Student Creative Writing and Group work Reflection

[pic]Creative Writing Contribution

Name: _____________

Due date for good copy: __________ Small Group Share Date: __________

This past term in creative writing you have worked on a variety of pieces. Read through your work and choose your best writing to revise and review. You should set 250-500 words as your goal, so this may mean choosing more than one piece. After working on this piece(s) of writing you will present your best work to a small group of your peers.

1) Review your creative writing pieces. Choose the piece(s) you would like to revise and review.

2) Complete Appendix l1: Questions for Revision.

3) 3 Minute Meeting with Ms. Keefe on writing – be prepared to ask questions or ask for specific feedback.

3) Peer editing.

4) Complete good copy – typed.

5) Practice reading your work out loud.

6) Share your story in a small group and complete your reflection below.

Self Reflection on Creative Writing and Group Work (8.2)

|The best thing about my piece of writing is… |

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|A technique that I tried to incorporate was… |

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|I was satisfied/not satisfied with the results because… |

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|Strong word choice is evident in my writing. Examples include… |

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|After listening to the creative writing pieces of my peers, I was most impressed by… |

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|One area I would like to improve on is… |

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Teacher’s assessment of creative writing piece:

|Grade 8 Outcomes |Demonstrated few |Demonstrated some |Demonstrated most |Demonstrated |

| |times |times |times | |

|Speaking and Listening | | | | |

|SCO 1.1 consider and reflect upon the contribution of | | | | |

|others’ ideas during discussions - shared story in a | | | | |

|small group and listened to the story of their peers. | | | | |

|SCO 3.2 demonstrate a respect for others by developing| | | | |

|effective ways to express personal opinions such that | | | | |

|they reflect sensitivity to others, including | | | | |

|differences in culture and language – respectful of | | | | |

|peers with feedback and stayed on task. | | | | |

|Writing and Other Ways of Representing | | | | |

|SCO 8.2 identify and reflect upon strategies that are | | | | |

|effective in helping them to learn; describe their | | | | |

|personal growth as language learners and language | | | | |

|users – completed the reflection on creative writing. | | | | |

|SCO 8.4 demonstrate an awareness of how and when to | | | | |

|integrate interesting effects in imaginative writing | | | | |

|and other ways of representing; include thoughts and | | | | |

|feelings in addition to external descriptions and | | | | |

|activities; integrate detail that adds richness and | | | | |

|density; identify and correct inconsistencies and | | | | |

|avoid extraneous detail; make effective language | | | | |

|choices relevant to style and purpose, and, when | | | | |

|appropriate, select more elaborate and sophisticated | | | | |

|vocabulary and phrasing – took time to choose | | | | |

|interesting vocabulary. | | | | |

|SCO 9.4 keep the reader and purpose for writing in | | | | |

|mind when choosing content, writing style, tone of | | | | |

|voice, language choice, and text organization – this | | | | |

|piece was written to share with their peers and is | | | | |

|appropriate. | | | | |

|SCO 10.1 build and rely upon a broad knowledge base of| | | | |

|how words are spelled and formed; use such knowledge | | | | |

|to spell unfamiliar words and expand vocabulary; | | | | |

|regularly use resource texts to verify spelling; use | | | | |

|punctuation and grammatical structures capably and | | | | |

|accurately; use a variety of sentence patterns, | | | | |

|vocabulary choices, and paragraphing with flexibility | | | | |

|and creativity to engage readers – participated in the| | | | |

|editing process. | | | | |

|SCO 10.2 choose, with increasing regularity, the | | | | |

|prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, proofreading,| | | | |

|and presentation strategies to aid in producing | | | | |

|various texts – it is evident all parts of the writing| | | | |

|process were followed. | | | | |

|SCO 10.4 demonstrate a commitment to crafting pieces | | | | |

|of writing and other –representations – the story is | | | | |

|complete and all parts of the assignment were | | | | |

|followed. | | | | |


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