Name:____________________________ Period:_____ Date:_________



Bar Graph


Cyclic Change


Constant Variable

Convection Current


Direct Relationship

Dynamic Equilibrium

Fluid Displacement



Inverse Relationship






Metric System

Non-cyclic Change


Phases of Matter

Pie Graph



Rate of Change




An observation is: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

When you observe, you use your ____________ to take in everything that is happening around you, paying close attention to detail.


i. The rock is smooth and round.

ii. Our Classroom has only one blackboard.

iii. Make an observation: ___________________________________________

An inference is ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

In other words, when you infer, you form a conclusion based on something you ____________________. Examples:

i. The round and smooth rocks must have been carried here by running water.

ii. Since the dog is wagging his tail, he must be happy.

iii. Make an inference: ______________________________________________

A prediction is:



i. An angular rock will eventually become rounded if it stays in the stream.

ii. Ms. Gill will wear something stylish tomorrow.

Summarize: Write a paragraph in your own words comparing and contrasting the three terms: Observation, Inference and Prediction:


Classification: _________________________________________________

We can organize or classify objects according to some pattern or trend or common characteristics.

The Nature of Science:

Working science does not simply follow a stepwise procedure such as the scientific method but rather limits, a level of uncertainty, biases, reasons for its reliability and social aspects to consider.

Understanding of our world are constantly evolving. There is much more to science than simply following the scientific method, a stepwise formula to solve problems by testing proposed solutions.

While we are speaking with our friends we may offer opinions of what we believe to be true. In Ms. Gill’s class we respect each other’s beliefs. Beliefs however are different than scientific theory. This is a science class and so in it, we will be discussing scientific theory. You may choose to, and are encouraged to disagree at any time. Keep in mind though that without specific evidence (quantitative data from experiments or citation from a scientifically VALID source), your argument is a belief and therefore does not have scientific merit. In order to post a scientific theory, one must provide evidence using the scientific method! .

• The World Is Understandable

• Scientific Knowledge Is Durable

• Scientific knowledge is inherently uncertain.

• Scientific Ideas Are Subject To Change

• Science Demands Evidence

• Science Is a Blend of Logic and Imagination

• Science Explains and Predicts

• Science Is Not Authoritarian

• Scientists Try to Identify and Avoid Bias

• There Are Generally Accepted Ethical Principles in the Conduct of Science

• Science Cannot Provide Complete Answers to All Questions

• Science Is a Complex Social Activity

• Scientists Participate in Public Affairs Both as Specialists and as Citizens

Scientific Theory: An idea explaining scientific phenomenon supported by evidence gathered from repeated experiments Example: The Earth is Round.

In research and lab reports, we try not to use words like “true” and “right” or even “proven” because these are words to be used with beliefs. Rather we analyze data (evidence) to see if they support our hypotheses. If they do, we report that our hypothesis is accepted. If they do not, we say our hypothesis is not accepted.

Hypothesis: A testable statement that describes the solution of an experiment.

Example: If I study my notes for four hours, then I will get an “A” because that is enough time to review all the material.

Although the Scientific Method is a great stepwise approach to solving a problem, real researchers do not follow the exact order every time. Usually, the scientific research process is more of a web of activities as new problems and new questions arise. In other words, sometimes results may cause a scientist to return back to the “Gather information” stage or to start over completely.

Scientific Practices: These are the fundamental practices that all scientists use to advance scientific knowledge. We will learn how to incorporate and excel at these practices in order to work as real world scientists. This will prepare us for jobs of the future.

Cross Cutting Concepts:These concepts overlap year to year in science, cutting across all disciplines.

Experimental Design:

When designing an experiment, a scientist must test only one factor at a time.

Variable: one _____________________________________________ being tested.

|Control Group |Experimental Group |

|_____________________ conditions |Identical to ________________ group EXCEPT for one __________________ being|

| |tested |

|Used for ___________________ |Used to generate results. |

Independent Variable: The variable that is changed by the scientist. For example: amount of sunlight in our experiment. To ensure a fair test, a good experiment has only one independent variable. As the scientist changes the independent variable, he or she observes what happens.

Dependent Variable: The scientist focuses his or her observations on the dependent variable to see how it responds to the change made to the independent variable. For example: the growth of the plant.

The new value of the dependent variable is caused by and depends on the value of the independent variable

Controls: A condition that is kept constant among groups in an experiment.

