AMR Case Study - TYBMM- Burhani College

AMR Case Study

A Research Design is a ‘Blue Print’, ( just like the blueprint of an architect), of the details of the research to be done. It is an action plan as to how the researcher if going to complete the research. It is the framework or a plan for a study that guides the collection and analysis of data. It is a outline of the research project’s working.

The Problem. The company is entering a the market with a new product and would like to know as much as possible of this market. ( if causal : the entry of other new brands have made it imperative for the client to know how new entrants will effect their brand which was till now enjoying a good market share)

The Objectives. The basic objectives of the study will be to study the market characteristics of the product (mention the product given in the case study) and also find out the consumer’s image of the company and its other products in the market if any. (for casual – the objectives will be find out how the new entries have had an effect on the company’s brand so that the company can plan the marketing and advertising strategy to counteract the threat of the new entrant.)

Type of Survey This survey will be descriptive cross sectional survey (causal as per the case study) whose research design will be drawn up after doing a study of secondary data and exploratory research. Exploratory research is informal and is absolutely necessary in order to get a proper definition of the problem on hand. Exploratory research focuses on the discovery of new ideas and is also based on secondary data .It increases the researchers familiarity with the problem under investigation.

Hypothesis A hypothesis is an assumption of the outcome of the research. The hypothesis may be proved correct or incorrect.

Where it is to be done initially it will be done in Mumbai and could be followed in other cities

Sampling Technique The best of probability sampling (stratified-cluster sampling) and from non-probability (quota sampling) i.e. An area cluster quote sampling technique will be adopted. Areas with a majority of households with similar socio-economic characteristics( upper income households) will be in one cluster and in the other cluster for areas with a majority of households from upper middle income will be in another cluster.

From each cluster 2 or 3 areas will be picked at random for the survey.

Quotas will be assigned in each cluster as per the case study ie housewives, working women, heads of households (as per the case study) etc

Sample size it is said that a sample size of 225 in each homogenous group is an ideal sample size with a margin of error of + or – 10% margin of error. However for this study we can take a sample size of 300 or 150 in each group ( depending on the case on hand)

Sampling frame Households. ( or offices as per the case study)

Sampling Unit Housewives, working women, students , executives, men as the case may be.

Type of data collection : Interview personal ( face to face )interviews will be conducted. The other methods of interview are mail , internet, mall and telephone interviews. This are4 often not useful for this type of research

Questionnaire The questionnaire will be structured. It will contain factual,

questions, opinion and attitudes questions.

The questionnaire will be pretested.

Interviewer briefing The interviewers will be briefed in detail and instructions will be given on how to conduct the interview. Areas will be assigned to each interviewer

Field work A supervisor will accompany each field interviewers and be with each one of them for some time.

Back-checking 10% of each interviewer’s work will be checked back

Editing, coding will be followed by tabulation and cross tabulation be will also be done if necessary.

Findings Each table will have a finding.

Conclusions will be based on the findings

Report the introduction, objectives, research design. detailed findings, analysis, conclusion and recommendation will be in the report. A copy of the questionnaire will be appended to the report

Recommendations are given but sometimes the clients do not ask for this.

Time The survey will be completed within 8 to 10 weeks

Cost The cost will include the cost of planning the research, the field work supervision ,the compilation, tabulation, report writing m other expenses and the profit margins


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