Excel Proj 1 - True False

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Excel 2010: Chapter 1 – True/False

Instructions: Circle T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false.

|T |F |1. To select a cell is to make it active. |

|T |F |2. When entering numbers in a worksheet, you must put $ if the number is to be used as currency. |

|T |F |3. A number can be between approximately a positive 1 followed by 308 zeros and a negative 1 followed by 308 zeros. |

|T |F |4. A number can contain only the following characters: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0. |

|T |F |5. Boolean values can be summed using the SUM function. |

|T |F |6. The cell being copied is called the source area. |

|T |F |7. You merge a worksheet to emphasize certain entries and make the worksheet easier to read and understand. |

|T |F |8. Splitting cells involves creating a single by combining two or more selected cells. |

|T |F |9. An embedded chart is simply a chart on some worksheet. |

|T |F |10. To redraw a chart when you change data, you can press the F9 key. |


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