Study Unit 3 Cross-Selling and Up-Selling

Study Unit 3

Cross-Selling and Up-Selling

ANL 309 | Business Analytics Applications

? 2014 SIM University. All rights reserved.


? Cross-selling and up-selling ? Role of business analytics in cross-selling and

up-selling ? Deliverables of cross-selling business analytics

modeling ? Some examples of cross-selling and up-selling

? 2014 SIM University. All rights reserved.

Cross-Selling and Up-Selling

Cross-selling: The process by which a company offers existing customers new products and services related to their current purchases. Up-selling: The process by which a company offers existing customers premium products that are functionally similar to those purchased by the customers.

? 2014 SIM University. All rights reserved.

Why Cross-Sell?

? Kumar, Shah and Venkatesan (2006) If the cross-selling of customer with high customer lifetime value (CLV) is increased by 15%, their CLV increases by 20%. That is, if the customer purchases from more product categories from the businesses, the future profitability of the customer will be enhanced.

? 2014 SIM University. All rights reserved.

Differences Between Cross-Selling and Up-Selling

Definition Expected Outcomes


Expansion of the customer relationship across categories of products or services.


Expansion of the customer relationship in terms of larger or additional orders.

Sales of new products or services for customer

A higher volume or premium for each sales transaction.

? 2014 SIM University. All rights reserved.

Cross-Selling BA Models

? Cross-selling models predict the probability of a current customer purchasing a different category from the company's product or service range.

? In general, cross-sell models attempt to predict the willingness of a given customer to purchase products or services from across categories. The model is based on customer demographics and behaviour on other products, and the results of the test campaign.

? 2014 SIM University. All rights reserved.

Deliverables of cross-selling business analytics modeling

? A single database ? Data visualisation for important dimensions affecting response. ? Model equation of variables for customers' propensity to

respond. ? Validation of model

? 2014 SIM University. All rights reserved.

Example: Cross-selling and BA in a Bank

? A cross-sell model may be built to predict the propensity of a customer to respond to a credit card offer.

? Dependent variable: response form the test campaign. ? Independent variables: demographic data, information on current

products and services purchased and shopping behaviour. ? The cross-sell model is then deployed to identify customers with

cross-selling potential and target them with the right offer.

? 2014 SIM University. All rights reserved.


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