Tears - Webs


Letters of Focus: Dd & Tt

Dua is hope we raise to Allah

With words or hearts or tears.

Nearer to us than our own veins

Is Allah ( in His Knowledge); He sees and hears.

Purpose: Discuss how tears are formed

Can someone name the five senses? Touch, taste, smell, hear, seeing,

Now how about our feelings can someone name a feeling? Happy, sad, surprised, love, and anger.

These feelings are also called emotions.

What about feeling cold or warm are these emotions? No, this is what our body feels.

Vocabulary words:

1. Emotions are….

2. Senses are

3. Dua, drops for D and Tears for T

What are tears? [pic]

Tears are drops of water that come from your eyes when you cry.

(Usborne first dictionary)


Try blinking your eyes. Now imagine how that would be if you did not have any moisture in your eye to move your eye lid down and then up? Hard right. Well that moisture is called tears.

Read definition of tears:

Taken from

What Are the Eyes and What Do They Do?

Only part of the eye is visible in a person's face. The whole eye - the eyeball - is about the size and shape of a ping-pong ball.

The eye - both the parts that are visible and those that aren't - is extremely delicate. The body has several ways of protecting this vulnerable organ. The eyeball sits in the eye socket (also called the orbit) in a person's skull, where it is surrounded by bone. The visible part of the eye is protected by the eyelids and the eyelashes, which keep dirt, dust, and even harmful bright light out of the eye.

Our eyes are also protected by our tears, which moisten the eyes and clean out dirt, dust, and other irritants that get past the defenses of our eyelashes and eyelids. Tears also help protect the eyes against infection.

Every time we blink, our eyelids spread a layer of mucus, oil, and tears over the cornea (pronounced: kor-nee-uh), which covers the eye. The lacrimal (pronounced: lah-kruh-mul) glands in the upper outer corner of each eye socket produce tears.

After they've done their job moistening the eyes, the tears flow into canals in the eyelids, which drain into the lacrimal sac, a pouch in the lower inner corner of each eye socket. Tears then exit through a passage which leads to the nose.

Post link for virtual tour of the eye:

Ending Allah made the cornea, the mucus oil, the lacrimal gland, the lacrimal sac, and canals just for one tear to be released. In the poem I read earlier

Dua is hope we raise to Allah

With words or hearts or tears.

Nearer to us than our own veins

Is Allah( in His Knowledge); He sees and hears.

Dua is hope we raise to Allah with words or hears or tears.

So a person does not have to be sad in order to cry. There are tears for happiness, tears of joy, tears or regret but keeping in mind that hope is near.



Tears are drops of water that come from your eyes when you cry… this can happen when you are happy or sad!


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