To Open Excel

Excel Basics

To Open Excel


Explore the Excel Screen


Title bar – program and document name

Menu bar – to execute commands, a submenu will appear

Standard toolbar – collection of pictures to accomplish spreadsheet activities

Formatting toolbar – buttons and submenu items to change the appearance of the worksheet

Name box and Formula bar – identifies active cell and formulas used

← The worksheet – rows(65,536) and columns(256), Sheet number, Status bar, and Taskbar

Moving around in the Worksheet

To select any cell, CLICK it. CLICK on A1.

To move one cell to the right, press TAB.

To move one cell to the left, press SHIFT+TAB.

Use the arrow keys and move one cell up, down, left, or right.

To move one window down, press PAGE DOWN (on the right of the keyboard). Notice the

line numbers on the worksheet.

To move one window up, press PAGE UP (on the right of the keyboard).

Press CTRL+HOME to return to cell A1. CTRL+END to go to the end of the document.

To move to any cell, go to EDIT > GO TO > INSERT (column and line) C3, click OK.

Entering Data and Formatting Titles

Go to the Standard toolbar and CLICK on NEW (icon in upper left corner).

Go to Insert ( Picture ( Word Art. Select a style and Click OK. Type Sample Rubric. click OK.

Move and resize the graphic as needed.

1. On the FILE menu, click SAVE AS. This allows you to choose the location for saving and the name of the workbook. Select Training\F , Name the file your name. CLICK SAVE.

2. CLICK on cell A10 and TYPE: Category. Press ENTER. Click on A10 and make it Bold.

3. CLICK on cell A11 and TYPE: Detail. Press ENTER.

4. Click on B11 and TYPE: “Uses interesting details that add to clarity”. TAB to C11** **One cell will overlap the other.

5. In C11 TYPE: “Uses some details to support the main idea”. TAB to D11.

6. In D11 TYPE: “Uses few details or inaccurate”. Press ENTER.

7. In B10 TYPE: Excellent-20.

8. In C10 TYPE: Expected-10

9. In D10 TYPE: Needs Improvement-5

10. Press TAB.

11. Move the Pointer to the top of the grid between columns D and E until it changes into double arrows and then DOUBLE CLICK.

12. Select cell B11 and go to FORMAT ( CELLS ( Alignment TAB. CLICK in the box wrap text. CLICK OK. Do the same to Cell C11. Select Format Painter and format D11 like C11.

16. Move the Pointer to the top of the grid between columns D and E until it changes into double arrows and then drag the column to the desired width.

13. **Save the file.

14. Go to Print Preview and preview your work. Close Print Preview.

15. Go to File ( Page Setup ( SHEET tab ( check GRIDLINES box. CLICK OK.

16. Go to Print Preview and preview your work.

17. Select all Columns that have data. On the Formatting bar, click on Center justification.

22.Preview your work. SAVE

Simple Calculations

1. In cell E10, TYPE: TOTAL, then press ENTER – Select E10 and make the font RED. Award 20 pts in E11. Give other points down the line in column E. Click in the cell below the last number.

2. With that cell selected, go to the Standard toolbar, go to AutoSum Σ and CLICK. If the cells you want to add are there, CLICK ENTER. If the cells you want are not there, the cell names may be corrected in the Formula bar box.

3. Another way to calculate a group of cells: CLICK and DRAG to select cells. CLICK AutoSum. ENTER

4. SELECT the cell below the total and CLICK on the EDIT FORMULA. ( = sign )

5. TYPE the total number then / then 3. ENTER.

6. Select the total you just computed (or the cell you want to edit). Go to the Menu bar ( FORMAT (click CELLS. On the Number Tab, SELECT Percentage, choose 2 in the decimal places. CLICK O.K.

7. OR Rt. Click on the cell you want to edit and choose FORMAT CELLS.


1. CLICK in the top left corner of the spreadsheet and Drag down to the right, until all the data is highlighted. (This tells the chart maker which data to include in the chart). If you include totals and percentages, it will make a different chart.

2. On the Standard toolbar click the chart icon. A window will appear, make

sure the Standard Types tab is selected and Click COLUMN.

3. CLICK on the bar “Press and Hold to View Sample”. The chart wizard steps you through the entire process.

To format dates column –Select the cell(s) with the dates. On menu choose Format – Cells – Number tab – select date category – under type, choose how you want date to appear.

Align text at an angle: Highlight the cells you want to change alignment – rt. Click – choose Format Cells – alignment tab – orientation – move line to the angle you want text to appear.

