Stock Market Project 2009 - Liberty Union High School District

Company/Stock Market Project Fall 2014

Economics: Dodson/Garcia/Kriger

1. Pick one company that trades stocks on the NYSE or NASDAQ. (must have instructor’s approval before you start)

2. Track and plot the closing price of your company’s stock each day for four weeks; Use “FINANCE.”, under “stock quotes” to track your stocks. This needs to be done on a spreadsheet, then converted into line graph form with X,Y coordinates for price and day. This must be done on a computer: I will show you how to do this in the computer lab (Microsoft Excel). Specific and accurate closing prices should be included on your graph. Your company’s stock will have a specific spreadsheet, graph and profile.

3. You will do an extensive research paper on the company you choose (3-4 pages total [750-1000 words]). Write (type) the summary of the company’s which will include the following information:

(A) Basic background (a brief history, headquarters, stores, factories, number of employees, what industry it is in and its competitors as they apply) and a summary of what the company does (i.e. all the products and services it provides).

(B) Company’s financial performance during the past 3 years (revenues/profits/losses,etc).

(C) Company’s plans for the future (e.g. new products, services, strategies).

(d) An explanation of the stock’s performance during the tracking period.

(e) Include a review of the stock’s performance over the last 5 years.

(f) Conclusion: your assessment of the company’s performance overall, including your recommendation to invest or not invest in your company based on your research.

NOTE: you must use “in-text” citations in your paper; failure to do so will result in a failing grade for the paper. Plagiarism will result in failure of this assignment.

Please include the “ticker” or stock symbol (e.g. Starbucks = sbux) on all pages and use in-text citation for resources of your write-up information (I will check them). . You should also have a date/stock price chart (spreadsheet); there will be a pc lab date for specific instructions.

4. You will be tracking from Monday Sept 22 through Friday Oct 17

6. There will be rough draft due dates for each section (typed).

7. This project is due in class on A-Day/B-day = ___Oct 27__/___Oct 28_____ .

No Projects will be accepted after that date and time (but you may turn it in early).

Relate vocabulary terms/economic concepts to your project

Buy shares: each person gets $1,000 to invest in his/her company

What you need to turn in:

Cover page: Including Company Name/stock symbol, your name, date, period and instructor’s name

Profile: Main Profile 750-1000 words (with in-text citations); spreadsheet of stock info, and graph (in that order)

Resource list: MLA style or APA format (use or ).

FONT: 11-12, double spaced (NO “fancy” fonts please, Times New Roman, yes)

NOTE: We will have a few days in the computer lab for spreadsheet “workshops”; these are very important for instruction, especially in terms of using the proper format and formulas for the spreadsheet and graph. You are expected to take detailed notes and if you miss one of the “workshops”, you are expected to and responsible for obtaining the information given during this time.


After Instructor Approval, you will do an extensive research paper on the company you choose (3-4 pages total [750-1000 words]). Write (type) the summary of the company’s which will include the following information:


As you research, take notes and log (keep track of) your sources.

Start by looking up the following info:

(A) Basic background (history, headquarters, stores, factories, number of employees, what industry it is in and its competitors as they apply) and a summary of what the company does (i.e. all the products and services it provides).

(B) Company’s financial performance during the past 3 years (revenues/profits/losses,etc).

(C) Company’s plans for the future (e.g. new products, services, strategies).

(d) An explanation of the stock’s performance during the tracking period.

(e) Include a review of the stock’s performance over the last 5 years.

(f) Conclusion: your assessment of the company’s performance overall, including your recommendation to invest or not invest in your company based on your research.

Suggestions as to where to look:

finance. for closing (“close”) stock prices;

company website(s) and financial/business news sources for other information

(Funding Universe, Wall Street Journal, NY Times, Motley Fool, , Forbes, to name a few; all available online).

LAB DATES in Career ctr: Oct 13/14*** Oct 15/16 Oct 23/24 ***library



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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