Cultural diffusion ap human geography example


Cultural diffusion ap human geography example

The definition of cultural diffusion (noun) is the geographical and social spread of different aspects of yet another culture to different ethnic groups, religions, nationalities, regions, etc. Cultural diffusion involves the spread of culture over time. There are many types of cultural diffusion, and in this guide we will go over the types and give examples. The following study guides in this series of units go on to provide additional examples of cultural diffusion in specific historical and contemporary contexts. Diffusion relocation Diffusion relocation occurs when people move from their original location to another and innovate with each other. Immigration from country to country, city to city, etc. When they move to a new place, they introduce their ideas, cultural traditions such as food, music and more. When masses of individuals migrate to a new environment, they bring with them their cultural ties, affecting others in new environments. Diffusion of relocation can also be forced, not selected. Examples Many cultural elements of Southern U.S. architecture, cuisine and music are of African and Caribbean descent due to the forced relocation and enslavement of the African population during the transatlantic slave trade. Another example is the cultural diffusion from which more than two million persecuted Jews fled Eastern Europe between 1881 and 1914 to live in The United Kingdom or the United States.Diffusion of diffusion expansionExpand Diffusion is the spread of ideas by a population in which the number of these influences is constantly increasing. There are three subtypes of diffusion expansion: Stimulus, Hierarchical, and Contagious.Contagious DiffusionContagious Diffusion is defined as distance-controlled spread of ideas by the local population through contact with the person per person. Like the disease, it spreads rapidly from one source to another from person to person. Another way of thinking is how the forest fire spreads. Examples of contagious diffusion religions when people come into contact with belief systems, especially by universalizing religions such as Christianity, Buddhism and Islam. Missionaries spread Christianity. globalisation of social networks, media platforms. when videos or songs go viral, they contagiously dissipate like fire with modern technological innovations. All memes show contagious diffusion! Hierarchical DiffusionHierarchical Diffusion is when the idea spreads, passing first among the most connected people and then spreading to other people. Think about the chain of command in companies and government. There is a bit of hierarchy in terms of power position. Examples of hierarchical diffusionGovernment, such as president, vice president, cabinet members, are the first to be informed about government affairs before public and state employees. The CEO of the company is informed of matters in his company before the information for employees and the general public. You can also think of popular music that first reaches urban centers, urban communities in New York, LA, Chicago before gaining popularity among a wider audience. Stimulus DiffusionStimulus Diffusion is when the idea dissipates from its cultural hearth outside, but the original idea is changed by new users. Almost all cultural diffusions will have an aspect of stimulus diffusion due to the way culture adapts to new environmental, social and political conditions. Examples of stimulus diffusionNajmkane McDonalds fast food originating in the U.S. Midwest have developed different menu items in different regions of the world. Changing interpretations of religious texts that are translated into other languages. Non-adaptive DiffusionMaladaptive Diffusion is the adoption of distracting features that are not practical or reflect the environment or culture of the region. Examples of non-adaptive diffusion: the spread of grass lawns and monocultural crops, which are actively very harmful to the environmentPopularity of wearing blue jeans in all weather conditions despite the impracticality of wearing them in the winter seasonThis image depicts the Diffusion Curve S by Hagerstrand in particular in the model of adoption of technology. Stages include innovators, early adopters (small groups of those that can afford), followed by most adopting (faster adoption rate after falling prices) and finally laggards/late adoption (adoption rate slows). The trend resembles the letter S, which is why it is called the S curve. Watchlist: Fiveable Reviews on the importance of cultural diffusion and cultural definition Watch: What is cultureWhat is culture Key questions: What is the difference between folk (local) culture and popular culture? What is the difference between ethnocentrism and cultural relativism? What's so complicated about cultural assimilation, misappropriation and commodification? Watch: Cultural Diffusion Cultural Diffusion Key Questions: What is Culture? Which types of regions are best used to help us understand culture? Can you explain the cultural landscape? What is cultural appropriation and how harmful is it? What is the difference between popular and popular culture? What Are The Different Types of Cultural Diffusion? Watch: AP HUG ? All About DiffusionAll About Diffusion Key Questions: What Are The Types of Diffusion? What is the difference between relocation diffusion and expansion diffusion? What are the types of expansion diffusion?what are the historical causes of diffusion? How does culture change due to diffusion? Watch: Cultural Diffusion, Language, and ReligionWhat is the difference between popular and popular culture? How does the language change over time? How does religion affect the cultural landscape? Resources:Was this guide Useful? Useful?

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