How Data converts to graphs: Highlight just the part you want in the graph, go to INSERT on the Menu Bar, choose chart, enter data you want in each window, click next. Choices on legend, title, names of axes, color of graphs parts, etc.

Set Print Area: To print just the area of the spreadsheet you want, highlight that part, go to FILE – Print Area – Set Print Area.

Gridlines: to make sure gridlines appear in your spreadsheet when it prints, go to FILE – Print Preview – Setup – Sheet tab – check Gridlines box – if you want the Row and Column headings to print, check those boxes also.

50 Ideas for Spreadsheet Use

in the Classroom

1. Address list

2. Phone list

3. Birthday list

4. E-mail list

5. Bus list - method of transportation

6. Field trip fees and costs

7. Grade book

8. Calendars

9. Word search

10. Class checklist

11. Scheduling

12. Keeping lists of video tapes, books, book orders, software

13. Lunch menu

14. Locker assignments

15. Classroom awards

16. Special classes, projects and activities

17. Learning center rotation chart

18. Parent-teacher conference schedule

19. Lesson plan template

20. Extra credit totals, percentages

21. Lunch money – records

22. Chart forms for anything for organization

23. Grades - Quizzes, scores, totals, averages

24. Year long planner

25. Use grid as a game board

26. Rubrics for alternate assessment

27. Test progress chart

28. Make Magic squares

29. Compare student height to their shadow length.

30. Weather statistics over a period of time

31. Survey results – favorites (TV shows, sports, flavors of ice cream, etc.) use formulas to find the mean, median, and mode

32. Sports records – latest standings, total games played, home and away winning percentage, and losing percentage

33. Students work in groups to record each other’s pulses. Chart the various pulses and indicate the mean, etc.

34. Penny toss – keep track of data in a penny tossing experiment. In groups have students flip 10 pennies, 10 times and record in a spreadsheet how many times it was heads and tails. Make a chart to show the results.

35. Make a frequency table in which you can record the birth months of the students. Make a chart of the results.

36. Students collect data on the number of times 10 people blink their eyes in one minute. Display the results in a frequency table or chart.

37. Students keep track of what they eat in one week. Use the information to make a circle graph showing what part of the foods they have consumed came from each of the four food groups.

38. Students write stories that include an appropriate use of mean, median, and mode

39. Working with the person in charge of the school store, have students find average sales to estimate business trends

40. Bring to class examples of averages from newspapers and magazines Ask students to describe the averages as means, medians, and modes. Have the students explain why the particular kind of average was used in each case.

41. Using a film guide from the library, have students record the lengths in minutes of 20 science fiction movies. Analyze the data using mean, median, and mode. Have students present their comparisons in a bulletin board display.

42. In groups collect data on the number of times five people can snap their fingers in one minute. Find the mean, median and mode of your results. Have students compare their info with the other groups. Combine the results into one graphic display in the classroom.

43. Stock market prices of certain stock over a period of time

44. Record test grades and make a graph to illustrate changes

45. Track expenses and earnings related to running a business

46. Play games, devise a method of tracking the results (wins, losses, high and low scores), create spreadsheets and graphs that visually depict the results. Include a cover page that explains the process of the assignment and a written explanation of their results.

47. Plan a trip to another country. Research the prices for the plane tickets, lodging, food, recreation events and souvenirs as well as the country’s currency and exchange rates, etc. Make a list of possible expenses. Set a budget and then use a spreadsheet to create an expense account. Begin the virtual trip and record the trip in a scrapbook and diary (getting pictures from Internet, electronic encyclopedias, and scanning from a textbook).

48. Ask students to name the type graph that would best compare numbers of boys and girls in the classroom (bar graph). Have students construct bar graphs to compare the male and female populations of the room. Have them compare graphs.

49. Record and track: grocery prices, allowance and spending, daily diet, time expenditure, grades, weather

50. Have students research and tell you which type of graph would be best to represent the data provided. Have them work in groups and provide a chart for each answer:

a. The number of left-handed students and the number of right-handed students in your class. (circle graph – two parts are compared to the whole)

b. The number of cases of measles in the United States for the years 1930, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990. (line graph – the data shows changes over time)

c. The life span of selected animals (bar graph – several life spans are being compared)

d. The average temperature of Earth for each year from 1980 to the present (line graph – the data shows changes over time)






Title Bar

Menu Bar

Standard Toolbar

Formatting Toolbar

Name Box and Formula Bar


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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