TEST REVIEW: MY ENGLISH1.Based on the first four paragraphs of “My English,” what would you say was theauthor’s purpose for writing this essay? Cite one or two details from the essay tosupport your answer.2. In “My English,” what kinds of things can Julia learn from looking at her mother’scountenance? Base your answer on the meaning of countenance, and provide anexample from the essay.3. Reread the paragraphs in the middle of “My English” about speaking English at theCarol Morgan School. To what does Alvarez compare the Spanish words that slipinto her sentences? What is the author’s attitude toward Spanish in this part of theessay?4. In the chart, write a detail from “My English” that the author uses to tell about herteacher at the Carol Morgan School. Then, below the graphic organizer, tell whatthe detail shows about Julia’s thoughts or feelings.5.In the middle section of “My English,” the author describes a Sunday dinner withher grandfather at the Alvarez home. Does the voice in this section have a respectfulor disrespectful attitude toward the grandfather? Explain, using an example fromthe essay.6. Near the end of “My English,” Alvarez compares English to the skyscrapers of NewYork City. Look back at this part of the essay. Then look at the photos that go withit. In your opinion, does the author make a good comparison? Explain.7. Alvarez’s voice, or the way her writing sounds on the page, has a poetic quality inthe last paragraph of “My English.” According to the author, in what two ways isSister Maria’s writing like snow?8. In one sense, “My English” is a love story: It describes how the author fell in lovewith English. In an essay, explain how each of the following stages of a love storyare present in “My English”: (1) meeting for the first time; (2) getting to know eachother; (3) falling in love; (4) living happily ever after.9. When she was a child, why did Julia Alvarez think English was a “harder Spanish”?10. What is Julia Alvarez’s main purpose in “My English”?11. What can you predict about Julia Alvarez’s purpose from the title “My English”?12. In this sentence, what type of voice does the word yakked help create?Those women yakked as they cooked, they storytold, they gossiped, they sang. . . .13. What is Spanglish, according to Julia Alvarez?14. What is the main idea of this passage from “My English”?Soon it wasn’t so strange that everyone was speaking in English instead of Spanish. I learned not to hear it as English, but as sense..15. What is special about Alvarez’s sixth-grade teacher, Sister Maria Generosa?16. What is the best interpretation of these last two sentences from “My English”?I was no longer a foreigner with no ground to stand on. I had landed in the English language.17. What is Julia Alvarez’s purpose in including Sister Maria Generosa’s sentence about snow?18. Julia Alvarez is bilingual. What does that mean?.19. Which word is a synonym of interminably in this sentence from “My English”?Sister Maria Generosa did not make our class interminably diagram sentences from a workbook. . . .20. Julia Alvarez’s sixth-grade teacher was important in her life .Describe what qualities made Sister Maria Generosa important to Alvarez.21.From this opening sentence and from the title, what can you predict about Julia Alvarez’s purpose in “My English”?Mami and Papi used to speak it when they had a secret they wanted to keep from us children.22. Which of the following purposes does Julia Alvarez not have in “My English”?23. What is the main idea of the following sentence from “My English”?Whenever she spoke that gibberish English, I translated the general content by watchingthe Spanish expressions on her face.24. What does Julia Alvarez mean by the language she calls “mix-up” or Spanglish?25. Why does Julia Alvarez mention “Cat got your tongue? No big deal! So there! Take that!”?26. What does Julia Alvarez mean by the phrase “a beginning wordsmith” in this sentence?A beginning wordsmith, I had so much left to learn; sometimes it was disheartening..27. Why was Julia Alvarez shocked when she and her family arrived in New York?28 What special thing did Sister Maria Generosa, Alvarez’s teacher, ask her students to do in “My English”?29. What is Julia Alvarez’s purpose in the following quotation from “My English”?Theirs were the voices that belonged to the rain and the wind and the teeny, teeny stars even a small child could blot out with her thumb.30. Which word means the opposite of interminably in this sentence from “My English”?Sister Maria Generosa did not make our class interminably diagram sentences from a workbook or learn a catechism of grammar rules.31. Remember to study the details from Julia Alvarez discussed in class and the details from the setting of the story. That you have in your notebook.YOU NEED TO DOWLOAD THE STORY TO USE IT IN THE TEST> PLEASE, read it at least twice so you can answer the test the best that you can.. ................

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