For example: The amount of water given to each plant

Analyzing the Data: How to make a graph

It's probably better to do a graph in pencil first, then in pen.

1. Collect your data. After you have it all in one place, you should have one independent variable (like time) and one dependent variable (like something you measure as a function of time).

2. Determine the range of your data. In order to determine how big a graph to make, we need to determine how much the numbers vary. In this case, time varies from 1 to 5 seconds, and position varies from 3.0 to 5.3 cm. We have to make sure that there is enough space on the graph to fit all the data.

3.The independent variable (time, in this case) will go on the x-axis (the one parallel to the bottom of the page), and the dependent variable (position, in this case) will go on the y-axis (parallel to the left hand side of the page). So, draw axes that are big enough for all the data.

4. Give your graph a Title. Titles of graphs are usually "Y versus X"; so in this case, our title is "Position versus Time." (NOT position divided by time, or position minus time.)

5. Label your graph and your axes. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! When presented with your graph, other people should be able to figure out what is plotted without asking you.

6. Labels on the axes must have units! So, in this case, the label on the x axis (the one on the bottom) should be "Time (seconds)" and the label on the y axis (the one on the left) should be "Position (centimeters)."

7.Remember to write the numbers on the graph, too. The numbers should be evenly and logically spaced - what I mean by this is the following: for our position data here, the y-axis should be marked off in increments like (1,2,3,4,5,6) or (2,4,6,8), NOT (1.3, 2.6, 4.8,...) or anything else weird.

8. Plot your data. Now, go ahead and place your data points on the graph. Make them big enough to be seen, but not big enough to look like you were eating pizza while making your graph.

9. Draw a line that simply CONNECT THE DOTS! THE ORIGIN IS NOT ALWAYS INCLUDED AS A POINT! Now you're done with your graph, but you're not finished yet.

10. Think about what your graph means. What type of relationship do the variables have?

Constructing a Graph Example:

Use the directions on the previous page to construct a graph. Here are some points we will use as an example to draw a graph; we've measured position of a ball as a function of time:

|time (s) |position (cm) |

|1 |3.0 |

|2 |5.5 |

|3 |7.5 |

|4 |9.0 |

|5 |10.0 |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

Graphing Terms:










1. Interpolate the position of the ball at 2.5 seconds: ______

2. Interpolate the position of the ball at 4.5 seconds: ______

3. Extrapolate the position of the ball at 6.0 seconds: ______

4. Extrapolate the position of the ball at when it stops moving: ______

5. Describe in words how the position of the ball is changing with time: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. What is the variable used to describe the relationship between position and time? _______________

7. Use the graph to explain how this variable of “speed” changes in this experiment._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. What is the independent variable? _______________ dependent?_____________

Three Types of Charts: Write a conclusion for each chart below

Line Graph Pie Graph Bar Graph


•When something observed is different from when it was last observed

Rate of Change Practice Questions:

1. The eruption of Mt. St. Helens in 1980 resulted in the movement of volcanic ash across the northwestern United States. The movement of the ash at 1.5 kilometers above sea level is shown as a shaded path on the map. The times marked on the path indicate the length of time the leading edge of the ash cloud took to travel from Mt. St. Helens to each location.

Calculate the average rate of movement of the volcanic ash for the first 15 hours, following the directions below.

a Write the equation used to determine the average rate of the volcanic ash movement. _________________

b Substitute values into the equation. __________________________

c Solve the equation and label the answer with the correct units. ____________________________

2. If the greenhouse effect causes the Earth's average temperature to increase by a total of 3°F between the years 1960 and 1990, what is the rate of temperature change in degrees per year (°F/year)?

3. After a series of earthquakes, a landsat satellite computes that California is 15 cm less wide than it was 3 years ago. What is the rate of change of California's width?

4. As hurricane Felix neared the U.S. coast, air pressure dropped from 996 millibars to 980 millibars in 8 hours. Calculate the rate of air pressure change in mb/hour.

5. Base your answer on the barogram below, which shows air pressure recorded in millibars at Green Bay, Wisconsin, from April 2 through April 4, 1982. Calculate the rate of change in air pressure from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on April 3. Label your answer with the correct units.

