Sample Body Paragraphs with in-text citation

Sample Body Paragraphs with in-text citation

Warhol started to develop into a more experimental and unconventional artist. He began to experiment with the silk-screening process, a technique that became his trademark. “This technique allows a specially prepared section of silk as a stencil, allowing one silk-screen to create similar patterns multiple times.” (“The Godfather of Pop” 8A). In the mid-sixties, Warhol began to try another branch of art—movie making. Between 1963 and 1986 Warhol produced 83 films, most of which were long, strange, and had unclear storylines (Roseberg). Warhol was an anti-Hollywood producer, so consequently, he made films that weren’t meant to be entertaining, but intended to provoke thought. Most of Warhol’s later works considered death and ideas related to death, using gruesome pictures repeated over and over again to sum up how society was no longer shocked by these things. Warhol himself died unexpectedly on February 22, 1987 after a gallbladder operation, at only 58 years old.

While Warhol sold paintings for millions and has artwork in galleries around the world, those accomplishments pale in comparison to the fact that he made himself an American icon. Selling a painting for 100 million is definitely no small feat, but it’s arguably one of his smaller accomplishments. Also, his film, The Chelsea Girls, a drama involving “a bunch of drugged-up trust-fund bohemians” (Plagens 12) paved the road for many of today’s reality TV shows. Many people also agree that Warhol was one of the most influential modern American artists. While he didn’t invent the Pop art movement, he was certainly the leader of it. He truly understood the meaning of Pop art—A hollow reflection of popular culture—but he still managed to insert deeper meanings into his art (Roseberg). Warhol was more than “The Godfather of Pop”. He was, and still is, an American icon.

Andy Warhol’s amazing creativity still shapes many of today’s artists, and also changed the face of art. Warhol was an extremely influential artist. “Any kind of wickedness or anything that is punky or raw goes back to Andy. Andy was the daddy of us all,” said fashion designer Betsey Johnson (Plagens 13). But most importantly, not only did Warhol inspire thousands of artists—he transformed the definition of art. “Andy Warhol ultimately challenged people to reconsider and redefine their own meanings of ‘art’ ” (“Andy Warhol”). He showed how almost everything in life was art. As Warhol said, “Once you ‘got’ Pop, you could never see a sign the same way again. And once you thought Pop, you could never see America the same way again” (“The Godfather of Pop” 8A).

Directions for analyzing these body paragraphs:

Underline the topic sentence(s) in green.

Underline the borrowed material that is quoted in blue

Underline the borrowed material that is paraphrased in purple

Underline this author’s own words/explanations/my ideas in red

Circle all transition words

How many topic sentences does she have? _____

How many quotes does this author use? _____

How many paraphrases does this author use? ______

How many sentences does she have with her own ideas explaining her research? ________

How many transitions does she have? _______


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