Fact vs Opinion .ca

Fact vs Opinion

Read the statements below and decide whether the statement is a fact or an opinion. Remember, a fact is a statement that can be proven, meaning evidence can be found that leaves no doubt that it is true. An opinion offers a person’s point of view about a subject or issue. Sometimes, clue words such as “should,” “best,” “believe,” “could,” and “important,” may indicate that the statement is an opinion.

When you have read each statement and made your decision as to fact or opinion, copy and paste either the words, “This is an Aztec fact because it can be proven.” or “This is an Aztec opinion because it offers a point of view.”

Aztec Facts or Opinions

This is an Aztec fact because it can be proven.

This is an Aztec opinion because it offers a point of view.


 “According to Aztec codices, Huitzilopchtli was the god who commanded the Aztecs to settle in the new lands and build the great city of Tenochtitlan.”

“According to Aztec codices, Huitzilopchtli was the god who commanded the Aztecs to settle in the new lands and build the great city of Tenochtitlan.” < This is an Aztec fact because it can be proven. >

1. “The artisans were the best calpolli in the Aztec culture because they were the most creative people who worked hard and made unique products.”

2. “ The farmers did much more than just grow crops for the Aztec people. 

They also acted as skilled merchants, fishers, and hunters. Because of

their many contributions, farmers were respected and valued.”

3. “The calpolli were social units in Aztec society that should have been

abolished by the Aztec Emperor because they were too difficult to

organize and differentiate.”

4. “The author of your textbook argues that the merchant calpolli were the

smartest of all the Aztec calpollis, although other sources might disagree.”

5.“If Moctezuma had been a more decisive leader, than the Aztec empire

might not have been destroyed. Most of the blame for this culture’s

disintegration should be squarely placed on him.”

< >

6. “In the early 1500s, the largest market in the world was held daily in

Tlatelolco, a part of the city of Tenochtitlan.”

7.“Only the vendors who sold items of substantial value should have been

permitted to sell their wares in the market. The other merchants were

selling items that could be considered to be junk.”

8.“The market in Tlatelolco was important to people and therefore, its security was a primary issue. The market employed its own police force that patrolled daily events, as well as its own courts system.

9. “When a person offers an opinion, he or she may respond in three different ways: by agreeing, by disagreeing, or by embracing both sides of the issue.”

10.“I believe that man is rich because his market stall is much larger than the others and also by the way he dresses when he is selling his wares.”

11. “Anthropologists who have studied the Aztec and First Nations cultures

have proven that the two cultures did not agree about displays of wealth. 

Aztecs believed displaying one’s personal wealth indicated one’s

place in society, while First Nations people would have considered

displays of wealth as signs of arrogance and selfishness.”

12. “An Aztec man who wanted to improve his status in society should have

become a priest instead of a warrior because the priests were not subjected

to as much danger as the warriors.”


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