Get to know Each Other PowerPoint Assignment

Create a PowerPoint presentation using the following questions. Except you’re not going to make it about yourself. You are going to pick a partner which you will interview to answer the questions below. Have one question per slide. Try to impress me with you capabilities on PPT. You may use clip art or the internet to find pictures. If you know how, use transitions for entrance and exit effects. If you don’t know how, you can refer to the transitions video on my website.Steps to completing this assignment:Do the interview. I recommend using MS Word or pencil and paper.Create all 20 slides before typing any questions or answers.Type questions and answers on slides.Add graphics.Add animations and transitions.Add any other effects you want. Make sure your slides are neat and easy to follow.Turn it in on my website.What is your name (first and last)?In what month and on what day is your birthday?Where were you born?Have you attended any schools other than SAOC?What do you like best about school?What is your worst habit?What weird food combination do you like?What type of music do you like to listen to?What is your favorite book/movie?What do you do to relax?What is your favorite pet peeve (something that really bugs you, be respectful)?What has been your favorite school assignment?Tell about an exciting moment in your life.What are your strengths (what you are good at)?If you were an animal which one would you be? Why?What are three adjectives that describe you?What one thing would you like to do during your life? (e.g. Go to the moon, go rock climbing, etc.)Where else would you like to live (besides Chicago/Illinois)?What do you want to be when you grow up (career)?Describe your family (how many bro’s/sis’s ages, etc). ................

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