center-212181AQA Question Structures00AQA Question StructuresComponent 2 Thematic Studies570230688340The themes we are studying are:Theme A: Relationships and FamiliesTheme D: Religion, peace and conflictTheme B: Religion and LifeTheme E: Religion, crime and punishment00The themes we are studying are:Theme A: Relationships and FamiliesTheme D: Religion, peace and conflictTheme B: Religion and LifeTheme E: Religion, crime and punishmentThe paper is divided up into different themes, and each theme has a 5 part question. You must answer a 5 part question for four themes. Each question has the same structure, but there are two different types of question you might get for the 4 mark question. Below is a breakdown for each question.MarksCommand wordHow to answer1Which…This is a multiple choice question. Choose one answer.2Give two…State two points. Two words or two short sentences will be enough. 4 1st typeExplain two contrasting (or similar) beliefs about… First contrasting (or similar) belief: Simple explanation of a relevant & accurate contrast – 1 markDetailed explanation of a relevant & accurate contrast – 2 markSecond contrasting (or similar) belief: Simple explanation of a relevant & accurate contrast – 1 markDetailed explanation of a relevant & accurate contrast – 2 mark4 2nd typeExplain two contrasting (or similar) beliefs in contemporary British society about…In your answer you should refer to the main religious tradition of Great Britain and one or more other religious traditions.Or for theme CIn your answer you should refer to the main religious tradition of Great Britain and other religious traditions or non-religious beliefs.First contrasting (or similar) belief: Simple explanation of a relevant & accurate contrast – 1 markDetailed explanation of a relevant & accurate contrast – 2 markSecond contrasting (or similar) belief: Simple explanation of a relevant & accurate contrast – 1 markDetailed explanation of a relevant & accurate contrast – 2 markThis type of question will not come up every year. You must refer to Christianity when answering this question, as this is the main religious tradition of Great Britain. The other religious tradition you must mention can either be a denomination from Christianity, or Islam. Or, for theme C only, the other belief you may refer to can be non-religious. Therefore, you may answer the question using the Church of England for your first contrasting belief, and Catholicism for your second. Or, you could use Christianity for your first, and Islam for your second. 5Explain two religious beliefs about…Refer to scripture or sacred writings in your answer.First belief:Simple explanation of a relevant and accurate belief – 1 markDetailed explanation of a relevant and accurate belief – 2 marksSecond belief:Simple explanation of a relevant and accurate belief – 1 markDetailed explanation of a relevant and accurate belief – 2 markRelevant and accurate reference to scripture /or sacred writing – 1 mark -3105156362065Make sure your 12 mark answer contains logical chains of reasoning. This means you use connectives, your points flow from one to the other.In order to get a level four answer you need no more than 3 for points and 3 against points, these should be developed using teachings, quotes and used to reach a justified conclusion.Grade 8 and 9 answers can include only 2 for and 2 against but these will be very well developed. points.0Make sure your 12 mark answer contains logical chains of reasoning. This means you use connectives, your points flow from one to the other.In order to get a level four answer you need no more than 3 for points and 3 against points, these should be developed using teachings, quotes and used to reach a justified conclusion.Grade 8 and 9 answers can include only 2 for and 2 against but these will be very well developed. points.7981955682615012 mark question:MarksCommand wordHow to answer12Evaluate this statement. In your answer you should include: Give reasoned arguments in support of this statementGive reasoned arguments against this statementRefer to religious argumentsReach a justified conclusion.What is the statement saying? (reword the statement)Agree or disagree? (give two developed reasons)Who would agree with you? (religious view and quote)On the other hand (give two developed reasons)…So, in conclusionLevel 4: 12-10 marks: A well-argued response, reasoned consideration of different points of view. Logical chains of reasoning leading to judgement(s) supported by knowledge and understanding of relevant evidence and information.Level 3: 9-7 marks: Reasoned consideration of different points of view. Logical chains of reasoning that draw on knowledge and understanding of relevant evidence and information.Level 2: 6-4 marks: Reasoned consideration of a point of view. A logical chain of reasoning drawing on knowledge and understanding of relevant evidence and information. OR Recognition of different points of view, each supported by relevant reasons / evidence.Level 1: 3-1 marks: Point of view with reason(s) stated in support.0: Nothing of credit. **One-sided answers and answers which do not refer to a religious belief cannot score more than 6 marks.**You only need to refer to one religion, if you wish to. ................

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