulation 350-18, The Army School System, 1 May 2018.

f. ATP 3-21.Foot Marches

g. ATP 7-22 Holistic Health and Fitness Testing

h. FM 7-0 Train to Win in a Complex World

i. TRADOC Regulation 350-36, Basic Officer Leadership Course Training Policies and Administration, 9 August 2017.

j. TRADOC Regulation 350-70, Army Learning Policy and Systems, 10 July 2017.

k. TRADOC Pamphlet 350-70-5, Systems Approach to Training: Testing, 20 August 2004.

l. U.S. Army Logistics University (ALU), Standing Operating Procedure, 21 December 2017.

ATSZ-LCB SUBJECT: Individual Student Assessment Plan (ISAP) for Logistics Basic Officer Leader Course (LOG BOLC)

2. Preface: The Basic Officer Leadership Department Chairperson is responsible for implementation of this ISAP. In accordance with (IAW) TRADOC Pamphlet (TP) 350- 70-14, the following ISAP establishes standardized policies and procedures applicable to the assessment of all students attending course numbers 8-10-C20B (QM), 4-9-C20B (OD), 8-55-C20B (TC), the Logistics Basic Officer Leadership Course (LOG BOLC). Furthermore, this document tends to inform students, instructors/facilitators, and otherpersonnel of graduation requirements. This course is designed such that government service employees, International Military Students and US sister service officers may attend as students.

3. Situation: Newly Commissioned Lieutenants arrive from the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) programs, the Officer Candidate School (OCS), the U.S. Military Academy, and Army National Guard units to receive Initial Military Training (IMT) and achieve branch certification to serve as Quartermaster, Ordnance, and Transportation Platoon Leaders.

4. Mission. Basic Officer Leadership Department provides Commanders in the field with Quartermaster, Ordnance, and Transportation Leaders trained in the fundamentals of Logistics ISO Large Scale Combat Operations (LSCO), while instilling them the warrior spirit, preparing them to assume leadership of a platoon.

5. Execution.

a. Purpose. The purpose of the Individual Student Assessment Plan (ISAP) is to outline the student responsibilities, graduation criteria, and the course's assessment strategy, to provide a path for successfully completing LOG BOLC. This ISAP is effective 1 January 2022 beginning with LOG BOLC Class 22-003.

b. End State. Logistics Lieutenants who demonstrate the character, competence, and commitment necessary to lead logistics platoons in combat.

c. Key Tasks. To successfully graduate, Logistics Lieutenants depart with an Individual Development Plan (IDP) to continue lifelong learning and must demonstrate the ability to:

(1) Lead Soldiers across a range of military operations. Display knowledge, skills and behaviors of a Logistics Officer and is able to understand, visualize, and describe his/her operational environment; make and articulate decisions, and direct and lead, and assess operations at the platoon level.

(2) Demonstrate adaptability (resilience): a comprehensively fit, self-disciplined Officer, who pushes past pre-conceived limits, thrives in chaos and perseveres,


ATSZ-LCB SUBJECT: Individual Student Assessment Plan (ISAP) for Logistics Basic Officer Leader Course (LOG BOLC)

despite obstacles. (3) Demonstrate technical proficiency: demonstrates proficiency in doctrinal,

mechanical, and administrative tasks associated within a platoon. (4) Demonstrate tactical proficiency: demonstrates the science and art of

organizing a Logistics formation, employing logistics capabilities and integrate it assess to support maneuver forces. 6. Course Outcomes: Guided by each proponent's logistics branch and the Combined Arms Support Command (CASCOM) Commanding General, BOLC is designed to produce capable, effective, and ready junior logistics leaders to the force. Students understand all three logistics branches and can synchronize these functions to provide effective and responsive support to the force during large-scale combat operations. Students have a foundation of multifunctional logistics and are capable of succeeding as platoon leaders at the tactical level.

a. The overall LOG BOLC grade for a student is determined by the average of each modules final grade and, weighted equally. This grade is then converted to a Grade Point Average (GPA) based on a 4.0 grade scale.

b. Assessment Strategy and Graded Events. Cadre will assess Officers using multiple methods, determined by the event. Doctrinal standards are used where they exist and rubrics are used in the absence of doctrinal standards. In order to ensure LOG BOLC graduates are able to achieve course standards in accordance with the desired end state, students are graded on:


ATSZ-LCB SUBJECT: Individual Student Assessment Plan (ISAP) for Logistics Basic Officer Leader Course (LOG BOLC)

SSAER Category

Assessment Title

TAC/ Peer Evaluations


Peer Evaluation

Character/ Accountability Basic Rifle Marksmanship (BRM) Land Navigation


Character/Accountability Points



Presence/ Comprehensive Leadership


TAC Points

Presence/ Comprehensive Fitness

Points Total

Exam 1: The Army Profession

Exam 2: Building Readiness

Exam 3: Mission Prep

Exam 4: LSCO Part 1

Intellect/ Critical Thinking & Exam 5: LSCO Part 2

Problem Solving

Plans Exercise (PLANEX)

