Example Expository Paragraph - Mrs. Mullin's Website

Expository Paragraph Outline

I. Topic Sentence (states the main idea)

II. Supporting Detail #1 (example, character, event, quote, etc)

a. Analysis/Explanation/Elaboration of Support #1

III. Supporting Detail #2 (example, character, event, quote, etc)

a. Analysis/Explanation/Elaboration of Support #2

IV. Supporting Detail #3 (example, character, event, quote, etc)

a. Analysis/Explanation/Elaboration of Support #3

V. Conclusion/Transition Sentence


• Written in 3rd person (No I, me, we, you, your, etc)

• Usually 6 – 8 sentences long

• Topic sentence introduces one main idea

• Use transitions to introduce each supporting detail

• Every supporting detail must relate back to the one main idea in the topic sentence

• The Es (explanation, elaboration, evidence, example) tell the reader why/how the supporting detail proves or supports the main idea in the topic sentence and/or provides more information about the supporting detail

Example Expository Paragraph

Prompt: What makes Dakota’s Ninth Grade Center a great place for students?

One of the best things about Dakota’s Ninth Grade Center is that there are plenty of opportunities for students to get more involved. For example, students can get involved in various after school clubs like Student Council, Key Club, JSA, Inklusive, and more. At the Ninth Grade Center, all students are encouraged to attend Freshman Class Council meetings. These meetings are a great chance for students to meet new people and to help organize events for the school. Furthermore, students that are musically inclined can become a part of Dakota’s award winning choir or band. Both choir and band classes are available to freshman, and these classes provide students the chance to showcase their talents through multiple performances. Finally, students at the Ninth Grade Center can also participate in various sports activities. Playing a sport is a wonderful opportunity for students because they get to be physically active, they learn the importance of team work, and they recognize the need for time management. As one can see, Dakota’s Ninth Grade Center is a great school because of the many opportunities for students to get involved.

The best ways to improve your writing is to practice, recognize and fix errors, revise and edit every time, and ask for and accept constructive criticism from peers and teachers.


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