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| |Overview | | |

| |For the culminating project of this unit, students are invited to create a zine that demonstrates their knowledge, feelings, and research about bullying| | |

| |and its prevention. A zine is an independently created and published personal magazine. Students are invited to write informally and personally about | | |

| |bullying using their own strong voice or a book's protagonist. They should be encouraged to use journalistic formats such as editorials, feature | | |

| |articles, poetry, and cartoons. Since the topic of bullying evokes such strong emotional responses, the zine is a fitting outlet for this kind of | | |

| |writing and research. A zine can be formatted in Microsoft Publisher, Print Shop, or Microsoft Word. | | |

| |As the culminating experience for this unit, ask students to create an antibully zine for their novel or for real life. One option would be to create a | | |

| |zine for the protagonist of the book they read. Another option would be to create a zine focused on a bully prevention theme of their choice. Students | | |

| |can take several different approaches to the assignment. For instance, one student might focus on self-esteem issues in her zine, while another student | | |

| |might take the position of the outsider or outcast. In either case, the requirement is to write five zine pieces that express their opinions, | | |

| |incorporate research, and capture the reader's attention. In addition, students need to provide a cover that includes an inviting title, a letter to the| | |

| |reader explaining the context of the zine, a notes page (details the inspiration for their pieces), and references used in the research. Here are some | | |

| |ideas for structuring the zine assignment and a scoring rubric for assessing of the zine. | | |

| | | | |

| |Zine Assignment Selections | | |

| |Compose 5 original pieces from the following suggested list in addition to the cover, table of contents, and letter to the readers: | | |

| |Cover with catchy title | | |

| |Table of contents | | |

| |Letter to readers | | |

| |Advice column | | |

| |Poetry | | |

| |Dos and Don'ts for parents | | |

| |Interview or top 10s | | |

| |Myths about bullying | | |

| |Book/movie review | | |

| |Editorial or letter to the editor | | |

| |Horoscopes, cartoons, or helpful hints | | |

| |Sports or jokes | | |

| |Advertisement or art submissions | | |

| |Song lyrics or music review | | |

| |Notes page | | |

| |Bibliography | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

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| |[pic] | | |

| |Websites Used for Creating Bully-Buster Brochure and Antibullying Zine: | | |

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| |Zine Assessment Rubric | | |

| |Zine Assessment Rubric | | |

| |(90/3 = 30 Average Points) | | |

| | | | |

| |  | | |

| |5 points | | |

| |4 points | | |

| |3 points | | |

| |2 points | | |

| |1 points | | |

| | | | |

| |Front Matter: Cover/Title Page, Table of Contents | | |

| |Organizes the material in a creative, clear, appropriate, and precise manner | | |

| |Organizes the material in an effective manner that is appropriate and precise | | |

| |Organizes the material in an appropriate manner, but may lack some clarity or consistency | | |

| | | | |

| |Little evidence of a cohesive plan. Little or no description or detail | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |__ x 2 = | | |

| | | | |

| |Introduction | | |

| |Creatively catches the reader's interest and gives important information for understanding the zine | | |

| |Catches the reader's attention and provides important information for understanding the zine | | |

| |Does not catch the reader's attention and fails to give the reader enough information to understand the zine | | |

| |Does not acknowledge that the reader needs certain information to make the most of the zine | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |__ x 1 = | | |

| | | | |

| |Zine Design | | |

| |Creative presentation of zine format and design. Captures reader's attention | | |

| |Excellent presentation of zine format and design. Appealing to the reader | | |

| |Good presentation of zine format and design. Interesting to read | | |

| |Does not resemble zine format and design. Does not hold reader's attention | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |__ x 2 = | | |

| | | | |

| |Nine Creative Writing Pieces | | |

| |Unified, focused compositions. Topic or ideas consistently clear. Details varied and vivid. Pieces are personal and meaningful | | |

| |Generally well organized. Topics or ideas generally clear. Details generally varied and vivid. Pieces are personal and relevant | | |

| |Topics, ideas, or plans may not be clear. Minimal use of supportive detail. Pieces are impersonal | | |

| |Topic may be clear but no overall organizational plans. Little development of ideas. Pieces are impersonal | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |__ x 5 = | | |

| | | | |

| |Research | | |

| |Research evident from a variety of media, reference, and technological sources | | |

| |Research evident from Internet and print material | | |

| |Research from only one source | | |

| |No research evident | | |

| | | | |

| |__ x 4 = | | |

| | | | |

| |Conventions | | |

| |Correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling | | |

| |Mostly correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling | | |

| |Frequent errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling | | |

| |Numerous problems with grammar, punctuation, and spelling | | |

| | | | |

| |__ x 1 = | | |

| | | | |

| |Notes page | | |

| |Includes a notes page that reflects on the actual event and the liberties taken within each genre and the writing process | | |

| |Includes a notes page that reflects on the actual event and the liberties taken within each genre | | |

| |Includes a notes page that mentions the actual event and the liberties taken within each genre | | |

| |Notes page only shallowly acknowledges source of information | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |__ x 1 = | | |

| | | | |

| |Bibliography/Documentation | | |

| |Accurately documents sources using a consistent format | | |

| |Documents sources with minor errors using a consistent format | | |

| |Documents sources with many errors in following a consistent format | | |

| |Does not document sources correctly. Missing sources | | |

| | | | |

| |__ x 1 = | | |

| | | | |

| |Presentation | | |

| |Presents the topic creatively and provides vivid examples to illustrate the highlights of the project | | |

| |Presents the topic clearly and provides interesting examples to illustrate the highlights of the project | | |

| |Does not present the topic clearly and provides few examples to illustrate the highlights of the project | | |

| |Does not present the topic clearly and provides weak examples to illustrate the highlights of the project | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |__ x 1 = | | |

| | | | |

| |TOTAL | | |

| | | | |

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