Upper Body Exercises for Pitcher

|Upper Body Exercises for Pitcher |

|By Chris Spielman, |

|Instructor, Windmill Clinics, St. Charles, IL |

|Several Good Weight Training Exercises for Pitchers |

|Be sure to stretch muscles before weight training |

|Use weights that feel comfortable |

|Gradually increase weights to get optimal strength training. |

|Shoulders |

|3 sets of 8-12 reps |

|works front outer deltoids, shoulders Dumbbell Press |

|Sit on a straight-back chair; feet shoulder width apart on floor, with dumbbells at shoulder height. |

|While keeping elbows and palms out, press dumbbells through full range of motion extending both arms. |

|Slowly lower weights to starting position |

|Alternating front and side lateral raises |

|2-3 sets 8 -16 reps |

|works front and out deltoids, shoulders |

|Stand with feet shoulder width apart knees slightly bent. |

|Raise dumbbells just above shoulder, with arms straight down at sides |

|Alternate this with side lateral raisers using the same technique |

|Hold dumbbells with palms facing in, raise dumbbells just above shoulders, pause, and slowly return to starting position. |

|Rear Deltoid Dumbbell Raise |

|3 set - 8-12 reps |

|works rear deltoids, upper back, shoulders |

|Bend forward just above the waist high to a comfortable position |

|Hold dumbbells to shoulder height with elbows slightly bent |

|Raise dumbbells to shoulder height with elbows slightly bent |

|Slowly lower dumbbells to starting position |

|Inverted Dumbbell Raise |

|3 sets 8-12 reps |

|works rotator cuff, deltoids, shoulders |

|Stand with dumbbells at your side. |

|Rotate your hand so that the palms are facing away from your body, thumbs at bottom and little finger at top. |

|Begin to raise dumbbells at a 30-degree angle from center of body with little finger leading the way. |

|Raise to shoulder height in order to contract muscle |

|slowly lower dumbbells to starting position |

|Arms |

|Alternating dumbbell bicep curl |

|3 sets 8-12 reps |

|works biceps |

|Standing with feet firmly on floor, knees slightly bent |

|Start with dumbbells at side palms facing up. |

|Slowly curl dumbbell with one hand until biceps is contracted. |

|Slowly lower dumbbell down to starting position. |

|Repeat with opposite hand. |

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|Standing Triceps Curl |

|3 sets 8-12 reps |

|works - Triceps |

|Hold dumbbell directly overhead with elbows locked. |

|Comfortably hold so the top of the dumbbell rests in between thumbs and palms of hands. |

|Keep arms close to head. |

|Lower dumbbell behind head until triceps fully contract and forearms are touching biceps. |

|Slowly press up to starting position. |

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