Training Management


Intellect/ Critical Thinking &

Problem Solving Points Total



Information Brief

Letter to Battalion Commander

Leads/ Communicates & Memorandum for Record


Training Management

Plans Exercise (PLANEX)

Peer Evaluation

Leads/ Communicates &

Engagement Points Total

Plans Exercise (PLANEX)

Training Management

Develops/ Collaboration Peer Evaluation Leadership

Develops/ Collaboration Points



Exam 1: The Army Profession

Exam 2: Building Readiness

Exam 3: Mission Prep Achieves/ Lifelong Learner Exam 4: LSCO Part 1

Exam 5: LSCO Part 2


Achieves/ Lifelong Learner Points


LOG BOLC Total Points

Assessment Points 100 100 100 100 100 100


100 100 100


100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100


100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100


100 100 100 100


100 100 100 100 100 100 100


Assessment Weight for Category 60 60 30 10 10 10

100% Weight

60 30 10

100% Weight

60 60 60 60 60 30 30 10

100% Weight

60 60 30 30 30 10 10 10

100% Weight

60 60 30 10

100% Weight

60 30 30 30 30 30 10

100% Weight


% of Category 30% 30% 30% 3.33% 3.33% 3.33%


60% 30% 10%


12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 15% 15% 10%


30% 30% 10% 10.0% 10.0% 3.3% 3.3% 3.3%


30% 30% 30% 10%


60% 6.0% 6.0% 6.0% 6.0% 6% 10%


Critical Event No Yes No Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Retest No Yes No Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Yes YEs Yes No

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

In addition to the graded events above students are also assessed in character, competence, commitment, and adhering to the Army ethic and values. Any student who fails to demonstrate Army ethic and values or commits disciplinary infraction may be subject to the recycle board process, dismissal, and/or separation.

*IAW FRAGORD 3 to TRADOC TASKORD IN191691 and until rescinded, ALU SPT BN will continue to train and administer the ACFT to assess a student's physical dominance, but will not be used as a graduation requirement or for course points.

(1) Final ACFT: Course Critical Event. 100 points based on overall performance. The final ACFT will be scored using the same scale as the Initial ACFT. Students score a minimum of 60 points in each event to meet graduation requirement. If any student fails to pass the ACFT they may retest prior to class end date and if they pass, they will only earn the minimum passing score of (60) points. ACFT score results in the following LOG BOLC Points:


ATSZ-LCB SUBJECT: Individual Student Assessment Plan (ISAP) for Logistics Basic Officer Leader Course (LOG BOLC)

Figure 1Correct

(2) M4 Qualification. Course Critical Event. One point per hit during day qualification with M4 rifle and M68 Close Combat Optic (CCO). Students must qualify with at least 23 out of 40 hits IAW TC 3-20.40 to graduate.

(3) Land Navigation. Course Critical Event. Lieutenants must find a minimum 6 of 8 points within 5 hours (2 ? hours per condition) to meet graduation requirements. Points assessed based on the number of points found. Initial failure and passing on retesting automatically results in scoring only 75% (24 of 40) of the available points.

(4) 12 Mile Foot March. Course Critical Event. Go/No Go Event. Complete the march in under 4 hours without running.

(5) 4 Mile Run x 36 Min. Course Critical Event. Go/No Go Event. Complete 4 mile run in 36 minutes.

(6) Operations Order. Course Critical Event. 100 points. Students must achieve 75% or greater on grading rubric for OPORD briefs. Initial failures who pass a retest will be awarded 75% of the available points.

(7) FTX Mission Execution Leadership. Course Critical Events. 100 Points. Students must meet 75% standard on grading rubric for Mission Execution. Failure to meet the 75% standard will result in a retest for a maximum of 75% of points.

(8) Peer Assessments. 100 Points. Each student rank orders their platoon peers from best to worst (they do not include themselves in the ranking). Each student's rankings are then entered into a peer evaluation matric. The matric averages each students peer rankings. The average is used to rank order the students and points are assigned IAW the scale below.


ATSZ-LCB SUBJECT: Individual Student Assessment Plan (ISAP) for Logistics Basic Officer Leader Course (LOG BOLC)

(9) Trainer, Advisor, Counselor (TAC). 100 Points. TACs assess each Lieutenants demonstration of the leader attributes of Character, Presence, Intellect, Leads, Develops, and Achieves, and Logistics Officer desired behaviors of Cooperation/Teamwork and Problem Solving with up to 5 points per Attribute/. Behavior (eight in total). TACs will use the table below to assess points for each attribute.

