Expository Paragraph Example- “Cooper – My Favorite Pet”

Expository Paragraph Examples-“My favorite pet & why” (Cooper & Wilson)

• Remember to always do a plan for every paragraph you write

• Each single paragraph is always about ONE idea/reason with at least ONE detail/example set to “prove”/explain your reason and what you mean by it

• It’s a “1-1-1”: One topic – One idea/reason – One detail/example set

• Remember that you have two options for starting your paragraph: Indent or Start at the left margin & all lines after the first line ALWAYS line up at the left

Paragraph: Cooper = Favorite Pet; Reason why: Carries large objects in mouth

Cooper (a 12-year-old, yellow Labrador retriever) is a favorite pet of mine; his uncanny knack for and ability to carry large objects in his mouth is one reason/trait why he is so loved! It’s not so much the fact that he loves to carry around in his mouth his favorite regulation-sized, chewed-up soccer ball that comes to mind. What REALLY comes to the forefront of my mind is his passion for carrying even larger objects in his mouth: LONG sticks, logs, and/or wood poles! On a walk in the woods about 12 years ago, I tossed a 12-inch stick for him to fetch. I watched him run to the stick, but he quickly disappeared into the forest – without the stick. A few minutes went by, and I began to worry when he hadn’t come back. As I was about to go look for him, I heard some loud, crashing noises to my left – by the forest’s edge close to the trail where Cooper entered the woods. Suddenly, out popped this yellow face – AND in its jaws, LITERALLY, was a 12-foot log that was about four (4) inches in diameter. Cooper had dug out this piece of timber from somewhere and managed to carry it to the forest’s edge, where, after struggling to get it onto the trail, he finally did and dropped it at my feet – wagging his tail and standing proudly about his “discovery” of a larger “stick” with which to play with and carry around! This long “stick” (log) is just one object of many LARGE objects Cooper loves to carry around in his mouth/jaws, and it is this unique trait that makes him a dear-to-my-heart, favorite pet!

Paragraph: Wilson = Favorite Pet; Reason why: LOVES massages

Have you ever given a dog such a good massage that it goes crazy with wild body movements because

it’s so happy and excited? My 160-pound, black, hound mix dog (Wilson) absolutely LOVES a great

massage! This is a unique reason why Wilson is one of my favorite pets. Some pets, especially dogs, just

absolutely thrive on being massaged, but usually it’s the standard belly rub that gets ‘em going. Yeah,

Wilson loves a good belly rub from time to time, and I know if he truly enjoys one when he gets one or

both of his legs “kicking” because I’ve hit a good nerve on his belly during the rub. However, the belly

rub is NOT the massage of choice for this big, loveable lug of a dog! Nope, not even close! See, Wilson is

not usually a dog that goes out of his way for attention/affection, but when he does, his motive is to seek

out a different massage. It first starts when he bumps his large, “muscular” (he’s a big-boned dog – not

fat) body into your thighs; then he rubs his cheek into your thighs. After the “bumped” person rubs/pets

Wilson’s head, cheek, and sides, he positions his body so that his back legs are butted against both of the

person’s legs/thighs. He then wiggles his back end farther and deeper between each thigh (as if a person

was about to sit atop a saddle on a horse) so that he has now gotten into position and is ready for the love.

What I’ve found this “love” to be is the famed “butt rub”. Now it is so easy to curl my hand into a fist and

firmly place the face of the fist onto the Wilson’s lower back area just where his tail attaches to his body. I

then rub my fist in circles, go side-to-side, and even “scrape” my fingernails into his fur. All of these

movements drive him crazy – SO crazy that he “dances”: He rhythmically wiggles his hips side-to-side,

up and down, in circles, and bends his back knees. Sometimes he raises his head at an angle high

in the air (as if trying to sniff out some distant odor); sometimes he even tries to playfully bite you! If you

stop massaging his butt before he feels the time is right, he will run in a circle and roughly re-position

himself for more! It’s a crazy sight and physically exhausting for me as well, but Wilson’s passion and

love for massages – especially the BUTT RUB – makes him a “top dog”!


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