1. An asymbiotic nitrogen fixer is

a. Rhodospirillum b. Clorobium c. Chromatium d. Clostridium

d. Bacillus

2. Which essential element is obtained from mineral and non mineral sources

a. nitrogen b. carbon c. oxygen d. iron e. hydrogen

3. Little leaf disease is due to the deficiency of

a. nitrogen b. potassium c. zinc d. manganese d. copper

4. The mineral that maintains the ribosome structure is

a. sulphur b. calcium c. magnesium d. molybdenum e. iron

5. Which of the following is not a macro element

a. iron b. phosphorus c. manganese d. magnesium e. nitrogen

6. In nitrogen fixation

a. plants convert atmospheric nitrogen to nitrates

b. plants absorb ammonia from the soil

c. all the bacteria are housed in the root nodules

d. the enzyme produces ammonia from gaseous nitrogen

e. all the above

7. Minerals absorbed through the roots move to the leaves through

a. xylem b. phloem c. sieve tubes d. ground tissue e. none

8. Hydrophonics is

a. growing of aquatic plants b. growing of floating aquatic plants

c. soil less cultivation of plants d. growing of plants inside water

e. none

9. Most of the plants obtain nitrogen from the soil in the form of

a. free nitrogen gas b. nitric acid c. nitrite d. nitrates e. none

10. In plants a common symptom caused by the deficiency of P,K, Ca ,Mg is

a. bending of leaf tips b. formation of anthocyanic c. poor development

of vasculature

11. Framework elements are

a. C, H, O b. Cu , CO , Fe c. Mg , Cu , Fe d. Mn , Ca , N e. Ci , Zn , BO

12. A sulphur containing amino acid is

a. serine b. aspargine c. proline d. leucine e. methionine

13. Theory suggesting that carbon dioxide produced in respiration helps in mineral absorption is called

a. carbonic acid exchange theory b. contact exchange theory

c. active mineral absorption d. donnan equilibrium e. none

14. Mineral absorption occurs

a. if soil solution is hypotonic b. if soil solution if hypertonic

c. independent of water potential d. independent of water absorption

e. none of these

15. Nitrogen fixing enzyme present in root nodules is

a. nitrogen esterase b. nitrogenase c. nitrase d. all these e. none

16. Molybdenum is involved in plant metabolism is

a. translocation of solutes b. tryptophan synthesis c. ascorbic acid synthesis

d. phosphorus uptake e. nitrate reduction

17. Element essential for photolysis of water is

a. nitrogen b. oxygen c. chlorine d. carbon e. none

18. Which of the following is absent in plant ash

a. mineral element b. nitrogen c. essential elements d. trace elements

e. none

19. Bi directional translocation of minerals takes place through

a. parenchyma b. cambium c. xylem d. phloem e. none

20. Plants require Fe and Mg for

a. synthesis of chlorophyll b. opening and closing of stomata

c. energy transfer during photosynthesis and respiration

d. translocation of carbohydrates e. none

21. Sand culture is a component of

a. soil less cultivation b. green house effect c. photorespiration d. land

culture e. none of these

22. Clay and organic matter of the soil have negative charges. They attract positively charged ions like

a. Ca2+ b. Mg2+ c. K+ d. all the above e. none

23. Plants need one of the following for ATP formation

a. N , P b. N , Cu c. N , Ca d. K e. Mg

24. Which one is a wrong combination

a. N2 – aminoacid b. Fe – cytochrome c. Na – protein

d. Mg – chlorophyll e. P – DNA

25. The nutrient solution used in soil less culture is

a. Knop’s solution b. Hoagland’s solution c. saline solution d. sucrose

solution e. none of these

26. Aerophonics method of culturing is devised by

a. Zobel b. Guha c. Maheswari d. Ney and Tinker e. Bar

and Yosef

27. The theories supporting the active transport mechanism is

a. Carrier concept b. Cytochrome pump theory c. Protein lecithin

theory e. all these

28. The theory saying ‘ translocation of solute takes place through a region of higher

Concentration of soluble solutes to a region of lower concentration ‘ is proposed by

a. Yousef b. Munch c. Guha d. Zobel e. Tinker

29. The Leghaemoglobin present in the root nodules

a. fix nitrogen b. protect nitrogenase c. protect bacteria d. absorb nitrogen

e. none of these

30. The direct source of electrons for nitrate reduction is Ferredoxin. It occurs in

a. roots b. leaves c. xylem d. phloem e. cambium


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