Graph Interpretation: Select the graph that best fits the situation described.

| |[pic] |[pic] |

|[pic] |2. The amount of gasoline used while traveling on |3. A candle burning |

|1. Riding a bicycle up a steep hill and down the |level ground | |

|other side | | |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|4. A car stops at a stop sign and then continues |5. A wagon is pushed and then coasts to a stop |6. A truck slows down and then speeds up |

|the drive | | |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|7. A marble that rolls until it stops |8. A unoccupied tricycle rolls down a hill into an|9. The level of water in a river over a year with |

| |oak tree |rain & dry spells |

|[pic] |[pic]11.The ocean waves washing away a sand castle|[pic] |

|10. A yo-yo moving rhythmically up and down | |12. Income earned from an hourly wage job |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|13. The growth of a tree over several years |14. A dog sleeping in the shade |15. The area of a square |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|16. The seat of the ferris wheel at the county |17. A speeding car crashes into a solid brick wall|18. Waiting to land, an airplane circles at a |

|fair | |constant speed |

Measurements: The purpose of this guide is to guide you through converting units in the metric system!

a. What are some measurable properties?

__________________ __________________ __________________

__________________ __________________ __________________

b. How do we make measurements?

•Our senses are limited by how sensitive or by how accurate they are. To get more detailed information, we use instruments, such as rulers, thermometers, x-rays and telescopes

c. The Metric System & Unit Conversion:

The fundamental units of the metric system are:

Mass: _________________ Length: __________________ Liquid Volume __________________

By changing the prefix used with each unit you can change the size of the unit. We will use the following prefixes. (There are others for both larger and smaller units.)

_________ _________ _________ basic unit ________ ________ _________

You can remember this by the following sentence.

__________ ________ _________ _______ ________ ________ _________

To convert from any unit to any other unit count how many spaces are between them and move the decimal point that far in the same direction.

Let’s look at the meter stick! How many meters (m) are in a meter (m) stick?___How many centimeters (cm) are in a meter (m)? ___________How many millimeters (mm) are in a centimeter (cm) ?_________ Now if there are 100 cm in a meter and 10 mm in a cm how many mm are in a m? __________

Decimals are used because they are easier to convert than fractions! In the metric system we use abbreviations! Let’s fill them in below!

Length Mass Liquid Volume

meter__________ gram__________ liter__________ millimeter_______ milligram______ milliliter______

centimeter______ -------------- -------------

kilometer_______ kilogram_______ kiloliter________

Let’s practice some unit conversions now! Convert the following!

1) 10 mm = ________________ cm 2) 1 km = ________________ m

3) 1000 ml = ________________ L 4) 12 g = ________________ kg

Rounding: The first step in rounding is figuring out what place to round to and where that place is located. You must remember these place values:

2 , 6 4 3 , 9 7 5 , 8 6 4 . 9 3 1

Scientific Notation

Scientific notation is simply a method for expressing, and working with, very large or very small numbers.  It is a short hand method for writing numbers, and an easy method for calculations. 

Numbers in scientific notation are made up of three parts: the coefficient, the base and the exponent.  Observe the example below:

5.67 x 105

This is the scientific notation for the standard number: 567,000

In order for a number to be in correct scientific notation, the following conditions must be true:

1. The coefficient must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than 10.

2. The base must be 10.

3. The exponent must show the number of decimal places that the decimal needs to be moved to change the number to standard notation.  A negative exponent means that the decimal is moved to the left when changing to standard notation


Mass: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

•It is how much “stuff” the object is made of, the number of atoms in it.

a. How do we measure mass? Can we count the atoms one by one?

Nope!!! Instead we use a triple beam balance that gives us a value usually in grams.


b. Is Weight the same as Mass?

Weight is NOT the same as mass, but weight is used to measure the mass of an object on the Earth. Think about what would happen if you weighed your self on the moon. You would weight less because there is less gravity pulling you down onto the scale, even though your mass did not change.

To play with an interactive virtual triple beam balance like we did in class go to:

To find out your weight on other planets and moons visit this site:

Temperature: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


There are 3 different systems to measure temperature:

1) English Units: Fahrenheit Degrees (F°)

2) Metric Units: Celsius Degrees (°C)

3) Kelvin Units (K)

| |Fahrenheit |Celsius |Kelvin |

|Water Freezes | | | |

|Water Boils | | | |

|Absolute zero | | | |


See page 13 in your ESRT!!!


-The amount of _______ an object takes up! [pic] [pic]

-For solid cubes and boxes Volume is equal to: ____________. Depending on the size of the object the units may be either cm3 or m3.

-But for liquids, volume is measured in _________ using a beaker or graduated cylinder.

