Direct and Reported Speech - Primary Resources

Direct and Reported Speech.

Below are some sentences from the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Please try the tasks below:

1. Next to each sentence, write whether it has been written in direct or reported speech. Number 1 has been done for you as an example.

2. For each pair of sentences, use a pencil crayon to highlight the differences between them. There is also a space for you to write any differences that you notice.

Good Luck!!!


Goldilocks told her Mother that she was going for a walk in the woods. Reported speech

“Mother, I am going for a walk in the woods” cried Goldilocks. Direct speech



“Mummy, my porridge is too hot for me to eat!” said Baby Bear.

Baby Bear told Mummy Bear that his porridge was too hot to eat.



Daddy Bear asked Mummy Bear and Baby Bear if they would like to go for a walk until their porridge cooled.

“Would you like to go for a walk while we wait for our porridge to cool?” Daddy Bear asked Mummy Bear and Baby Bear.



“But that’s my favourite chair and now it’s broken and I can never use it again!” cried Baby Bear.

Baby Bear cried that he could never use his chair again because it was broken.


On the other side of this sheet, try to write a sentence in direct speech and then rewrite in reported speech, just like the sentences above!


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