(10) Retest. Remediation on every Course Critical TLO not mastered on the first test administration is mandatory. Students that fail an assessment or graduation requirement will be retrained and retested at least once per TRADOC PAM 350-70-5. Additional retraining and retesting is not required but may be conducted if time and resources allow. The determination on additional retraining/retesting will be made by the LOG BOLC Course Manager.

(a) If a student falls an assessment or written test, they will be counseled in writing on DA Form 4856 and provided remedial training prior to retesting.

(b) Students that fail on the first test / assessment event, and subsequently pass on the retest will be awarded 75% of the available points.


ATSZ-LCB SUBJECT: Individual Student Assessment Plan (ISAP) for Logistics Basic Officer Leader Course (LOG BOLC) 7. Overall Academic Performance:

a. To demonstrate a sufficient level of competency to pass BOLC, students must successfully complete each assessment with a minimum passing score of 75% and obtain a cumulative grade point average of at least 75% to "Achieve Course Standards." Evaluations are in the form of assessments, formal briefings, individual and group assignments, participation, tests, and peer evaluations. Students with a cumulative grade point average of below 75% will "Fail to Achieve Course Standards Assessments are designed to communicate the following:

b. Coordinating Instructions:

(1) Counseling and Feedback. Students will sign a statement of course standards (ISAP) understanding at the beginning of the course. Students will be counseled during the initial/mid-course/ final counseling and as needed to review academic progress, performance and discuss personal development. When a students is formally counseled, a counseling form will be completed and filed in the students file.

(a) Formal Counseling. TACs will conduct at least three formal counseling sessions with all Officers. This includes an initial, mid-course, and final/AER/IDP counseling.

(b) The initial counseling establishes the ISAP goals and LOG BOLC expectations. The mid-course counseling serves as a progress review of the student's performance and identifies strengths and areas of improvement.

(c) The final counseling reviews the Officer's performance in the course, discusses the AER and IDP, and establishes future goals.

a. Misconduct Counseling: Tardiness, Failure to report, apathy, negligent discharge and general misconduct will result in counseling for each offense. Misconduct is grounds for dismissal (see enclosure 3, "Dismissal Action") from the course. With a corresponding letter being sent to the Soldier's gaining Chain of Command outlining the reason for dismissal by the BOLC Chairmen.

b. Procedures for Identifying Soldiers at Risk and Dismissal (see enclosure 3, "Dismissal Action"). The performance measures and expectations for the course are explained clearly to Soldiers during in-processing, as are individual student responsibilities and cadre responsibilities. Soldier expectations and responsibilities are reiterated throughout the course by cadre and further emphasized before each Course Critical Event, and provide a unifying focus for event AARs. Criteria for identifying a student at risk due to failure to achieve course graduation requirements generally fall into three categories:


ATSZ-LCB SUBJECT: Individual Student Assessment Plan (ISAP) for Logistics Basic Officer Leader Course (LOG BOLC)

(i) Apathy: Repeated failure to conduct themselves in a professional manner during the course, malingering, avoiding responsibility, lack of support to team, deliberate failure to follow instructions of designated student leaders, failure to respond to corrective "plan of action" by cadre as documented on DA Form 4856.

(ii) Indiscipline: Repeated failure to do what the student knows must be done. Clear evidence that student has knowledge, but willfully or through culpable neglect fails to fulfill personal responsibilities - failure to follow instructions, failure to complete individual work, failure to maintain discipline, failure to respond to corrective "plan of action" by cadre as documented on DA Form 4856.

(iii) Academic Failure: All academic failure counseling will include retraining actions, and actions if retest is passed or retest is failed. Repeated inability to comprehend and apply course content to new situations and responsibilities. Clear evidence that the student cannot understand what he/she must do, cannot adapt to new circumstances, cannot communicate with others, or cannot perform the requisite universal 88A, 91A, or 92A Soldier Skills. Behavior is not an isolated incident and is unchanged by remedial instruction and counseling. Soldier requires excessive remedial education and cadre attention in comparison to reasonable skill and knowledge expectations of a responsible and mature individual.

(2) Serious Misconduct. Commission of any of the following specific events will result in the Lieutenant being placed in a Student Hold Status, administrative or UCMJ actions initiated, and potential dismissal from service. See Enclosure 1 for Academic misconduct definitions.

(a) Alcohol related incident, including Driving under the Influence (DUI)

(b) Illegal drug use

(c) Violation of Army Values

(d) Violation of standing or General Orders

(3) Academic Evaluation Report

(a) At the conclusion of each class, all U.S. Army Lieutenants, including those who do not graduate, will receive a DA Form 1059 Service School Academic Evaluation Report (AER). The TACs serve as the Academic Rater for their class and the Course Manager will serve as the Reviewing Official for the entire class.

Academic Achievement. Lieutenants are evaluated in six leader competencies and attributes identified in the chart below (see enclosure 2, "Student Honor Code and



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