There are rules to reading beaker or graduated cylinder:

Density: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• It tells us how tightly packed the molecules are, or how close to each other they are. If they are packed tightly, the density is high.


So how do you solve a math problem in science class using a formula?

Step 1: Write the formula

Example: Density = Mass/Volume or D=M/V

Step 2: List all the variables including the unknown, WITH UNITS.

Example: D=?

M = 38.0g

V = 12.0cm3

Step 3: Plug in the numbers, WITH UNITS.

Example: D=38.0g/12.0cm3

Step 4: Calculate WITH UNITS.

Example: D=3.2g/cm3

Example: If an object has a mass of 13.4 grams and a volume 5.7 cm3 what is the density? Write out each step next to the corresponding number

1. 3.

2. 4.

More on Density:

•Each pure substance has its own particular density and it can be used to help identify that material at room temperature.

•For example, liquid water has a density of 1g/cm³ because 1cm³ of water weighs 1 gram. One cm³ of water also occupies 1ml.

•Solid quartz has a density of 2.7 g/cm³ Mixtures do not have a precise density.

-Fluids tend to layer based on their density, with less dense fluid on top of more dense fluid. Can you think of any examples? ____________________________

Let’s check out this video: •

Density at Different Phases

•As a material is heated, it changes from solid to liquid.

• More heat changes the liquid to gas. The molecules move farther apart, so the volume increases, causing the density to decrease.

General Rule of Thumb: Solids are most dense, gases are least dense



•Changes cannot take place unless there is a flow of energy from one location, which loses its energy, to another location, which gains the energy.

•The energy flows across a boundary where the two materials or systems meet.

•This boundary is known as the INTERFACE

Dynamic Equilibrium:

•Sometimes many changes take place, but often they “even” out. It is like your science test grades: some high, some low, but they even out.


•Our natural environment is normally in a state of dynamic equilibrium, but this balance can be upset. It is easy to temporarily upset this balance, especially on a small, local scale as can happen just in the town of Long Beach.

Unfortunately, human activities tend to cause permanent disruptions, especially when we pollute …


When it comes to looking at life, I always tend to round up, but in Science I know to simply follow the rounding procedure! P.S. My name is Elle

Name:________________ Class:________ Date: ________

Note Packet #1

Mrs. Gill-Klesaris

Regents Earth Science

The Nature of Science

Unit 1: Prologue

Relationship Graphs

•Inverse Relationship: Variables “move in opposite directions”. One variable goes up and the other goes down.

Example: as _____________ increases, __________________ decrease.


•Direct Relationship:

both variables “move in the same direction” They both increase or both decrease.

Example: as _____________ increases, _____________ also increases.


•Cyclic Graph: Over time the variable increases then decreases at a constant rate.

Example: As time go on, _____________ increases then decreases at a predictable rate.


•Constant Variable:

One variable changes, but the other remains the same. Example: as _____________ increases, _____________ stays the same.


Temp Vs. Time

Cyclic Change

•Changes that repeat over and over in a known period of time.

•Examples are: seasons, sun motions, moon and tides

•Most changes are cyclic and they are very good to use when we are trying to make predictions

Cyclic: repeats at known intervals


Non-cyclic Changes:

•Changes that do not repeat at all or do not repeat in a known period of time.

•Some examples are: Earthquakes and Hurricanes.


Rate of Change:

•How fast did the change happen?

How much a measurable aspect of the environment, called a field, is altered over a given amount of time – years, hours, or seconds.


Rate of = ________________


•Formula is on p. 1 in ESRT

“Change in Field Value” is the difference in what you are measuring.

Frames of reference to study change:

•What has caused the change?

•Time and Space.

•An example is: The Earth’s moon changes because we observe it in different locations in the sky and in different phases at different times during a month.


Rate of Change:

•How fast did the change happen?


How much a measurable aspect of the environment, called a field, is altered over a given amount of time – years, hours, or seconds.

The steeper the slope the faster the rate of change!


If the slope is exponential or curved, then the rate of change is not constant!


If the slope is constant, the rate of change is also constant


A flat horizontal line, means the that the value is constant over time and not changing at all


Cyclic Change

Cyclic: repeats over time and are very predictable

•Examples are: seasons, sun motions, moon and tides

•Most changes are cyclic and they are very good to use when we are trying to make predictions


Formula: Change in field value

Change in time

Rounding Procedure:

Step 1: Find the location of place that you are asked to round to. Lets call it: Sparky.

Step 2: Look at the number to the right of this place lets call it the Boss.

