Political Party PowerPoint Assignment

Political Party PowerPoint/Google Slides Assignment

By yourself, or with one or two partners (no more than 3 people in a group) complete the following:

Select a third party (not Republican or Democrat) and create a PowerPoint/Google Slides presentation to share with the class. Your presentation should have a title page complete with the name of your party (a logo/seal would be fine), and the names of the members of your group. You should also have AT LEAST 15 additional slides that discuss:

1. The history of the party (how/why was it formed) (2-3 slides minimum) Include a summary of where the party stands on the political spectrum (Right/Left/Center)

2. Most recent Presidential Candidate (or whom the party supported if they didn’t have a candidate)

3. The political positions of the party on various major issues (at least 10 issues)

(12 slides minimum 1-2 slides per issue) (See example PowerPoint on my webpage)

Use 30 point font or larger for text in your PowerPoint—Add visual illustrations to coincide with the text. (see example) Include a final slide where you cite your sources.

Examples of information that you should have in your presentation

Abortion Education Welfare/Federal Aid Programs

Taxes War on Terror Budget

Environmental issues Social Security Legalization of Drugs

Gun Control Health Care National Security

LGBT Issues Immigration “Family Values”

Feel free to go beyond this list. These are just examples of items you may include. Your chosen party may or may not address all of the above issues. Feel free to include other issues not mentioned above in your presentation You will be graded both on the content of your presentation as well as the aesthetics of your presentation. Do quality work! Understand what you are presenting!.


1. Go to the Website

2. Under the directory select, “Political Parties”

4. Scroll down to the section, “Third Political Parties”

5. Choose your party

6. Within the party website look for a link to the party platform, or position on key issues, or core principles.

7. Utilize the party website and/or Google Image search to add illustrations to your presentation (see example)

You will have Friday through Tuesday in class to work on these presentations. You may need to work outside of class to finish the presentations. Your groups will present your party to the class starting next Wednesday. All groups should be prepared to present next Wednesday. You will need to submit a printed out version of your presentation (see example) by 3:30 pm on Tuesday.

Point Breakdown

120 points possible for the PowerPoint/Google Slides Presentation. Print out (6 slides per page) your presentation to submit. (See example)

30 points possible for the oral presentation to the class

Total: 150 points possible for the assignment (equivalent to1 ½ essay score)



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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