I sure loved seeing all your pretty leaves tonight

(Lights on.) I sure love seeing all the fall colors outside! Have you noticed all the leaves changing into such beautiful colors? What colors are you seeing? I’ve also noticed this time of year a lot of pretty pumpkins that He has made. I bet some of you might even have a pumpkin at home – maybe you have even carved a pumpkin. Well, I have a special story for you tonight.

First, I want to read you a few special verses. It’s Ephesians 5:8-10…

“For you were once in darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord.”

Did you hear what those verses says? Live as children of light. And this verse says to find out what pleases the Lord. Tell me some things that please the Lord….

These verses remind me of my friend Leonard. Leonard is just like many of you. He is a Christian and he loves Jesus very much. Do you remember how to become a Christian? Let me tell you again – there might be some children in here who don’t know…

If you admit to God that you are a sinner (we all are!) and you tell Him that you believe Jesus died and rose again – then you become a Christian! You are now what this verse says -- “light in the Lord”!!

I’m going to light this candle inside Leonard because he did that too. Leonard wants to live his life as a light and he wants to do things that please the Lord Jesus.

You know what else this little candle reminds me of…is our Sparks song that we sing… we are Sparks – to Light the world!

Well, let me tell you a little bit about Leonard. He is such a sweet boy. He does such nice things. On Saturday he raked his neighbors lawn – with all the leaves and pinecones – because his neighbor is an older lady and she can’t do that sort of work anymore. (pull out eye) He was letting his light shine by doing something kind. And then last week he prayed for his sister who has been so sick (pull out eye). One day I even heard him say, “mom – would you like me to set the table for dinner?” (pull out nose) He was letting his light shine. But what I really loved was when Leonard told his little friend Emily down the street about God. He told Emily that God loves him, that Christ died her sins, and that Jesus rose again the 3rd day according to the Scripture (some of you might even be memorizing that verse here in Sparks), and that Emily could believe in Jesus and be saved too. WOW! Leonard was letting his light shine for Jesus. (pull out mouth)

***Can we turn off the lights just for a minute to see how Leonard’s light is shining? It’s wonderful when we let our light shine to the world.

Guess what though? We have to be careful because our enemy the devil “prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour”. Do you think the devil likes to see your light shine? No! Well, my story is not done. I want to tell you how the enemy the devil prowled around Leonard.

Yesterday Leonard was a little bit rude to his friend David. He told David that he can’t hit the ball very good when they play baseball so he wasn’t going to play with David anymore. (put eye back in ) Oooh…. That’s not letting his light shine for Jesus. We need to watch what we say and make sure it encourages others.

And this morning, Leonard complained to his mom when she asked him to help his sister clean her room. He said, “I didn’t make this mess – why do I have to clean it up?” (put other eye back in) Is that how we need to act – no – we need to be doing everything without complaining or arguing so that we can become blameless and pure, children of God.

And there was one other thing….Leonard did something that makes me very sad. At Leonard’s house there is a pretty little dish in the livingroom with M&M’s in it. One day his mother said he could have 5 and she walked out of the room. Guess how many Leonard counted out….6!!! He didn’t think one tiny little M&M would matter. But his mother was trusting him to take 5, wasn’t she? He lied, didn’t he???? That is a sin. Even though his mother couldn’t see him, who saw Him? And you know what? That makes the Holy Spirit sad. That’s not letting his light shine. We need to tell the truth!

See how his light for Jesus is getting dim? Is Jesus still living in Leonard? Yes – but he has to be careful to not let the devil discourage him from obeying, encouraging others, telling truth – in other words, pleasing the Lord.

Will you be careful this week to let your light shine? There is a verse that says, “let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” Let’s do what pleases the Lord this week! And boys and girls – I want to give you one M&M tonight. When Sparks is over and you’ve gotten your book from your leader and collected your candy, if you want to come tell me one way you are going to let you light shine this week, I’d love to hear about it. Maybe you are going to get ready for bed without being told, offer to set the table, tell the truth – whatever it is…

Pray and sing “This little light of mine” (if time)


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