Step 3: If the boss is a 4 or lower, leave Sparky alone. If the Boss is 5 or higher, round the Sparky up one value.

Here is a rhyme to help you remember:

“Four and below, let it go. Five and above give it a shove”

For Example: Round 7.289 to the nearest tenth: Answer: 7.3


Round to the nearest tenth:

1) 29.45: _______

2) 711.319: ________

3) 9.999: _________

Round to the nearest hundredth:

4) 0.745: ________

5) 1.67234: _______

6) 10.4637: _______

Round to the nearest ones:

7) 30.19: __________

8) 8,799.99: ________

9) 2.94: __________

Convert into Scientific Notation

4,600,000,000.0: _______________

5,700: ________________

678,900,000: ______________


Convert out of Scientific Notation

3.01 x 107: _______________

23.782 x 104: ________________

1.0x 1015: __________________

Typically the faster the molecules vibrate with in a sample of matter the hotter it is. Let’s model this with our hands!

States of matter

What variable determines the 3 states of Matter? ________________________

The three phases of Matter are:





2. You must read the meniscus to obtain an accurate result. Due to cohesion (sticky) properties of fluids, the edges of the fluid touching the glass will slightly rise.


1. Read it at eye level[pic]

Factors that affect Volume:

1) Temperature

Heating a material will cause it to expand and take up more space because the molecules need more room to move around. Therefore increasing temperature will increase volume.


Cooling a material will result in the opposite. So decreasing temperature will decrease volume. ____________________

Think about how your rings fit in the winter… they seem to be bigger!

2) Pressure:

Increasing pressure will force molecules closer together there by decreasing volume. ______________________

Decreasing pressure will allow molecules to spread out and take up more space thereby increasing volume. _________________

Let’s model this with a sponge.

Fluid Displacement

•It is easier to measure irregular shaped objects using fluid displacement.

[pic]( In order to measure this irregularly shaped rock you would drop it in a beaker filled with water and measure the change in volume.


Meniscus: 73 mL

•The unit for measuring density is

grams per cubic centimeter, or g/cm³

•Density = Mass


Factors that affect Density

A. Temperature:

•Cooling a material causes its molecules to move closer together, making its volume decrease and causing its density to increase.


•Heating a material causes its molecules to move apart making its volume increase and causing the density to decrease. ___________________

•Note that Mass is staying the same!!!

B. Pressure:

•Increasing the pressure (squeeze) on a material causes its molecules to get pushed closer together, decreasing the volume, making the density increase. __________________

•Decreasing the pressure causes the opposite effect, since molecules move further apart, it becomes less dense.

•Again, note mass remains the same!


Why does density matter?

If a warm gust of wind meets cold air, will the warm air go above or below the cold air?

•Since hot air is less dense it will rise!

•And Cold air sinks because it is denser than warm air

•A similar process happens when

you boil water ([pic]

This rising and sinking of fluids due to density and temperature differences is called _________________________.

We will touch upon this concept many times through out the year.

The ONLY exception to this rule is water!!!

•As water cools, its volume decreases until it reaches 4° C.

• As it cools from 4° C to 0° C, its volume actually increases, so it becomes less dense again.

•Water is most dense at 4°C, but is still a liquid.

•This is due to my buddy Mr. Hydrogen Bond, you will meet him in Chemistry

•Water at 0°C is solid ice, but is less dense than water, so ice floats!!

•Water is the only material whose solid form will float in its liquid form.

•This is why the top of a puddle, or a lake freezes first.

Does size affect density of an object?

•You can NEVER change the density of a material by cutting it into pieces.

•Since change both volume and mass, the ratio will remain the same, therefore each small piece will have the same density as the original large one.

Let review some crucial relationships!!!

•Temp. Density

•Temp. Density

•Pressure Density

•Pressure Density

You must understand and know these by heart!!!

As temperature _________________, Density _____________ this is a ________________ relationship

As temperature _________________, Density _____________ this is a ________________ relationship

As pressure _________________, Density _____________ this is a ________________ relationship

As pressure _________________, Density _____________ this is a ________________ relationship

Diffuse Interface:

•Some interfaces are not easy to see.

•An example is the boundary between the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.


Sharp Interface:

•These interfaces are very easy to locate.

•An example of an sharp interface is the line where a wall meets the floor.



•When the amount of ANY substance, found ANYWHERE, becomes high enough to affect people, their properties, or plant or animal life.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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