Circuit Station Cat

Circuit training


Form of sports training that involves performing different exercises in rotation.

It is a series of exercises or activities that performed in prescribing sequence as quickly as possible. Often, exercise equipment (such dumbbells, a jump rope, a medicine ball, a matt…..)Or machines are part of the stations.

-Each circuit has between 6-10 stations (exercises) in it

- At each station you do specific exercise for a set amount of time before moving onto the next station.

- All exercises are different which makes circuits more interesting than other training methods.

- Circuit Training can be easily adapted to suit you.

- It might include weight training, or aerobic exercises.

- You can use Circuit training to improve muscular endurance, strength, cardiovascular fitness………anything you really want.

You need to review these three important concepts we saw last term;

1- Cardiovascular Endurance is the ability to exercise your whole body for a long time.

2- Muscular strength is the amount of force that a muscle can apply.

3- Muscular endurance is the ability to repeatedly use your voluntary muscles over a long time without getting tired.

Generally, circuit training focuses on working all of the different muscle groups as well as heart and lungs,

In each station you should perform a determinate number of repetitions “reps” without resting. When you finish, you have to move to next station without stopping. You should go walking or running, trying to keep on working your endurance.

After each completed circuit (usually 6 to 10 different stations) you will have an active rest ( walking, jogging, or stretching ) before starting next “Sets”(a collection of repetitions )

This is going to be our own circuit training, but each one of us can design an specific circuit for themselves.

Here we are!!!

1- Standing position, Roll down, reaching the floor and walk 4 or 5 steps with hands, place knees under hips and hands under shoulder. Angry Cat and happy dog 4 reps. Mountain and plank position 4 reps. From plank position walk back with your hands to your feet, and roll up to stand.

2- Jump rope; Both legs together, then alternate them, finally jump on right and left leg at a time. !0 reps for each one.

3- Sit ups. Starting and ending position must be the same. Don’t lift your lumbar area off the matt, and don’t let your back goes down without controlling the movement. This way will be dangerous for your back. Try to exhale when lifting and inhale when lowing.

4- Burpee. This is the most demanding exercise in our circuit. Take it easy and take care about your lumbar area that shouldn’t go down more than the plank position. Don’t arch the back. When jumping try to straighten your arms over your head.

5- Sitting medicine ball throw. You should sit on a bench as far from the wall as you can, then throw the ball and catch it without letting the ball go down to the floor. Test the distance before starting. Use your arm and shoulder muscles without moving your trunk

6- Wall squat with fit ball. A safety way to strengthen your leg muscles, especially your quadriceps. At the same you will be receiving a nice massage from the ball that will be rolling with you up and down.

7- Push Ups. Test yourself the level you have to work out your triceps and pectoral muscles. Three different levels are offered to start.

8- Step ups. You will do this on a bench as quickly as possible. The most important thing is that you should completely place each foot on the bench every time you go up and absorb your weight when you go down.

1- Station “Cat-Dog-Mountain-Plank”

2-Station “Jump Rope”

• Jog while jumping over the rope with one foot and then the other foot. Turn the rope about 120 times per minute. Jump for one minute.

• Now jump on both feet with each rope swing. Jump

for two minutes.

• Alternate the jog step with the two-foot jump for

a total of three minutes. Rest by walking for two


Activity [pic]

3- Station “Sit Ups”

A physical exercise in which one uses the abdominal muscles to raise the torso from a supine to a sitting position and then lies back down again without moving the legs.


4-Station “BURPEE”

The burpee is a full body exercise used in strength training and as aerobic exercise. It is performed in four steps, and was originally known as a "four-count Burpee":

1. Begin in a standing position.

2. Drop into a squat position with your hands on the ground. (count 1)

3. Extend your feet back in one quick motion to assume the front plank position. (count 2)

4. Return to the squat position in one quick motion. (count 3)

5. Return to an upright standing position. (count 4)


5- Station “Sitting Medicine Ball Throw”


While sitting down, hold the ball in an overhead throw position and complete by throwing against the wall.


6-Station “Wall squat with fitball”

1. is a great exercise for strengthening the leg ( Quadriceps and Hamstrings) and bum (Gluteals) muscles.

[pic] Wall squat with fitball

7- Station “Push ups”

• Facing the fl oor, support your body on your hands

and feet.

• Keep your body straight.

• Lower the body until your nose touches the fl oor.

• Push with arms to return to starting position1º nivel2º nivel

3rd level

8- Station “Step ups”

Step-ups are good exercises for building strength and endurance in your legs. You always have to control your landing as in going down slowly to activate all the muscle not just drop straight down like a rock.



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