Persuasive Techniques - Dysart High School

Persuasive TechniquesWriters may use a number of persuasive techniques in order to convince the reader to support a certain opinion, buy a particular product, or become a member of a group. As a reader, you need to be able to identify these techniques and evaluate whether they are logical. Some persuasive techniques and examples of each are shown below.Bandwagon AppealThe bandwagon technique is often used in advertising. It encourages the reader to believe in something because “everyone else” believes in it. Get in on the Best Fit Jeans and get in on the Party!Loaded LanguageWriters who want to sway your opinion may try to appeal to your emotions by using loaded language. This means using words to which reader have a strong reaction.If I am elected, I promise to make our towns and cities a safe place again for all citizens.OvergeneralizationSweeping statements about people, places, and things are called overgeneralizations. If a statement is too broad to be proved, it is an overgeneralization.Today’s men are insensitive and just don’t get it. They put themselves first and ignore what women tell them.TestimonialsOften used in advertising, testimonials employ celebrities or satisfied customers to endorse a product or idea. Businesses that use this technique hope that the reader will buy a product because it is backed by a person he or she likes or would like to be like.As a model, Cassie Shea knows that great-looking hair is important: “ShineOn hair products take the worry out of every photo shoot.” ................

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