38.SCENE 5MARY sits in the living room knitting in herarmchair. It’s quiet until a sudden at knock thefront door. She answers, gasps. Standing at thedoorway in disbelief. It’s ALFRED. Her face fillswith joy. She envelops him.MARY MILLS/Hello Freddy. Welcome home. (welcome)MARY shouts to Heather upstairs.MARY MILLS/Heather. Your fiancee is home!(focus on heather)HEATHER runs down the stairs. She stops, looks atALFRED. Can this be real? All feeling of anguishdisappear. She is filled with rapture jumping intohis arms. They laugh in happiness.HEATHEROh my God, I can’t believe your back. I’m so glad yourhome. I missed you so much.They kiss.ALFREDI missed you too sweetheart.HEATHER shows tears of joy.MARY MILLS/Come on in Freddy.(focus on Freddy)With blessedness MARY motions him in.MARY MILLSMake yourself at home.ALFRED takes a seat in the living room, HEATHERsits by his side.MARY MILLS/I’ll pop the kettle on.(intention to leave room)MARY heads to the kitchen.ALFREDI’ve missed you so much.They kiss and hug.39.ALFREDYour letters kept me going. I would have been lostwithout them.HEATHERI love you Freddy. I’m so glad your here and safe.ALFREDI love you too.MARY /returns with cups of tea.(deliver the tea)ALFREDThanks Mary.HEATHERThanks mum.MARY MILLS/Your welcome poppet. (intention join conversation)MARY sits opposite.MARY MILLSHow have you been Freddy?ALFREDA lot better now that I’m home or at least I thought Iwould be.MARY MILLS/What do you mean?(voices concern for freddy)ALFREDI can’t stop thinking about what happened over there.After my friends where killed I took their last lettersand brought them home with me. I needed to deliver themmyself, a last letter should not be delivered by astranger. Before I came here I saw Mrs Tate and MrsDillard. I feel so sorry for them.ALFRED notices a framed picture of John sitting onthe mantle piece. He begins to shed a tear. Theysit in silence whilst he gazes at the photo. MARYtakes the photo staring at the man she has justlost. She gently caresses the picture. Her eyeswell up but she doesn’t want to cry.ALFREDI’m so sorry Mr Mills.HEATHER cries. ALFRED comforts her.40.MARY MILLS/He was a great man Freddy and I know deep down in hisinside he loved you. He always did. He must of toldme dozen times that you reminded him of himself. (love husband demonstrates for freddy)ALFRED smiles.ALFREDHe did his best to make sure that we where always safe.Looking after us postys even though it wasn’t his duty.MARY MILLS/I know he had a funny way of showing it but he alwaystook care of the people he loved.(describe husband in a knowing way)ALFRED takes Mills’ letter from his satchel.ALFREDBefore he went over he gave me this. He wanted me totell you both that he loved you very much.ALFRED passes the letter over to MARY. Beforeopening it she holds it dearly and begins to weep.MARY composes herself and opens the letter. Hereyes run over the letter taking in every word.(heart felt love very personnel)MARY MILLS/To my beautiful wife and daughter. Unfortunately thetime has come to carry out my duty. This is not mygoodbye but see you later.(personnel to mary) / Over the last few months Ihave grown to love the men beside me as if they were myown sons. I have especially grown to love Alfred. Iwill miss our conversations together. I will forever beindebted to him for looking after my family.(love of fred) /I am aproud man that can say I love him like a son and wouldbe honoured to have him wed my daughter.(sharing) /You have myblessing Alfred.(significant expression)HEATHER whimpers with a hint of a smile. MARY/(holding breath)tries her hardest to remain strong.MARY MILLS (CONT’D)/It breaks my heart knowing I won’t be there to walk youdown the isle.(goodbye) /I can see that Freddy brings you joy andhappiness which no other man will ever do. Oh what Iwould give to see that beautiful smile of yours onelast time.(smile) /I wish I could be there to watch your lifeblossom with prosperity, to be their to hold my firstgrandchild. (family)/ From the bottom of my heart I wish you bothall the happiness in the world. No words can possiblydescribe how much I miss you girls. You have my wholeheart.(love)/ I will always be holding you both and I will(More)41.MARY MILLS (CONT’D) (Cont’d)never let go. I could not of asked for a better life.My two beautiful girls your my whole world, I remainyour father, husband who will love you always andforever./(good bye) John.MARY holds HEATHER as they sob.ALFRED stares blankly, taken aback by the letter.MARY opens her arms to ALFRED.MARY MILLS/Come here Freddy.(focus to freddy)ALFRED walks into her arms.MARY MILLS(Whilst hugging)/(hug)/Thank you for keeping your promise and giving us hislast message. You have no idea what it means to me.(thank you)ALFRED sympathetically smiles.MARY MILLS(Whilst hugging)/Thank you for being patient with him and loving him theway he loved you. Your kindness will never beforgotten. John would be so proud of you.(thank you)END.CURTAINS. ................

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